American history, like all history is punctuated with eras signifying personalities, ideas, and practices that define the times. It has had the Reagan era and the Johnson era, the Clipper ship era and the Railroad era. It also had the era of the Horse Soldier, which made possible the conquest of the plains Indians and added to the lore of their famous Chiefs.

America and the entire Western world has moved into the Human Jackass era.

A jackass is usually kept in a barn overnight and in the morning the farmer brings it hay to eat before commencing the day’s work. The farmer provides the on the job training for the jackass, which tends to learn rapidly and becomes a reliable worker, often without use of a tether. If the animal is injured or sick the farmer provides for its healing and when necessary will call upon the services of a veterinary. The jackass normally does not mate unless the farmer brings in a she-ass for that purpose. After mating the farmer decides what to do with the offspring. Life is fairly simple for the jackass; the farmer provides for its every need—as long as it works.

Western man now lives the life of a jackass. He has been stripped of all his natural male authority, which has resulted in the demise of the family and reduced his function to that of doing the work that some higher authority dictates. He receives medical care in a form and degree dictated by the government. The state provides for his education, which in one way or another consists of vocational training. When he does mate the state takes over the care and training of his child.

Western woman, once revered for being a devoted wife and nurturing mother has been stripped of her prestigious position due to the elimination of the family. What is she to do? The government has told her not to worry that she has a right to do the same work as the men, and as verification of this right she will be given diplomas, licenses, and college degrees all of which serve as she-ass certificates that will enable her to do work similar to that of men. She-asses now toil on the treadmill of production as equals to the jackasses.

There are many people who like this beast of burden arrangement. They clamor for universal healthcare so that they will no longer have the responsibility of taking care of their bodies; they clamor for aid to education so that they will not have to prepare for their future; and they clamor for surveillance cameras and security police in an attempt to develop the safe environment once provided by men.

Many she-asses are content to have the state feed, educate, and provide healthcare for their offspring, which gives it the opportunity to indoctrinate them and thus proliferate the number of people who accept the jackass way of living. By the time state-reared children reach adulthood they look upon government as the source of all things and are quite content to become beasts of burden and let the state provide for all their necessities.

The human jackasses, not having families to care for them must rely upon government care when they can no longer pull their loads. Government provides retirement plans of various sorts and social security to help the aged, but eventually the effectiveness of these plans diminishes due to the erosive effect of government created inflation. No longer able to sustain themselves the aged are put in government housing and fed canned and packaged meals that have very little life-force in them. The aged develop reactions to the poor quality of nutrition, which the government treats with medicinal drugs. Eventually these aged bodies can no longer cope with the toxemia of poor diet and pharmaceutical products and they develop “incurable” illnesses attributed to their age. Since families have been eliminated, the government makes the life and death decisions for the aged.

The jackass era has no culture for it was stripped of any traditional practices relating to the propagation and preservation of the species as part of its training for the workplace. Entertainment has become strictly sensation in one form of licentiousness and debauchery or another. These escape mechanisms provide only short-term relief from the boredom and un-natural life of being a jackass or she-ass.

All is not well in the human jackass community. Ten percent of the she-asses in America and 15% of those in Europe suffer from debilitating depression They are slowly learning that the government is not a good substitute man and/or husband. Mental illness has become the number one health issue in the English-speaking world. Some jackasses have begun to chafe in their stalls as they become increasingly dissatisfied with their un-natural environment.

Eventually the more enlightened of the jackasses will look into the mirror and see that they created their environment by buying into the materialism of Western thought. The indwelling spirit causes a realization in each one that life consists of more than the acquisition of things. It awakens him to the higher purpose of spiritual growth and the importance of the propagation and preservation of the species. He comes to the realization that to consider those with testis and those with teats as being the same reflects asinine thinking and it was only natural that he began to live the life of the jackass as a consequence.

Realizing his responsibility for his present situation he becomes aware that he also has the power to alter it by changing his thinking and having the courage to live out those changes.

Some believe a new spiritual era will be ushered in by divine intervention. Such thought—the expectation that some other force will take care of things—is part of the passive feminine thinking that led to the jackass era and the institutionalization of human beings. The universe is designed to operate in a certain manner. What is in harmony with the universe endures, what isn’t doesn’t. The society created by Western thought is an aberration and is imploding. When it collapses the “opportunity” will be there for men of courage and spiritual insight to start rebuilding a more natural society.

Change begins with the individual and societal change requires the cooperation of others. Like-minded men working together will break free of jackass thinking. They will unhook women from the treadmill of production and return them to an environment focused on the family that will permit them to fulfill their natural purpose of bringing life into the world and nurturing it. These few men will be known as the rebuilders and in the words of Isaiah they will rebuild on the old foundations. They will realize that the propagation and preservation of the species is the highest material calling on the journey of spiritual unfoldment and that patriarchy provides the structure that enables the establishment and support of the extended family.

The time is at hand for those men and women of insight and courage to rid themselves of the jackass mentality, get off the treadmill of production, and start living the lives that they were ordained to live.

It is time to spread the word of another way of life, which can be done by sending this essay to newspapers, magazines and various organizations that have an interest in family and personal accountability. You can invest in the various information materials offered by Men’s Action and distribute them to friends, family, and associates. You can subscribe to the Men’s Action website and to its videos on youtube. No one is going to make the change for you. You and like-minded people working together can provide the change that all of humankind is thirsting for. Now is the time to start.


My readers know that I steer clear of politics in my essays and that I do not believe in having women in governmental positions. You might then wonder why I again devote an Essay to Sarah Palin. The first essay appeared on September 24, 2008 under the title Why Sweat Palin, which I recommend that you review when you finish reading this essay.

All aspects of the media have exhibited a frenzy of activity since the announcement that Governor Sarah Palin would not finish her term in office. She has been the butt of jokes by television comedians, news analysts, talk-show hosts, columnists, and bloggers. This essay will address why this woman unheard of by 99% of Americans a year ago, has garnered such national attention, and its relevancy to the issues facing Western society.

I watched the ceremony held in Fairbanks, Alaska on the day that Palin stepped down and a new governor was sworn in. It looked like a small local event, as one would expect to see held for den mothers of a cub-scout troop. It appeared that no more than 35 spectators attended.

The same week that I watched Sarah Palin give her farewell speech I also watched Ambassador Hillary Clinton interviewed on Meet the press. These two events clearly illustrated the stark differences between these two women, what and whom they represent, and more importantly how they are perceived.

Hillary Clinton has advanced degrees from prestigious schools and as the former First Lady, then Senator, and now Secretary of State, has become a fixture in the elite Washington political establishment.

Sarah Palin on the other hand, went to a few small town colleges before graduating with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She is in essence a “country girl” who did modestly well in business and politics in a rural state. As the Vice-presidential candidate she was on the losing end of the last election and she has stepped down from her governorship.

Why then does the media devote so much time and space to her? Why do they debase her at every opportunity? Can she possibly be a threat to the existing power structure? Before answering that question let’s take a look at what constitutes the power structure of the United States.

A moneyed class of eastern educated people made up of Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, and nominal Christians and Jews comprise the ruling aristocracy of the United States. Some of the powerful names in this establishment are the Rockefellers, Kennedys, and Bushes. They visit one another, are friends and have many intimacies between them. These people constitute the eastern establishment and they rule America.

In theory America is built upon a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” which represents the thinking of the Jeffersonian wing of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution; however, in fact we have the Hamiltonian government of “the rich well-born and able.” It is natural that the Hamiltonian practice should prevail for aristocratic structures are intrinsic to Western thought. Everywhere that Western thought has prevailed aristocracies have been established. Apartheid in Africa and segregation in America are two of the more blatant examples of the Western aristocratic nature. The Founding Fathers were aristocrats; they had contempt for Asians and Africans. They owned slaves and indentured servants.

The nature of aristocracies is that they create among themselves more aristocracies in order to become more exclusive. In America we have educational, legal, scientific, and medical aristocracies that answer to the ruling aristocracy of the eastern establishment. The nature of aristocracies is that they think they know what is best for the people outside of the aristocracies. Usually there is no one on the outside represented on the inside, and herein lies the appeal to Palin and the threat to the ruling establishment.

Sarah Palin speaks for simple folk, who believe in family, god, accountability and self-sufficiency. When have you last heard these values addressed politically? In the recent presidential campaigns neither party even mentioned family in their platforms; there wasn’t any mention of God either. Regarding accountability—we live in the era of the victim psyche—everyone is a victim of something and therefore not accountable for their actions. Regarding self-sufficiency, the ruling aristocracy does everything in its power to stifle that quality. It wants people to be on the dole so that they will become completely dependent upon the government.

Sarah Palin reflects the values of not only many Alaskans, but of those who live in the mountain states, and many of the rural areas of America. The Pennsylvania blue-collar worker who looks forward to hunting season; the shrimp boat operator on the Gulf coast; the dairy farmer in New York, and the citrus grower in Florida identify with the Palin message, as do the many middle-class wives and mothers all over America. In an article about Palin in Newsweek Roger Stone the consultant was quoted as saying of Palin, “Like Nixon, 20 percent of the country will be with her forever.” The ruling aristocracy shudders upon hearing those figures.

The concern of the establishment is not that Palin has the potential to be another Nixon or the ability to rally the troops, groom herself for the presidency, or even revitalize the Republicans. The Republicans are not worth revitalizing. As said earlier, they are part of the ruling aristocracy. They controlled the presidency, and both houses of Congress and showed that they could outspend the Democrats and foster the greed, fraud, and general corruption of Wall Street. There is no viable organization that can pose a threat to those in power. The concern of the ruling aristocracy has to do with the potential discontent among the ruled that the tens of millions of people who identify with Palin’s message can create.

The entire Western world from the westernmost part of the Aleutians east to the Caucuses is tightening its grip on the populace and the people have begun to instinctively feel the noose of government control around their necks. This is especially true in the United States where Sarah Palin unknowingly is awakening the people to the encroaching evil. There are those who are against what this administration is doing, but they will not prevail. Being against something is never enough to bring about change. We are witnessing the final stages of the demise of Western society because of its feminine, materialistic, passive, and impotent thinking. Absolute government control is close at hand, and that will be followed by its demise.

Those who survive will one way or another come to the understanding that patriarchy is the natural way of life that will sustain their survival. Men’s Action provides the seeds that will enable the living of that life. You can take advantage of this information now and start living the way you were intended to instead of waiting until you are forced to, and then under very difficult circumstances.

The clock is running out my brothers and sisters, my sons and daughters. It’s time for you to act and get involved and support Men’s Action to Rebuild Society. Don’t wait until the aristocracy has got you in its vise.


The term “empowerment of women” has permeated the media, politics and education of this nation. It is a term that derives from the complete ignorance of gender abilities and relationships. The words power and empower are relativities. A power hitter in baseball gets more extra bases per hit than the average player. A powerful speaker moves people to accept a message more easily than the other speakers. A powerful car has more horsepower than most cars. To empower someone is to give them power relative to others.

To empower women relative to men in manly attributes is an oxymoron. A woman can never be empowered vis-à-vis a man in manly things. Men on the other hand, can be disempowered by castrating them, neutering them, and emasculating them, which has been done by law and their own ignorance. The result has not seen any increase in power of women—they are not hitting a longer ball nor do they have more horsepower—what has happened is that men are no longer permitted to exercise their power and the result has been a complete disempowerment of women.

The way a woman can be empowered vis-à-vis a man is in non-manly areas. When men’s power was unrestricted they built families. They could not do this on their own because only women had the reproductive ability. Therefore, women were sought after and they became empowered because they could do something the men couldn’t; they could bring life into the world and nurture it. This is what Professor Steven Goldberg author of Why Men Rule, called a “win-win” situation for women. No man can compete with being a good wife and mother. Being a good wife and mother was empowerment not at the expense of men but as a result of the power of men.

This female empowerment leveled up the entire race, because men set standards and women did their best to show that they lived according to those standards. Men married “the mother’s of their children” and were very careful as to whom they would select for that responsibility. Women were treated with dignity. A myriad of courtesies were extended to women such as opening the door for them, allowing them to go first, and having them walk on the sheltered side of the sidewalk. They were protected by their fathers, brothers, and husbands. They were not treated as similars because real men knew that women were receptive and responsive and therefore vulnerable and required protection.

In the current era of the emasculated male women have become completely disempowered. They have been reduced to work units. They have become automaton workers and programmed consumers. All the natural protection given to them by men has been removed and their moral conduct has degenerated. Their natural attributes of compassion and consideration have been suppressed and been replaced by a cultivation of aggressive behavior. They have been recruited into police departments to learn how to shoot people and they have been recruited in the military to learn how to kill people. The nurturers of the race are being taught to become the destroyers of the race. They are being motivated to become single mothers, dump their children while still in diapers into state run child care centers while they get on the treadmill of production. They see their children end up in street gangs, on drugs, in prison, and shot dead in the streets.

The result of this aberration of human behavior is that women are breaking down. The number one debilitating illness of Western women is depression. They have become so “liberated” that they are going out of their minds, and at an ever-increasing rate. Having the government act as their husband is not working in their best interests. Only men can empower women. REAL MEN who know their responsibility to the family, tribe, and human race empower women.

In order for men to fulfill heir responsibilities, which will result in the empowerment of women, they must understand the principle of gender and the patriarchal structure necessary to maintain the family. They must also have the courage to regain the authority necessary to fulfill their responsibilities.


To all hands,

On this pleasant and sunny July 4th morning I sat at my desk and reflected on the evolvement of Men’s Action since its inception and the progress that has been made.

Many men’s rights organizations (MRO) were formed before and after I wrote my book, and while I have never referred to our activities as part of the MRO movement; nevertheless, we do share a commonality of interest. Members of these various organizations recognized the malfunctioning of society especially as it encroached upon the activities, responsibilities, and domain of men. Men felt they had lost their rights and ultimately formed organizations that would become known as MRO’s.

In reviewing a list of MRO’s I noticed that most of them have become defunct, and those few that still exist have become dormant or ineffective. In speaking to a man recently who has been active with five different MRO’s for more than 20 years I indicated to him that in all that time he had not created an active following and that he had little to show for his efforts. He felt that he could say the same about me, which I thought was a fair response. It acted as part of the catalyst that caused my reflections this morning. Even some of my supporters have questioned if Men’s Action is little more than Elder George hammering out occasional essays and posting them on the Men’s Action website. Those questions, concerns, and doubts motivated me to write this response this morning.

Some of the activities that I engaged in since the writing of my book 17 years ago were: the hosting of a weekly public access TV series in Manhattan for nine years; writing as a paid weekly columnist for seven ethnic newspapers; lecturing to a few universities, community organizations and religious institutions; and being interviewed on the international internet for two hours. I know that I reached hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and influenced many of them.

In addition to writing a book, producing various information materials and fliers, developing an advanced website that offer current streaming videos, and producing videos for, I prepared a mission statement and a plan on how to achieve it.
Is there any other MRO, political, or social organization that offers anything close?

However, of more importance than the media presence of Men’s Action is its message. We have a message. No one else does. The message does not contain theories either. The message is that humankind is here to grow spiritually, which is best done by involvement in the propagating and preservation of the species. The structure that enables that objective is called patriarchy and is made possible by an understanding of the principle of gender. Simple isn’t it?

One of the principles of gender is that the unseen affects the seen. The unseen is masculine and the seen is feminine. The society that we see is corrupted, degenerating, and imploding. In order to change it an unseen remedy must be applied. That unseen remedy is my message, or idea, or concept. Only the unseen causes change in society. Men’s Action offers that idea and concept. No other organization does.

The next question that arises is “Why hasn’t any large active following been created for the Men’s Action message?” A valid question that is also gender based. The message has to be promoted and implemented. It requires an assertive influence to impregnate society with the idea. An idea does not just come into being. It requires a hard core of fanatics to sell an idea. The disciples were fanatics. Lenin and Trotsky were fanatics. Walter Reuther and the early leaders of the labor movement were fanatics. A hard core of fanatics has to “break the ice” and introduce and propagate an idea.

It could be said that I am not exhibiting enough fanaticism. Possibly. But creators of ideas are usually not the ones who get them implemented. Lenin and Trotsky were little boys when Karl Marx died. Jesus had already left when Paul started spreading the word. I’m looking for men of courage who will pick up my message and run with it. My efforts will be to train and motivate them and supply them with what they need. I am working on a second book that will refine the message of gender and patriarchy and serve as a handbook for my supporters and the few fanatics that will arise from their midst..

Some say the word fanatic is too strong, that I should use believer, disciple, supporter, enthusiast or even zealot. Erick Hoffer in his book The True Believer uses fanatic and I think the term is appropriate. To bring about change requires the willingness to give up one’s life for the cause. That’s what fanatics do. The hard core of American Revolutionaries were fanatics.

While this is an “all hands” message I have decided to post it under Men’s Action News. I want the world to know that I am looking for fanatics. I want it to know that true change cannot be brought about passively, that men of courage must stand up and do what is necessary to change their environment.

I leave it to each man to determine if he is ready to become a fanatic. To those who can’t, which constitute the majority, I ask that you contribute in whatever fashion that you can. Donations can now be made on our website through paypal. By making a donation now you will be helping to prepare the foundation that will support the fanatics that will step forward.

I hope that I have answered any doubts or questions that you might have regarding Men’s Action and its message and activities. I feel that the awareness and understanding of our message is spreading and the development of an active group of supporters is close at hand.

Thanks for your support.

Have a happy Independence Day weekend.


The June 29, 2009 issue of Newsweek contained a cover story by Fareed Zakaria titled The Communist Manifesto, which he subtitled Greed is Good (to a point). An excerpt from the article states “What we are experiencing is not a crisis of capitalism, it is a crisis of finance, of democracy, of globalization and ultimately of ethics.” To lump ethics into the same pot as finance, democracy, and globalization indicates that he does not know where ethics come from. Furthermore, for a proponent of “greed is good” to express a concern for a crisis of ethics indicates a lack of understanding of ethics.

A quality that derives from ethics called trust received attention from Burt Ross former mayor of Ft. Lee, NJ. He spoke at the Bernie Madoff sentencing hearing where he pointed out that the major effect of the financial fraud was the destruction of the public “trust.”

On the same weekend that I read Zakaria’s column and saw Burt Ross on a news interview, I also saw on Meet the Press a concern expressed for the “values” of this nation.

These three unseen and conceptual factors: ethics, trust, and values received the attention of the major media within a span of a few days, which indicates the growing concern of the citizenry about non-material matters. Values and trust derive form ethics, a quality not understood by the media, its authors, interviewers, and producers.

That ethics should be brought up in a national news magazine by non-other than Fareed Zakaria, is a travesty. If Fareed writes an article without mentioning GDP it becomes a collectors item; he is so enmeshed in the gross materialistic values of Western thought that he has become blind to the source and meaning of ethics. The making of money as an end in itself can never be ethical because it is an activity based on greed, which is unethical and self-destructive.

Men who devote themselves to the propagation and preservation of the species establish ethics. There is no place else for ethics to come from. Western thought—which worships the material world and developed a genderless society—is devoid of ethics. It has no sense of right and wrong. It attempts to make up for its ignorance of matters spiritual by developing laws for its societal conduct. Legal and illegal have replaced right and wrong leaving society without any meaning on which to base its behavioral conduct. Solomon said a nation without vision shall perish; we are that nation and we are perishing.

A report on the internet also this past weekend indicated that a growing proportion of our youth feel that they will not live long. Research has shown that youth who do not believe they will live long are seven times more prone to contact AIDS and other illnesses, use drugs, and become involved in negative issues than youth who have a longer life expectancy. Our youth have no purpose; they are perishing.

The race is perishing. The source of values, leadership and virility has been removed from society. In its place there is a constant barrage of anti family propaganda being promulgated to the public such as Sandra Tsing Loh’s article appearing in The Atlantic describing the end of her marriage. Titled Is It Time to End Marriage? Sandra not only has no inhibition about sharing her infidelity with the whole world, but also challenges the institution of marriage itself.

No society has ever survived the loss of male authority and its virility. One would think that Western man would have learned from the fall of Greece, Rome, Spain, and France, but he remains as ignorant of the cause as ever. He hopes that somehow the law will set things right even though the laws of Draco, Solon, Justinian, Napoleon, and the Constitution have failed to do so. He so desperately wants to find some legal precedent that if adhered to will make things all right again, or that failing, perhaps an aspect of his religion that if properly implemented will change things for the better. There aren’t any laws or institutions that will make things better. Only men can make things betters

Men make families. They also develop the ethics necessary to hold them together. The law is an ineffective substitute for manhood just as money is an ineffective substitute for fatherhood.

It’s time for men to assert themselves, re-establish the family and reinstitute the ethics necessary to maintain it. There are no other options for positive change.


Fathers received attention this week as a result of President Obama’s message appearing in Parade on Father’s Day entitled “We Need Fathers to Step Up.” There was also some media attention given to the letter he wrote to his daughters two days before his inauguration. Whether they were his words or those of his writers they conveyed the impression that he is pro-family and understanding of the responsibilities of fatherhood.

His message might have had more credence if he had not chosen as his vice-president the sponsor of the Violence Against Women Act, the enforcement of which has resulted in the increased incarceration of men, removal of fathers from their children, and the further breakdown of the American family. It might have had more credence if he did not wax eloquent calling it a “wonderful day” at the signing of his first piece of legislation, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act of 2009.

If you question what these two pieces of legislation have to do in addressing the issue of fatherhood, they were both designed to usurp the authority of men.

Regarding the Lilly Ledbetter Act, its focus was on equal pay for women. I am a former owner of a small manufacturing business and during the 23 years that I ran it I paid people according to the contribution made to the company. I paid them fairly, a policy that at least partially accounts for never having been approached to unionize. I made the decision as to what constituted fair pay, not some bureaucrat in Washington, the state legislature, or city administration. Since the enactment of the Lilly Ledbetter Act the judge of fair pay will come from a source outside of the business owner and will further erode the authority of men to conduct business according to their own judgment and ethics.

A fundamental of all organizational operation requires that authority be given to those with responsibility. The president has a cabinet and every member in it has the authority to run his department as he sees fit as they strive to attain the goals set by the president. There is no organizational structure that can long endure without giving those with responsibility the authority to do what is necessary to fulfill that responsibility.

Put another way, every organization has its head, whether a business structure or societal grouping. Every corporation has a president and every herd has its buck. There can only be one leader and that leader must have authority.

The government has destroyed the family structure by usurping the authority of the male; therefore, it no longer refers to the family in domestic relations but instead speaks of fatherhood and motherhood, reducing both activities to job descriptions prepared by the government. In keeping with the ever-growing emphasis on a genderless society, motherhood and fatherhood are being increasingly referred to as parenthood.

Fatherhood is not a job description; it is a function of developed manhood. The process of fatherhood begins with the development of men—real men—who understand that their primary function in life consists of providing the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it.

When a real man decides to start a family he seeks a woman who has what he considers the desirable attributes to be the mother of his children. When he finds her and she in turn decides he has the attributes that will provide the environment and means that will enable her to nurture a family, they agree to mate. This mating agreement is formalized to the community in a ritual known as the rite of marriage, in which the man and woman are making a commitment to the community to bring forth life and raise it to the best of their ability. After this ritual they become known as husband and wife.

As husband and wife they begin preparing the nest in which they will raise their offspring. This nest or home will vary according to the social mores and customs of the husband and wife, and their particular economic strength. After the first child is born, they will become known as mothers and fathers. The progression of fatherhood is from man, to husband, to father. Real men make good husbands, and good husbands make devoted fathers.

This progression applies to women as well. A good woman makes a good wife makes a good mother. To think that it is possible to be a good mother without providing the child an environment containing a good father represents fallacious thinking at best. 90% to 95% of our prisoners come from homes in which there were no fathers.

Government has removed all male authority; consequently there can be no family. There will eventually be no free enterprise either. The elimination of family has left society without a cohesive bond. Government attempts to administrate the relationship between men and women, mothers and fathers, and parents has resulted in a national angst caused by a lack of belongingness. Fatherhood in that arrangement becomes a job description such as carpenter or stockbroker. It becomes devoid of any obligation towards the propagation and preservation of the species including its spiritual development. Government has no spirituality; nor does it possess any ethics. It has replaced moral and immoral with legal and illegal. It is this thinking that enables President Obama to take a pro-abortion stance while publicly proclaiming support for fathers. He does not see any tie in with abortion-on-demand and the usurpation of male authority.

Only men make families. Only men make any organization. The disempowering of males leads to the collapse of society. Women cannot be empowered vis-à-vis men any more than the earth can be empowered vis-à-vis the Sun. The Sun can be disempowered, that is, its energy can be diminished, it can lose its pull of gravity, and eventually as it becomes more like the earth the Solar system will fall apart. The earth on the other hand, cannot in any way become more like the Sun. So too in the relationship between men and women, men can be castrated, neutered, and emasculated, but the woman can never become empowered. A sex change will never occur in which the new male can be empowered with virility.

What this society calls the empowerment of women is the disempowerment of men by law and the usurpation of this power by the government reducing men and women to automaton workers and programmed consumers.

Having reduced fatherhood to a job description our children will continue to do poorly in schools, teen pregnancies will remain the norm, ADD will increase among our youth, the rate of marriage will decrease, and the rate of divorce will increase. These conditions do not bode well for women since 10% of them already suffer from debilitating depression in America, as do 15% of European women.

Until such time as men retake their authority and re-establish themselves as head of the family government will continue to extend its tentacles into every facet of society reducing it to a huge ward of the government.

Fatherhood is not a job description. Don’t accept it as such.

Comedian Stephen Colbert guest edited the June 16, 2009 issue of Newsweek, and except for two introductory pages and a few obvious satirical comments, the issue seriously addressed the issues facing the nation and the world. Or so it seemed, and that was the satire.

Top-notch writers and media personalities such as Jonathan Alter, Dahlia Lithwick, Sharon Begley, and Newsweek’s Asian honkie Fareed Zakaria commented respectively upon education, the domestic prison issue (a true rarity in mainstream media), health care, and the war in Iraq. I felt that all these articles supported the satire and parody that represent the core of Colbert’s comedy.

These writers of national if not international fame, addressed effects and not causes, an activity that represents great philosophical and metaphysical satire. They actually believe that effects can be changed by a reorganization of material activities.

Jonathan Alter indicates in his article that president Obama and his educational team understand that the key to fixing education is better teaching, and the key to better teaching is figuring out who can teach and who can’t. That statement comes from gross ignorance and the satire is the belief that this ignorance can correct an educational problem. When children have fathers at home school dropout rates decline, the rate of unwed motherhood is cut in half and scholastic performance increases. Not once does Jonathan Alter even hint at manhood, fatherhood, or family. Yes, the key to learning is better teaching and that is found in the home, not outside of it. It comes from observing the deductive reasoning and problem solving that parents utilize in maintaining the home. However, a given in all of the Newsweek articles is that family is unnecessary.

Next we have the article by Dahlia Lithwick titled Our Real Prison Problem. I have considered our high prison population the number one issue in America since I wrote my book and first began activities discussing gender and promoting patriarchy. The prison population in America doubled every eight years from 1976 to 2000 going from 250,000 to two million. It leveled off somewhat during the Bush administration reaching 2.4 million in 2008. Ms Lithwick’s article pointed out that the United States has 5% of the world’s population and close to 25% of its prisoners. She could have added that 90% to 95 % of the prison population comes from broken homes, and 95% percent of street gang membership comes from broken homes. Every night 24 million American children go to sleep in a home without a father in it. The prison population has climbed for 35 years; no solution is in sight because family is taken off the table of discussable items when addressing this issue. The satire and parody of articles written by persons of acclaim in news magazines in particular and the media in general are that they ignore fundamental causes and consequently can never reach solutions to issues.

Sharon Begley’s article in which she addresses the administrative delay in bringing new “cures” to the market is another case in point. Scientists do not invent or develop “cures” to anything. All medications developed by the pharmaceutical industry treat symptoms not causes, which is a major reason the industry has grown so rapidly. A major growth in the pharmaceutical industry is in the production of drugs to treat depression and attention deficit syndrome. One million school children are now administered Ritalin, and the number of people taking anti-depressants numbers in the tens of millions. Those children who come from broken and dysfunctional homes are the primary users of medicinal drugs, and single, and divorced women account for the preponderant use of anti-depressants. The breakdown of family leads to the breakdown of society, but this concept cannot be readily understood by the feminine materialistic thinking of Western thought and hence did not receive Sharon Begley’s mention.

Lastly we come to Zakaria’s article titled Victory in Iraq in which he states the following: “Most observers—especially many in the U.S. military with whom I have spoken—believe that the cardinal errors of the occupation of Iraq were to disband the Iraqi Army, de-Baathify the country and shut down all state owned enterprises. In doing this America engineered not simply regime change but the total dismantling of the state and a massive social revolution as well, all in the space of two months.” Why doesn’t Fareed Zakaria—who has absorbed Western thought down to the marrow in his bones, and can’t write an article without referring to productivity and employment—understand that those activities were not in error, that they were planned to destroy the family structure and cultural practices of the Iraqi people? This destruction has succeeded. Part of the plan for a New World Order is to destroy the patriarchal structure of the Islamic world. That plan has succeeded in Iraq, and a contingent of U.S. soldiers will remain in Iraq to be sure that they do not revert to their previous culture, just as American soldiers are still in Japan 65 years after hostilities ended to be sure that they do not revert to their previous culture. The destruction of the family remains a paramount goal of those who want to establish the New World Order and they are succeeding.

The four articles described above and the other articles contained in Newsweek predicate their pseudo intellectual reasoning on gross materialism, a lack of spirituality, and the destruction of the family. To imply to us that the government is working on a resolution to issues that have been with us for decades is satire and parody. The very belief system that they employ has produced our problems.

The unseen God produced the physical universe and the unseen conceptual thing of men produced the material world that sits upon it. Just as there can be no universe without God, there can be no society without men. By destroying the natural gender balance called patriarchy government with the help of the spiritually myopic media is taking over control of every fundamental aspect of our environment.

To counter this governmental destruction of the natural order of things requires your awareness and your action. My sons and daughters who are reading this essay you can subscribe to my future essays and join with the many who have already done so by clicking on the subscribe button under my picture. It will take you only 60 seconds to do and it will assist in promoting our message significantly. Once you are accustomed to receiving my essays you might get a friend, acquaintance, or co-worker to do likewise. That could lead to investing in my book and booklets, and eventually becoming active with Men’s Action. At the very least you will be contributing to a concentration of thought that will eventually break through the materialistic confines of Western thought and pioneer a return to a natural way of life.

Our message is gathering strength and it will not take much longer—a year at the most—before we begin to make significant inroads into our impotent society. No one can make this change alone; all of us can do it together. I thank you for your interest and look forward to your support.


As I watched interviews and panel discussions concerning the use of torture and the fate of prisoners at Guantanamo I became increasingly uncomfortable, annoyed, and saddened to see in the American government open advocates of the torture of human beings. These advocates came primarily from the conservative element of the Republican Party that also receives significant support from the “religious right.” These advocates of torture are proud of their religious affiliation and can usually be seen in church on most any Sunday.

I wonder as they worship, pray, and listen to sermons what causes their difficulty in understanding the fundamental tenets of their religion. What part of “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and “Turn the other check” do they not grasp? Is the meaning of “Love one another as I have loved you” so deep that they cannot comprehend it? Apparently it is and always has been.

The corruption of spiritual truth by Western thought has existed from the beginning as has the torture of those who would not accept its ignorance. From the earliest days of the Christian influence in Egypt, through the Crusades, Middle Ages, and the present time, there have been those who persecute and torture those who think differently than the “enlightened” group in power. The early immigrants to this nation such as the Quakers, Pilgrims, Puritans, Huguenots, Mennonites, Jesuits, and Lutherans were victims of severe persecution in Europe. There are among us today those who would welcome the return of The Inquisition provided of course that they were the inquisitors.

On the other side of the spectrum of political Western thought are the liberals who believe that if the resources of the material world could be redistributed societal happiness would prevail. What part of “Man does not live by bread alone,” “My kingdom is not of this world,” and “What does it suffer a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul” do they not understand? These liberals who rely upon academic learning, material considerations, and governmental power apparently have no grasp of the meaning of the words of Jeremiah “ Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom, nor the valiant of his valor, nor let the rich man boast of his riches.”

However, liberals and conservatives alike unite in their focus on matters material and in their aristocratic attitude towards those who do not see as they do. It was because of this European thinking that prevailed at the time of Jesus that he uttered near the end of his earthly sojourn the words “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” They still don’t and that is why Western society is in its death throes.

Every segment of Western society is in a state of decline and its political activists are scurrying about trying to find something in their institutions that will “fix” the mess that 2,500 years of gross materialistic thinking created. It is not fixable. Nothing will change until the thinking changes. The time has come for Western thought to reflect on the meaning of “Lest a man be born again.” A change in thinking must occur within the individual man, and then he will begin to change society.

Men will begin to make change for the soul has begun to regurgitate the toxicity produced by the diet of gross materialism. The indwelling spirit is rousing man from his somnolence. Real Men of courage will rise up and re-establish the patriarchal structure necessary to sustain human development and spiritual growth. Patriarchy is a spiritual structure wherein men expressing the love of God within them dedicate their lives to the propagation and preservation of human existence. It is a structure that enables women to dedicate their lives to the nurturing of the race. It is a structure in which men and women working in accordance with their unique attributes grow spiritually.

Be ready my sons and daughters, you are witnessing an event that has already begun that will transform society to a degree beyond your wildest imagination. You are witnessing the implosion of a grossly materialistic, aristocratic, and monolithic government that is frantically extending its influence into every facet of our personal lives in order to maintain its control. As we see it tightening its grip by the enactment of onerous laws against the family, increasing the use of surveillance cameras, manipulating the economy to financially disempower ever-larger segments of society, and using the media as a huge propaganda vehicle to justify its actions, it appears that it is approaching complete control of our lives; however, it is decaying from within.

This decay will continue until the whole aberrant structure collapses and makes way for the only natural societal structure of the universe—patriarchy. Such a society loves its fellow man and does not devise ways to torture its brothers and sisters. It doesn’t keep them in prison without a trial either.

This past Mother’s Day I visited the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx and from the moment I entered the grounds the sight of the colorful flowers and lush green foliage produced an exhilaration in me that lasted long after I left. I attended a lecture and demonstration given by one of the staff on the care of tulips and in listening to her I realized that she was describing how a segment of the world that God had created functions, and that the entire Botanical Garden was God’s creation in action. Insects, birds, animals, plants, trees, and minute organisms went about their respective tasks of propagating and preserving the species in an interdependent community operating in accordance with universal laws and design.

I compared this activity to life in our modern civilized society with its emphasis on what man has made. Raised in an environment almost devoid of nature (see my essay cubists) and schooled in the works of man, increasing numbers of people have been cut off and insulated from the natural environment they were designed to live in.

The vocational and career training of our children focuses on occupations created in response to the negative effects of our un-natural lifestyle. Social workers deal with the breakdown of the family; occupational therapists deal with job-induced stress; physicians deal with the effects of the pollution of our air, water, and food; and lawyers deal with our inability to relate with each other. An increasing proportion of societal activity focuses on “fixing” the damage wrought by the ignorance of its un-natural lifestyle.

In his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar defines ignorance as the perception of the nonexistent, and the non-perception of the Existent. He goes on to explain that man believes that this material creation is the only thing that substantially exists, there being nothing beyond, forgetting that this material creation is substantially nothing and is a mere play of ideas on the Eternal Spirit, the only Real Substance, beyond the comprehension of the material creation. This ignorance is not only a trouble in itself, but is also the source of all the other troubles of man.

Sri Yukteswar’s comments were in essence an explanation of Jesus’ statement “My Kingdom is not of this world.” At the time of Jesus, the focus on the material world and ignorance of the spiritual world was the source of all troubles, as it is today.

The gross material focus of Western society, especially Anglo-American society is upon material possessions and accomplishments. I had a blogger say to me, “Just look at what we have done,” referring to the accomplishments of Western man. I emphasize the word “look” for the results of Western man’s efforts can be seen. The skyscrapers, airplanes, automobiles, highways, bridges, dams, home appliances and communications equipment serve as visual examples of the results of Western man’s productivity.

The blogger, however, did not “see” our children suffering from a lack of nurturing due to the breakdown of the family; nor did he see the ever-expanding prison population and explosive increase in mental illness. He did not see the utter defilement of the female beginning in grade school where 10 year-old girls participate in sex clubs; continuing to adulthood where streams of women journey to the California, the world’s Mecca of pornography, to serve as interns in X rated films in order to build up resumes necessary to obtain work in big city strip clubs; to the unprecedented rate of unwed motherhood, which spawns juvenile problems and creates stress induced depression upon their mothers. These conditions are not readily seen, but they do exist and evidence the collapse of society caused by its focus on the seen and its ignorance of the unseen.

My pleasure in the Botanical Gardens derived partially from what I saw, but also from what I didn’t see. Looking at the tulip bulbs caused me to reflect on how they produced the offspring that would be the next generation of flowers. I was aware that flowers follow the path of the sun and that trees reach their branches out to it. I realized that the roots of plants and trees unerringly grow towards the source of water and nourishment. Birds always seem to know just where to build their nests and bees know which flowers to pollinate. Unseen forces guide the movement of the entire community of the Botanical Gardens, which provides the environment for the interplay of gender called patriarchy. Everything seen and done at the Botanical Gardens derived from the unseen and its harmony with universal vibrations.

This interplay of the unseen and the seen to produce life and sustain it is not limited to plants, animals and insects, but occurs in greater depth among humans. The indigenous peoples of all continents except Europe based their communal existence on unseen principles. All rites, customs, rituals, traditions, and religious practices derived from their efforts to propagate and preserve the species while it grows spiritually. Their farming, fishing, gathering, and hunting were in harmony with nature and the unseen forces upon which it depended.

Western man calls these societies primitive because they had not exploited their resources to construct material things. These “primitive” societies did not have orphanages, foster care, old-age homes, prisons, and insane asylums. They had no need for social workers, therapists, police, or parole officers, and they didn’t have to take vacations or anti-depressants. They had a high regard for matters spiritual, lived in harmony with nature, and were happy.

The “ME” orientation of Western society focuses on the accumulation of material things and a self-indulgent lifestyle. The American Constitution emphasizes the right to health, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness; there’s nothing in it about the propagation of the species, family, universal love, or spirituality. Freelance writer Wendy Dawn’s article titled Wealth, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness that appeared in Associated Content described the growing emphasis on material accumulation in America and the resultant decline in fundamental values.

Published on November 20, 2007 Wendy’s article reflects a growing awareness on the part of Americans that the emphasis on gross materialism is creating negative effects on society and is un-natural. At the time of her article there was little recognition of the cause of this materialistic emphasis, namely the imbalance of gender in Western society. However, I have noticed an increasing awareness of gender issues in the past six months along with an increased realization that men and women are different not only in appearance but in attributes. Eventually people will come to realize that these different attributes were designed for different functions and that a genderless society is an aberration.

This trend is encouraging, especially when I consider that the establishment and all the institutions under its jurisdiction such as education, law, and especially the media has a grossly materialistic focus that it projects to the populace on a continual basis. However, what the establishment does not recognize is the existence of spirit and that it works through all people. This spirit provides the truth that eventually prevails over material ignorance. The spirit that causes plant roots to seek water, flowers to follow the sun, and bees to pollinate is always at work. Adversity tends to motivate us out of our somnolence and get back in touch with the spirit and the harmonious life it produces.

We are at the threshold of great societal change. This decade will witness a return to a more natural way of life and the survival and growth of those who embrace it.

One of our supporters propagates our message through his blog site on You can access his material by logging on to and on the top of the home page click Members List. On the members list page click the letter “S” and in that list you will find “Seattle Traditionalist,” the name our supporter prefers to use publicly. Click “Find” next to his name.

He has presented a podcast, video cast, and essay of our message, which cumulatively have already drawn close to 2,500 views. A percentage of viewers will visit our website, a percentage will subscribe, a percentage will order our information materials, and a certain percentage will become supporters. The more views that his efforts generate, the greater the likelihood that we will receive one of the responses just mentioned.

Seattle Traditionalist has only recently become aware of our message and is still familiarizing himself with it, but he has grasped the fundamental principle and does an excellent job of fielding responses to his postings.

Like Seattle Traditionalist, we all have time, talents, and treasure that we can utilize in promoting and supporting Men’s Action and its message. How we do this varies with the nature of our abilities, but we can all make a contribution in some way. Our collective efforts will create the following necessary to implement change.
