A few days ago my youngest son asked me when the Republican Party became the party of war and the Democrat Party became the party of peace.

I could see the reason for his question; democrat presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Johnson got us into Word War II, Korea, and Vietnam respectively. The democrats were known as the party of international involvement and fiscal irresponsibility. However, republican Reagan escalated the Cold War and outspent his predecessor by a wide margin; Bush Sr. got us into Iraq the first time and Bush Jr. with republican control of both houses set a record for deficit spending and the length of a “peacetime” military conflict. The party affiliation of the President does not have an effect on the conduct of international and fiscal policy, and therefore it should not have come as any surprise that President Obama last night chose to continue the same international posture and fiscal irresponsibility as his predecessors when he announced further military escalation in Afghanistan.

America has been on a wartime economy for more than 70 years and during that time the national debt as apportioned per person has grown exponentially as have the laws that undermine the freedom of the people. For all practical purposes we have become a police state domestically and an instrument for a one-world government internationally.

The feminine materialistic nature of Western thought lends its actions to an aristocratic posture based on financial power. Whether manifest destiny, colonialism, apartheid, slavery, or segregation, the impetus of Western governmental action always imposes its will upon others through material control of their environment.

The mystics say “as above so below and as within so without,” and this same aristocratic control has now manifested within Western society. An aristocracy of power created by international wealth now controls Western governments. It makes no difference which party ascends to power; the end result of their governance will not change. Whether in the United Kingdom, the European mainland, or the United States there has been a steady march towards one-world socialistic government based on repressive laws that control the people.

In the United States we have a president who after one year since his election has yet to deliver on any of his campaign promises. He can’t. He’s not his own man; he’s a little wind-up doll with marching orders programmed by a controlling financial aristocracy.

Control by an international financial aristocracy is the natural outgrowth of a society that does not know its purpose in life, that has no spiritual understanding and looks upon universal existence as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement and the accumulation of material wealth. Such a society will ultimately lead to control of the world’s resources and finances by a few. Such a society will also ultimately implode as a result of its inability to sustain itself morally.

Society will only change when its thinking changes; when it recognizes the spiritual dimension of human existence and the earthly obligation to propagate and preserve the species; when it understands the principle of gender and the patriarchal structure that provides support for family.

Society will change when men realize their obligation to provide the environment and the means for women to bring forth life and nurture it as humankind proceeds on its path of spiritual unfoldment.

President Obama and the Western world continue on its programmed voyage to a one-world financial aristocracy. You don’t have to make the trip with them. You can get off the ship now and start living your life differently. Why wait until the ship sinks and lifeboats are few and unstable? Chart a new course for yourself now.


The mission statement of Men’s Action calls for fostering a more natural way of life for humankind. This statement consists of four objectives, and probably the least known is Objective IV, which reads, “Foster respect for the environment and a lifestyle that results in health and well-being.” The strategies for attaining this objective follow: Promote a toxic free environment, Support organic farming, Promote vegetarianism, and Promote holistic health. Some—if not most—readers will question what this objective has to do with gender, patriarchy, family, or societal issues. This objective and the strategies necessary to attain it have a fundamental relationship to and form an intrinsic part of the lifestyle necessary to sustain the race while on its journey of spiritual growth.

The first strategy calls for promoting a toxic free environment. Toxic describes every facet of the Western world. The pollution of the air, water, food, and thinking has created toxic conditions in every form of life on the planet. Pesticide and herbicide residue can be found in the glands of all mammals and especially man. Respiratory ailments have risen appreciably as have chronic diseases, all of which are symptoms of toxemia caused by pollution of one sort or another. The pollution of the environment at ever-increasing rates and in a variety of ways has cause an increased incidence of old diseases and the development of new diseases.

Men now develop prostate issues in their 30’s, and heart conditions in their 40’s; diseases once identified with old age. Alzheimer’s disease has begun to affect people as young as 60 years of age. Female disorders such as breast and cervical cancer, thyroid malfunction, yeast infections, and depression now approach epidemic proportions. Hearing disorders among young adults have increased exponentially as a result of the noise pollution caused by the use of various electronic sound transmitters. Increasing numbers of children have diabetes. All of these ailments are manifestations of toxicity caused by mass pollution of the environment. Promoting a toxic free environment will serve as a step to a more healthful society.

The second strategy calls for supporting organic farming, which to some degree represents an extension of the first strategy. Organic farms do not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides that pollute the land and rivers. They also grow food with a high nutritional content and energy levels relatively free of unnatural impurities. One reason for the advanced age of people now in their 70’s to 90’s stems from the fact that all the food eaten in their formative years was organic and pollution free. Those who have diabetes in their teens, respiratory ailments in their 20’s, prostate issues in their 30’s, and heart conditions in their 40’s will not see advanced age. We are rapidly developing into a society in which parents outlive their children. Organically grown foods would cut down on the toxicity in people’s bodies and contribute to a more healthful life.

The third strategy calls for promoting vegetarianism. Close to 10 million Americans adhere to a vegetarian diet. No longer considered a fad, vegetarianism has a growing following in America and in some European countries. Many reasons account for this trend including improved health, higher nutritional yield per acre of farming, less pollution, and compassion for animals. There is another advantage to not eating animal products. Most meat and poultry comes from animals raised in extremely confining and unsanitary conditions that cause nervousness, anxiety, and suffering. Humans ingest the negative vibrations that dwell within these animals when they eat their flesh.

It is not necessary to be a vegetarian to function in a positive manner but it is a goal towards which we are evolving. As a person rids himself of various toxins such as caffeine, smoking, and alcohol he feels better and acts better. He has no desire to return to his former habits and their debilitating effects. So it is with the removal of every negative sheath of behavior as we advance through life. There is nothing to argue about. When you are ready for the next step take it, until then live in accordance with your values, but be open to change.

The last strategy calls for the promotion of holistic health, a term that has various connotations and interpretations in our society. Some prefer the term alternative healing. Whatever the term or definition, humankind has taken care of itself and survived in good health long before the arrival of Western thought and the AMA. It did so with methods of healing that used the energy of the universe along with various poultices and herbal ministrations. Western medicine’s materialistic orientation can only deal with effects. It does not realize that behind every effect there is a cause and if that cause is removed the effect will disappear as well. The major cause of our illnesses comes from not adhering to the first three strategies of Objective IV of our mission statement. The fourth strategy deals with the malfunction that occurs in the human body from time to time.

Please note that the four strategies are not “new age” concepts, but practices prophets and spiritual leaders have promoted since antiquity. In the book of Genesis we are told that the fruit of the bush that bears seed, and the fruit of the tree that bears seed were made for man to eat. That’s vegetarianism. Jesus healed the sick and taught his disciples to do likewise. That’s holistic healing. Jeremiah made clear that God provided all that we need and Paul informed us that there is no single thing that we have not received. We cannot improve upon what God has made. That’s a basis for a toxic free environment and organic farming.

God created a perfect universe. Our challenge is not to improve upon what God has created but to learn how to live within that creation. Doing so is living naturally. That’s the mission statement of Men’s Action: foster a natural way of life for humankind.

I have written frequently that the purpose of the masculine gender is to provide the environment and means for the feminine gender to bring forth life and nurture it. Objective IV serves as one of the steps in attaining that goal.

In order to change society we must first change the way we think as individuals. The way we live expresses our thoughts and motivates others to change. We must be examples of our beliefs as best we can, and by doing so we will be on our way to changing this materialistic society into one that is in harmony with the universe.


I have repeatedly stated that the purpose of the masculine gender is to provide the environment and means for the feminine gender to bring forth life and nurture it. Western society rarely uses the term nurture. Instead, it uses the term care and refers to those in need of it as children, aged, indigent, homeless, poor, under-privileged, hungry, uneducated, sick, infirm, orphaned, handicapped, and jobless.

The “care” expressed for others in Western society focuses on the need to sustain them physically. Requests for care for the needy can be heard in the rhetoric of those in the pulpit, in politics, and in various humanitarian and community organizations. The solution recommended by all of them requires contact with the appropriate institution that has the facilities and structure to provide for the specific needs of those requiring help.

The institution-oriented nature of Western thought has made the institutionalized care of humans a cultural export. Day care centers, orphanages, old age homes, mental asylums, homes for unwed mothers, and homeless centers are all of Western origin.

The institutions that have the most complete range of services including provisions for food, shelter, recreational facilities, medical care, vocational opportunities, and educational facilities are prisons; however, prisoners do not seem to be particularly happy. On the other hand, people on the outside of the prisons do not seem to be happy either. Depression is running rampant for people inside the cages and outside of them. Could the reason be that the institutionalized care of people is inhuman and unnatural? Could it be that institutionalization—which is a prison mentality—does not make for happy people?

The gross materialism of Western thought has reduced human needs to material considerations even though the great Master has stated clearly that man does not live by bread alone. Nurturing can only begin when society understands that truism.

What is the difference between walking in the doorway of your home or the entrance to a prison cell? The prison might have more material facilities than the home. Is it freedom? Then what is the difference between walking into your home or your barracks on the army post or your cabin aboard a naval vessel? Army posts and naval vessels offer all sorts of amenities free or at low cost that are not normally found in the home or in small communities. Prisons, army posts, naval vessels, universities, and institutions provide for material needs and desires, sometimes better than the home does, but still we all yearn to be in the home. What draws a person to his or her home?

The home contains special attention transmitted by a loving wife and dedicated mother to all within her jurisdiction. She transmutes spiritual love into physical expression. She infuses all her actions and activities with unconditional love. When she cooks she adds an ingredient to all her food not found in stores; it’s called love. When she prepares a meal she envisions the effect it will have upon those whom she loves. When she does the laundry she adds love to every fold. When she makes the beds she tucks the sheets with love. This special attention is called nurturing.

Women who dedicate their lives to nurturing tend to be very happy, and free of severe emotional issues. They exude love and in turn they are filled with divine love. They create a loving aura in their homes that draws members of the family to it. The warm and caring environment of the home affects all who reside there and helps them to live a more relaxed, productive, and caring life.

The nurturing woman needs a safe and secure environment in which to function; mother’s milk can only flow freely when she is safe and secure. Family provides a secure environment.

Unfortunately mother no longer has a safe and secure environment in which to function. Government has eliminated the authority of the natural provider of a safe environment—man. Women now are “independent” and on their own. They can work, vote, own property and provide for themselves. The children whom they once nurtured have been turned over to the state for “care,” not nurturing. Her children live in an institutionalized environment for most of their childhood and are conditioned for further institutionalization upon adulthood.

These conditions make for unhappy women with the result that their primary health condition is debilitating depression. The children raised in institutionalized care aren’t doing well either. America now has the most violent boys in the world, which makes them prime candidates for penal institutions, where close to three million men now live. Three million girls now suffer from depression and close to one million grade school boys take Ritalin on a prescribed basis. The World Health Organization announced that the number one health issue of England, the United States and Canada is mental illness. The institutionalized non-nurtured world of Western society isn’t functioning very well.

There is only one species of human life designed for nurturing; it’s called woman.

The only natural institution for a woman to live in is called family. Men make families. Men with authority commensurate with their responsibilities make families. Male authority derives from the natural patriarchal structure of the universe. No patriarchy—no real men. No real men—no families. No families—no nurturing.

If we want to change the conditions of our society we must change the thinking that caused them. To treat the differences in gender as similars is an aberration of nature that inhibits both genders from functioning as they were designed to do. Men must take the initiative and rebuild society along patriarchal lines. Any structure other than patriarchy ultimately results in strong governments that institutionalize the care of people, which dehumanizes them and enslaves them.

Are you ready to take the steps that will provide the environment necessary for women to nurture the race? If so, then let me hear from you.


The following link will bring you to a copy of an Equal Justice Foundation newsletter, which describes a decade long and still continuing saga of Dr. Emerson’s treatment by the administrators of the American family court system.


I don’t know anything about Dr. Emerson other that what is written here, and I imagine he has his share of shortcomings that caused him to end up in this untenable position for an extended period; he has his karma to work out as we all do. However, regardless of Dr. Emerson’s ability, inadequacies, and temperament, what is significant is the unrelenting, dispassionate, uncaring, and dehumanizing conduct of those who enforce the onerous laws in the American family court system. From what I hear from others similar laws exist throughout the Western world.

As you read through this saga perhaps you will realize that suppressive government is already well entrenched at the local, state, and national levels. All that is necessary for it to grow is for men to continue to do nothing.

Doing something is not working within the system that created these family suppressive laws, but working outside of the system away from its influence.

Men’s Action offers an alternative way of life. Please read our mission statement, invest in the information materials that we offer and start making efforts to reestablish a more natural way of life for humankind.


Everybody knows something but nobody knows every thing. The purpose of earthly existence is to learn and grow. To assist in this process prophets serve as teachers to help replace ignorance with knowledge Enlightened masters travel about his world teaching and training but not judging. They emit love as they go about providing enlightenment. The scriptures instruct us to not judge so that we in turn will not be judged. People don’t like to be reminded of what they are doing wrong, they respond more favorably when they are instructed in how to do right. We are all in the big classroom of life and learning at our own pace; however, when there is a collective ignorance that becomes empowered and then imposes its will upon others then ignorance becomes evil.

Collective Western thought has resulted in empowered ignorance. It does not understand the purpose of gender differences or the concept of patriarchy, and it is imposing this ignorance upon the people, resulting in the mutation of the race. This empowered ignorance is evil; a very deep evil. I have become more aware of the magnitude of this evil the past couple of weeks as a result of two activities. The first has to do with the correspondence I receive from those who have chosen to use the legal system to redress gender issues in family court. Whether in California, Colorado, or New Zealand the relationship between men and women is worsening dramatically. The adversarial positions are deepening. Men and women look upon each other as the enemy. The natural relationship of gender consists of working together towards a common goal. Never before in history has there been such a corruption in gender relationships. Empowered ignorance perpetuates these conditions.

The second activity that has honed my awareness of this evil is the video series I am making titled The Natural Woman in which I show the effects of the body, mind and psyche of women of Western thought and its environment. We are already up to part 4 of the series and I ask that you all view these videos. Women’s bodies are mutating—they are getting broader at the shoulders, narrower in the hips, their breasts are getting smaller and they bodies are becoming hardened. This is an unnatural design and not one conducive to bearing and raising children. It has come about by the gross ignorance of Western thought, which empowered is creating a great evil upon the race.

These physical mutations are but surface manifestation of the mutation of the female body. The common age at which menarche (a woman’s first period) occurs is when a human female is about 12 years old. Among women gymnasts the age more commonly occurs at 14 and 15 and sometimes as late as 17. A woman’s body begins producing estrogen at menarche in order to provide for the various changes that are bringing her into womanhood and preparing the body for pregnancy. The bodies of these teenage athletes are not developing properly and they are more prone to suffer from osteoporosis at a younger age. This condition exists among figure skaters as well. Did you ever see a gymnast, figure skater, or swimmer with big teats? Why not? Their bodies have mutated; they have been inhibited from developing along natural lines. Instead of big teats they all have broad shoulders. Have you ever noticed the common wearing of bandages and supports by young female gymnasts? Their bodies are being stressed to the breaking point.

Of course these conditions do not disturb the Western mind, which supports genetic engineering. If Western thought believes it can design a better apple than God did then designing a better female body than God did is not that big a leap. The gross ignorance of this materialistic thinking has produced an evil of such magnitude that it has not yet registered on the collective consciousness of the populace.

These physical mutations occurring in the female body accompany mental mutations as well. Since they have bodies no longer compatible with nurturing they are less inclined to nurture. They dump their children into pre-school programs when they are still in diapers. They not only have no remorse about not nurturing their children, they brag about how early they placed their children in these programs. The state has taken over the “care” of children (it can never nurture them) while their mothers get hooked up to the treadmill of production under the guise of self-development.

Poorly nurtured children also mutate. America now has the most violent boys in the world. Three million girls now suffer from depression. Ten million women suffer from debilitating depression. The race is mutating and going mad.

I believe that it was to address this collective ignorance and the evil it produced that enlightened personages chastised the people. Jesus said of John the Baptist “There has never appeared anyone greater than he.” Yet John called the people hypocrites and snakes. Why these words of judgment from a man who belonged to the mystical and peaceful order of Essenes that foretold of the coming of the Master? Why did the loving God have Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah wander about Israel chastising the people for their unnatural behavior? I think it was to wake the people up from their empowered ignorance and to show them the evil that it created. The Koran also speaks of the evil of empowered ignorance. It states, “God’s curse is on the wrongdoers, those who debar others from the path of God and seek to make it crooked.” Paul said, “The greatest sinner of all is he who makes another sin.”

The most ignorant act of Western thought occurred when Western man willing turned over to the State his natural authority and responsibility for the well-being of women and children. When historians, anthropologists, and archaeologists review Western society they will be astounded at the depth of such ignorance. Once Western man turned over to government his God given authority and responsibility he created in the government a great evil that destroyed the family, eliminated liberty and mutated the race.

Can a man who reads this essay and understands it sit back and do nothing? Can he live in the middle of the mutation of the species and ignore it? I hope not. The making of change will require a change in thinking. Men must be reborn into a more spiritual and less material way of thinking. I hope that you are one that can no longer sit by and watch the mutation and deterioration of the species. You know where we are. The rest is up to you.

At the bottom of this essay there is a link, which I ask that you look at. It is an essay titled Should Women Play Sports. It was written from the Christian perspective, but I feel the reasoning in it is valid in any religion. Take a good look at the expressions of the women as they compete with one another. Do you think they can naturally nurture the race?



P.S. Don’t for get to review the videos The Natural Woman on our website. E.G.

I have launched an extensive video series aimed at the mental, physical, and spiritual health of the modern Western woman entitled The Natural Woman. As explained in my essay Newsweek – There Are No Sex Differences, Western society is mutating. Men’s Rights Organizations and conservatives have devoted their efforts to attacking women and defending the system whereas efforts need to be spent on protecting women and attacking the system that has caused the emasculation of men and the resultant mental, physical, and spiritual dysfunction of women.

The pollution of the air, water, food, and thinking causes these mutations along with the unnatural lifestyle these pollutants cause us to live.

The series will touch on the issues affecting women, but many of these same issues affect men as well, such as the Western penchant for strenuous exercise.

I have asked my good friend Dr. Phil Valentine author of the book The Wounded Womb if he would write a few articles to support these videos. He made no commitment for the future but he did send me an article that is posted under Member Editorial and which addresses effects of the Western obsession for strenuous exercise. The article is titled Exercise – Exertion – Excitement, (Exhaustion by any other name). I recommend this article to both men and women.

The mission statement of Men’s Action calls for fostering a more natural way of life for humankind. Strenuous exercise, unnatural dietary practices, and a highly stimulated social environment do not constitute a natural way of life. Dr. Valentine’s article gives us the opportunity to address that neglected segment of our mission statement.

I ask that you continually promote our website to all whom you come in contact with. Each new subscriber acts as another vehicle through which our message can be expressed.


The September 14, 2009 issue of Newsweek contains an article by its Science Editor Sharon Begley titled, Pink Brain, Blue Brain—Claims of sex differences fall apart, which she bases on the information contained in a book written by Lise Elliot titled, Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps—And What We can Do About it. The troublesome gap according to the article is believing that there are differences between men and women. You heard right. These two women want to assure us that sex differences are socialized and that there really isn’t any difference between those who have penises and those who have wombs.

How does one respond to such a preposterous assertion?

To respond to it gives it credence. Her article did not contain one conceptual viewpoint. That alone would indicate the difference between male and female thinking. Instead of conceptual thought the book relied on 46 pages of bibliography and apparently a mountain of empirical data. I’m not going into a challenge of the article, but I’m confident that one day when historians review the collapse of Western society they will consider it to be a natural consequence of a people who did not know the difference between those who have testis and those who have teats.

I will, however, address two areas of activity related to that article. Firstly, two well-educated scientifically oriented women in a major international news magazine bring us this supposedly enlightening news, not some radical feminist writer published in an avant-garde publication. Do you think that the publishers and moneyed interests that control Newsweek really believe that gender differences are socialized? This article reminds me of the one written by Jodie T. Allen that appeared in the June 23, 2003 edition of U.S. News & World Report titled Are Men Obsolete? Do you think that Mort Zuckerman, the powerful billionaire and owner of U.S. News, and the owners of Newsweek, Time, et al, really doesn’t know the difference between men and women? If so, why do all the major media carry advertisements drenched with sexual motivation?

Ads directed at women appeal to the “ME” aspect of their personalities. By going to a certain store or subscribing to a specific service a woman will become more fulfilled, desirable, and important. In the case of men the sex in advertising is more blatant; the promise of sexual fulfillment sells automobiles, cell phones, and nutritional supplements. If those who control the media believe in a genderless society how come they spend so much money to motivate the sexes?

It’s done for financial gain and societal control. The suppression of male authority and feminine nurturing has led to the dissolution of the family and the control of society by the government. Those that support the government and control it, reap fat profits from sexual exploitation through advertising.

The second area of activity that I will address deals with the mutation of the race. We learned recently that the South African woman runner of recent acclaim is really a hermaphrodite. While hermaphrodites have existed since the beginning of time the mass and self-imposed mutation of the human species is a recent phenomena—if it weren’t recent we wouldn’t be here. The toxic air, water and food that we ingest accounts for a large part of the mutations developing in the race; however, the genderless philosophy and the resultant activities that it encourages lead to mutations of the body, mind, and psyche.

Women are getting broader shoulders, narrower hips, smaller busts, and more sinuous flesh. This is contrary to the way they have been designed, which was to have wider hips than shoulders, large busts, and soft flesh in order to bring forth life and nurture the race. These mutations are affecting women’s ability and desire to propagate the species. Since these mutations are not natural the response on women has been an incidence of depression and female disorders that is beyond epidemic proportions.

What then are the women to do? What can they do? They are responsive, adaptable, accommodating and passive. The ethical standards that men established for their well-being have been removed and the family structure necessary to their secure functioning has been destroyed. Women are responding to the media and the government, there is nothing else for them to respond to—men have been emasculated.

In order to better the lot of women their environment must be changed and only men can do it; however, the majority of men have been neutered. This leaves women and society in a quandary. What women can do is pray that the divine power will motivate Real Men to rise up and start to assume their responsibilities, obligations, and considerations to the race. The men are going to have to be reborn. They must come to the realization that providing the environment and means for women to nurture the race is their paramount concern.

It is time to stop the whining and take action especially among the Men’s Rights Organizations and conservatives. Its time to change the focus from attacking women and defending the system, to caring for women and attacking the system that created this genderless society.

In keeping with that objective I am launching a video series on youtube titled The Natural Woman, which will discuss the environment conducive for the well-being of women and the negative surroundings into which they have been manipulated and how it affects them.

To successfully bring this message to the public requires your participation. If you have not yet subscribed to our website please do so now. It only takes 30 seconds and can be done by clicking on the subscribe button just under my picture on the home page. Next subscribe to my videos on youtube.com. You can find these videos listed under, mensaction, patriarchy, and Elder George. Spread the word to your friends and acquaintances to watch and subscribe to these videos.

I thank you for your participation and trust you will enjoy the first video.


At a subway station in downtown Manhattan a man handed me a religious tract titled The Long Trip. The small 12-page tract contained a cartoon story illustrating the life experiences of a man named John from birth until death. He gets married, has a couple of kids and becomes deeply enmeshed in the “rat race” of modern life. They pass a man holding up a sign The Good News and his wife says “Hold it John, We need some good news.”

I interrupt the description to point out that the person who recognizes the need for change is not John, the man, husband and father, but the woman, wife, and mother. Getting back to the story in the tract, the man holding the sign explains there is only one way to heaven, and that is the narrow path…and Jesus is that way. The wife and children choose the way but John hesitates. His wife calls to him, “Come on, John.” The children say, “Aren’t you coming daddy?” Daddy says, I’m not ready for this, I’ll think about it.” The story ends with the wife and two children saved and John going to hell.

The religious tract skillfully promoted the modern philosophy extolled by all communications media and advertising—men are buffoons and women know best. Think of how this message resonates with unwed mothers who now comprise 40% of American motherhood and close to 50% of European motherhood. They already believe that children don’t need a masculine presence in the home and this tract adds religious reinforcement to that thinking. I wrote the minister of the church that distributed that tract and suggested a more appropriate title would be The Wrong Trip.

This tract illustrates the results of Western feminine and materialistic thought. The feminine psyche requires direction from outside of itself—that viewpoint is rarely challenged. The point of contention is where that direction should come from, an example being The famous Virginia Slims advertising “You’ve come a long way baby,” which implies that smoking expresses freedom from the domination of husbands and fathers. Female smoking eventually increased the incidence of long cancer in women, which resulted in the starting of a decades-long campaign against the cigarette companies and the establishing of various laws limiting or prohibiting smoking. For the government to ban smoking at a cost of billions of dollars is called freedom but for husbands—at no charge—to prohibit the mothers of their children from smoking is called female suppression. Tragically this viewpoint has received public acceptance.

European thought will always look outside of itself for solutions to its problems; therefore, it will always create institutions to deal with them. It gives these institutions complete power and eventually becomes enslaved by the very institutions that it created. Western thought has created all forms of government and all of them result in the enslavement of people.

In the natural patriarchal order the female attempts to mate with the strongest, most courageous, and devoted male who will provide the secure environment that will enable her to bring forth life and nurture it. The duty of the male—its paramount purpose—is to provide that environment and the means for the nurturing of the race. Western thought has turned that function over to the state with the result being disempowerment of the male, destruction of the family, loss of protection for women, and neglect of children. I have addressed these issues in other essays, and will maintain the focus of this essay on the spiritual basis of patriarchy and the Western penchant for creating institutions—including religious institutions—that destroy the family and enslave the masses.

The Biblical allegory of Eve being born of Adam’s rib illustrates that all things and all movement come from the masculine principle, there is no place else for anything to come from. Also, have you ever wondered why the serpent spoke only to Eve? She represented the receptive feminine entity. With the protective influence of Adam not present the serpent said, “Eve baby, I have a deal for you,” and seduced her.

Many centuries later when the Magi saw a sign in the heavens that a master was coming, they got on their camels and rode to Judea where they inquired as to who was born about that time. When Herod heard about this he had all the male children that had been born in the two-year period up to the time of the arrival of the Magi killed. There was no doubt in Herod’s mind that the Master would be a man, and he knew as the serpent did, that without the opposition of the male he could do as he pleased.

Revelations contains the story of a woman pregnant with a male child and Satan in the form of a dragon waiting to devour it. The dragon knew that with the male child and its seed out of the way, there could be nothing to oppose him. Upon its birth the male child is snapped up and brought to heaven while its mother takes refuge in the wilderness as the fight between good and evil commences. The issue between good and evil or any other aspect of control entails the necessity of isolating the masculine influence and neutering it. There is no other assertive influence in the physical universe.

Paul states “The man is not of the woman but the woman of the man.” This truism is also contained in the Koran, which states “He created you from a single being, then from that single being He created its mate.” Both of these statements are in accord with recent scientific findings that only the male contains the Y chromosome, therefore the male cannot come from the female. The motivating force of the physical universe can only come from itself, there is no place else to come from.

From the first book of the Bible to the last book and many places in between we find examples of the principle of gender and the patriarchal structure. What accounts for the clergy not understanding this truth?

The clergy, like their non-clerical brothers, confine themselves to feminine materialistic thought, which looks outside of itself instead of inside of itself, contrary to Jesus’ teachings. He said, “My kingdom is not of the world.” He further stated, “The kingdom of God is not in one place or another, the kingdom of God is within.” Those statements were not understood 2,000 years ago nor do they receive better understanding today.

To the 99% of the readers of this article who are of European ancestry please recognize that your personal, family, vocational, professional, and societal lives will not reach contentment until there is a realization of the inner being. It is this inner being that controls the outer world. To expect the outer world to make the inner being content is to court disaster.

Western thought by continually seeking to improve its lot by changing the outer world creates institutions that enslave it. The elder President Bush actively promotes the New World Order as an international government of law. Laws enslave people. The more people are in tune with the spirit the fewer laws they need. Jesus did not add laws. He gave the great universal law—love thy neighbor as thyself.

Through spiritual understanding people come to the realization that they have responsibilities, obligations, and considerations to give to human kind. The more these traits are practiced the fewer laws are required.

Getting back to the tract that opened this essay, by debasing and neutering the authority of the male the woman and children had to go to another authority for their survival—the church. By debasing and neutering the authority of the male society has to go to another authority for its survival—the government. Government and church are the two institutions Western man has had to wrestle with since the beginning of European society 2,500 years ago. They are institutions of his creation to which he continually gives unlimited authority through law and then finds himself fighting to free himself of their clutches.

By realizing the power within—by being reborn—man will no longer put his dependency on institutions. Instead he will realize the spiritual power within that enables him to control the world without. He will realize that it is spirit that controls the material world and not the reverse. He will come to the realization of his manly responsibility to provide the environment and the means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. The structure that enables him to do that is called patriarchy; it is based on love and understanding and does not require law for its functioning.


Have you wondered what causes great success at the movie box office? What influences a disproportionate share of the public to spend their money on ever increasing ticket prices to see a movie? We tend to feel that advertising and promotion motivate the public to go and see the movie, and these venues do have an effect on theater attendance but they are not the major influence.

The major influence is not even what the public perceives to be a “good” movie, although it is the second most important factor. The major influence is communicating their satisfaction to others. If they like the move they tell their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and associates. High movie attendance, like the successful sale of any product is a function of word-of-mouth communication. People want to share a good thing. They spread the word.

As a reader and possible subscriber to this website I trust that you feel that we have a “good” product. I ask that you spread the word by sharing your satisfaction with others. If others like our website they might decide to subscribe to it, to invest in my book and information materials, and to become active in some way. I also ask that you review my videos on youtube, which can be found under the heading mensaction or patriarchy.

I will begin an extensive youtube video series beginning this week. If you subscribe on youtube you will receive these videos automatically.

Our internet presence has grown significantly and the number of subscribers to our website continues a slow but steady growth. Now is the time to increase our presence on youtube.com. You can be the major force in our expansion by subscribing to our videos through youtube and motivating others to do so.

I thought you would also be interested to learn that the manuscript for my second book A Gender Handbook for Western Man will be completed in two months.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have a Happy Labor Day weekend.


The passing of Ted Kennedy will elicit commentary from all the media regardless of their political persuasion for he lived in the public eye in many ways and for a long time. I am offering here my views as well.

As a human being he is my brother and whatever shortcomings he may have had they represented the karma that he had to work out on his journey of spiritual unfoldment. All men and women have their imperfections yet receive God’s love. They are worthy of the love of their fellow man as well. No one wants to be remembered for his failings. I wish Ted Kennedy well wherever he is.

Having said that, I feel that a person of prominence in society needs to be held to a higher standard than the ordinary citizen. He is remembered not as a person but for the position of prominence he held. During World War II General Eisenhower had an affair with his secretary when he was stationed in England as the head of the European Theater of Operations. He decided he would divorce Mamie and marry his secretary. When he told General Marshal of his plans his response was, “You’re a general; generals don’t get divorced.” That was the end of the matter. Ike and Mamie stayed married until death did them part. Positions of prominence had standards of conduct and living that accompanied them.

Senator Kennedy had more than a position of prominence; he was an elected official. People who run for office ask to be judged; it’s the basis of their being elected. Some will say that elected officials should be judged on the issues and not on personal matters. Issues focus on material accomplishment in one way or another whereas personal matters reflect character and morals derived from ethics.

Material considerations have come to matter most in our country. Richard L. Block, the last Chairman of Inland Steel Corp stated in a magazine article that corporations over-emphasize the importance of personal integrity in the hiring of executives. He indicated that companies can be insured to cover embezzlement but they can’t get insurance on incompetence. I guess the boys at Enron took Block’s message to heart. Inland Steel isn’t around anymore either. Nevertheless, the post World War II thinking of focusing on material accomplishment in lieu of moral behavior took root and flourished. The Kennedys—and Ted Kennedy in particular—personified this thinking.

Harvard University expelled Ted Kennedy for cheating on an exam. He had a friend take a test in Spanish in his name. Harvard later reinstated Ted probably in part because of the power represented by the immense wealth of Joe Kennedy. When each of his children reached adulthood they were given an annual “allowance” of 10 million dollars; even for rich people that was a lot of money 50 years ago

Aside from the blemish on his record caused by being caught cheating, and the negative comparisons to his over-achieving brothers, Ted Kennedy was an active collegian participating in sports and in various extra curricular matters. He played a big part in the campaign to get his brother John elected president and was a worthy campaigner and won handily when he ran for the Senate. However, matters of morals and ethics would plague him all of his life.

The Mary Jo Kopechne tragedy resulted in a suspension of his driver’s license. If that incident had happened to the average person there would have been a jury trail. Again the Kennedy fortune came to the rescue and quashed any legal activity against him in addition to making a multi-million dollar settlement with Mary Jo’s parents.

Frequently such incidents can awaken in a man the realization of the error of his ways and cause him to start life anew. This did not happen to Ted Kennedy, whose womanizing continued unabated and whose drinking bordered on alcoholism.

His sexual conduct represented the norm of the Kennedys. President Jack had two women on the government payroll whose primary purpose was to satisfy his sexual desires. He shocked Prime Minister Macmillan of England at a meeting by saying “Unless I get it every day I get a headache.” It was no secret that President Jack and his brother Robert both had trysts with Marilyn Monroe.

Marital fidelity did not exist in the Kennedy compound. Nor did ethics. The Kennedys represented a new era in American thought; it focused on materiality and self-indulgence. It symbolized a disregard for convention, tradition, and the social mores necessary to maintain the moral standards of society.

The Kennedy power and influence set the stage for Great Society Legislation, which Ted Kennedy strongly supported. The sum total of the effects of the legislation of the past 50 years has been a worsening in the conditions that it was designed to improve.

I will briefly address two pieces of such legislation. The first, called Civil Rights Legislation was ostensibly designed to give African-Americans an equal playing field in the attainment of the rewards of the American way of life. By including women’s rights in this legislation it served as a means of emasculating the male and increasing government power.

After 400 years of slavery and segregation the unwed motherhood rate of African-Americans reached 25%, a remarkably low figure and a testament to the inherent extended family culture in their society. After only 40 years of Great Society legislation the rate of unwed motherhood reached 70% and in some pockets such as Harlem it reached 90%. Harlem serves as an example of the de facto matriarchy that results from the emasculation of the male. Nothing happens in Harlem without government intervention either overtly or covertly; a condition that cannot be considered progress for the African-American.

The second piece of legislation, known as Title IX calls for equal opportunity in education regardless of gender differences. The interpretation of this law considered males and females to be identical, a viewpoint contrary to even a rudimentary understanding of the purpose and function of gender. Boys and girls and men and women were put in the same classrooms and given the same instruction, which resulted in a drop in academic performance, unprecedented sexual activity, and an explosion in the rate of teenage pregnancies and unwed motherhood at all age levels.

Every societal problem that existed at the beginning of the Kennedy era has gotten worse. Every one! The absence of ethics causes degeneracy; it cannot be otherwise.

Ethics comes from men—those men who understand their purpose of propagating and preserving the species on its infinite spiritual journey. There is no other place for ethics to come from. The government, its money, power and laws cannot provide a viable substitute for ethics.

In the 50 years since the beginning of the Kennedy era the Kennedys and their contemporaries have not changed with the exception that they now own more of America. They still live the same materialistic immoral lifestyle. America has changed. Its moral fiber has been destroyed and it now lives the same debaucherous lifestyle popularized by the Kennedys.

This lifestyle has among other things created a national loneliness. Allowing that some men feel the inherent desire to make multiple matings with the herd, the overwhelming reason for womanizing stems from the loneliness caused by an inadequate home life during childhood. Whether in the compound at Hyannisport or in the inner city ghettos, money and power cannot provide the love that all humans require to function properly. Ted Kennedy was a lonely man. He did not know love, nor did his brothers.

The Kennedy era represented lonely men and confused women, which created a national angst that no amount of materialistic manipulation could remedy. The Kennedys did not create this era; they were symptoms of it. They represented the sum total of the collective consciousness of America. The passing of the Kennedy era is the passing of that consciousness.

A new consciousness is developing in America and in the Western world, which will become manifest in the next decade. It will understand that the natural patriarchal structure enables men to provide the environment and means for women to being forth life and nurture it.
