One of our supporters propagates our message through his blog site on You can access his material by logging on to and on the top of the home page click Members List. On the members list page click the letter “S” and in that list you will find “Seattle Traditionalist,” the name our supporter prefers to use publicly. Click “Find” next to his name.
He has presented a podcast, video cast, and essay of our message, which cumulatively have already drawn close to 2,500 views. A percentage of viewers will visit our website, a percentage will subscribe, a percentage will order our information materials, and a certain percentage will become supporters. The more views that his efforts generate, the greater the likelihood that we will receive one of the responses just mentioned.
Seattle Traditionalist has only recently become aware of our message and is still familiarizing himself with it, but he has grasped the fundamental principle and does an excellent job of fielding responses to his postings.
Like Seattle Traditionalist, we all have time, talents, and treasure that we can utilize in promoting and supporting Men’s Action and its message. How we do this varies with the nature of our abilities, but we can all make a contribution in some way. Our collective efforts will create the following necessary to implement change.