All groupings have an authority from which all direction emanates.

This truism applies to insects, fish, flora, mammals, and humans. It also applies to what we refer to as inanimate life such as planets and suns, and atoms and molecules.

All organizations such as clubs, teams, businesses, and religions have their authoritative heads. Community, fraternal, educational, governmental, and social groupings have their top authority. This authority might be elected, appointed, inherited or just agreed upon by its members and might be called, chief, chairman, president, manger, coach, captain, priest, rabbi, imam, pastor, or leader.

Every grouping contains a directing influence that guides it to its collective destination, or at the least, helps to preserve it. This structure and activity is a manifestation of the universal principle of gender; the assertive masculine influence providing the environment and direction for the receptive feminine entity. No action can take place in the universe without the interplay of gender.

The largest celestial groupings known as galaxies consist of millions of stars and planets held together gravitationally and moving collectively in the same direction through space. A subcomponent of a galaxy is a solar system. All the planets within the system move in the same direction as the Sun and are completely under its control. In the atom the electrons—the feminine principle of electricity—rotate about the nucleus. From the smallest atom to the largest galaxy the unseen power of the masculine principle provides the direction and structure of the grouping.

Every flock of chickens has a rooster at its head and every gaggle of geese has its gander. Every herd of deer and cows has it stag or bull to lead it. The male lion heads the pride. No group can survive without a head, leader, or final authority. We all know this.

Why then has society removed the head of the family?

There are those who say that the family has become obsolete. It hasn’t become obsolete; it has been eliminated. Removing the man as its head had the same effect as removing the Sun from the solar system, it would collapse and cease to be. We have removed the man, family has collapsed and ceased be. We have produced a generation that believes in government as the provider of its well-being. It has no choice; the family has been eliminated.

The elimination of the family has been accepted on a national basis. None of the presidential candidates mentioned family in presidential primaries, neither party mentioned it in their platforms, and the inaugural address made no mention of it. The psyche of the nation no longer focuses on family.

The philosophy of Plato—which called for the turning over of children to the state—has now become a reality. Mothers actually brag at how early they have entered their children into pre school programs. We insist on schools feeding our children instead of parents preparing their lunches at home. We have eliminated home taught ethics and the resultant moral behavior and substituted it with after school indoctrination of legal and illegal. We have become a nation of automaton workers and programmed consumers—jackasses and she-asses on the treadmill of production—while the government controls every aspect of our lives. We brag about that condition as though it were an enlightened way of life.

We ask the government to provide health care, economic well-being, and educational opportunities. Government has been made into a God upon whom our very lives depend.
Accordingly, we worship this God and the priesthood that carries out its instructions.

Let me be clear—the family has been destroyed by ignorance of the universal principle of gender. No amount of legislation or government tinkering can re-establish the family as a viable grouping. Government destroyed the family; how could it possibly re-establish it? Re-establishment of the family can only occur by working outside of the government, outside of the system, and by realizing that a family must have its head and that head is man.

The function of all life is to propagate and preserve itself so that we can grow spiritually. The masculine principle provides the environment and the means for the feminine principle to bring forth life and nurture it. It does this through organization, structure, and ethics. The traits and characteristics of each gender become the attributes that enable the propagation and preservation of the species.

Family is an organization. Like all organizations it requires leadership. The male is designed for that role. There is no substitute.

If you understand that family is the only viable structure for human kind and want to do something about it, then become involved in Men’s Action. We have a message. We understand the universal principle of gender and know that society can only function properly with the natural interplay of gender called patriarchy. Patriarchy is family.

Our mission statement: To Foster a Natural Way of Life for Humankind, is patriarchy.

Men make families. The state makes slaves. You have two options and one choice. Which will it be, the rule of men or the rule of the state?


Government statistics indicate that crime has fallen in the aggregate and in most categories over the last 20 years. Why then does the installation of surveillance cameras increase at city, state, and federal governmental facilities? Why do increasing numbers of businesses employ security guards? Why do we see increased security measures at social functions? Why do some retail operations employ off duty policemen to supplement their security staffs?

Why with crime down does America have the highest incarceration rate in the world? A recent blog illustrated this fact in a more glaring way by stating that America has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of its prisoners—an alarming statistic and something you might want to reflect upon, especially if you have sons. Why does one man in six between the age of 18 and 30 have a relationship with the law?

The proponents of strong security measures, early apprehension, and lengthy prison sentences point to the reduced incidence of crime as resulting from these practices. By their reasoning if all men were put in prison crime would be eliminated entirely. We certainly seem to be moving in that direction.

A society that has low crime rates because of intense security measures and punitive procedures lives in fear. A fearful society is not a cooperative society, nor does it offer good will. It cannot nurture effectively either. We in America and all of Europe live in such a society. We say that we live in free democracies but in reality we live in fear of imprisonment, fines, firings, and/or loss of various privileges necessary to our functioning and survival. Western society leads the world in litigation, imprisonment, and various forms of punitive action.

What we call primitive societies have low crime rates without extensive laws and punitive procedures. They do this because they work in a spirit of cooperation for the common good. Such societies are not limited to the Polynesians, Africans, and those living in the remote corners of South America; they existed up in America as well, and until recent times. I had the opportunity to be part of such a society in my early youth when I stayed at what can be loosely described as a boarding house on the Hiris farm in Hawley, Pennsylvania.

Farmer and Mrs. Hiris were Austro-Hungarians who came to this country shortly after World War I and started a small farm and a big family. They had eleven children—six girls and five boys—and were so poor that the early children all wore dresses, and for two reasons. First, Mrs. Hiris made all the clothes, and it was easier to make dresses than pants and shirts. Secondly, it was also easier to raise and lower hems on dresses and let seams in and out than to do the same on pants. All the children were educated in a one-room schoolhouse a quarter of a mile up the road. The Hiris’s lived off the land and off the money Mr. Hiris earned from delivering coal in the winter.

One summer a friend stayed with the Hiris’s for a few weeks and had a very pleasant and relaxed vacation. His monetary offer was refused when it was time to leave, but he insisted on paying and asked if he could bring a friend the following year. This event started the Hiris’s in the summer boarding house business

By the time I started going to their modest boarding house most of the children had gotten married and left the farm; however, they all lived nearby and helped with the chores as necessary. I never heard the family members raise their voices. They worked in a spirit of cooperation. Everyone knew the activities necessary to maintain the homestead. The cows had to be milked, the pigs slopped, the horse groomed and led to water. Firewood had to be cut and stacked for the seemingly insatiable appetite of the wood-burning stove in the kitchen. The men knew how to hunt, fish, trap, and in general keep the farm safe from predators. Inside, the women churned the butter, prepared the food, mended the clothes, and cleaned the rooms; they also knew how to fire a rifle if the occasion demanded it.

These children were raised during the Great Depression. Their parents were uneducated immigrants, and they received no governmental assistance. Most of them obtained their academic learning from a schoolmarm who taught eight grades in one room. These children had no contact with the law, and when they grew up, did not use drugs, only imbibed alcohol occasionally and socially, and earned their own way through life.

The glue that held this family together was the common purpose of sustaining themselves. That activity created an ethical core that governed family behavior. They also had a religious affiliation though their church attendance was limited to the winter months.

As you read the above it might seem like a fairy tale, but the activity that I described represents the way most of the world once lived. It did not need laws, police, prisons, orphanages and old age homes.

Getting back to present society, another gruesome statistic indicates that America has the most violent boys in the world tends to support the need for early incarceration. Its proponents would argue that we had better get the most violent boys off the streets before they become the most violent men and really do us damage. Why does this land of material abundance produce the most violent boys in the world? What motivates them to commit crimes? What kind of value structure do they have?

In my previous essay Laws Instead of Ethics in Western Society, I pointed out that men of ethics build organizations, and that without ethics all organizations will collapse. 90% to 95% of the boys and men in prison came from broken homes; they were raised without fathers, they were not exposed to ethics, and they have few morals.

The prospects for crime are growing rapidly as we churn out more children raised without the benefit of a family environment. When these children roam the streets in a society that appears to be in the throes of severe economic collapse the potential for thievery and all sorts of crime will increase. The amoral environment in which they were raised, and the lack of identification with members of society, will have left them without regard for anyone.

The powers that influence our nation know what they have created by removing male authority, destroying the family, and making religion impotent. They have removed all ethics from society and reduced our behavior to what is legal and illegal. They have paved the way for a police state, which will be the only option left to maintain order and relative safety. Increased surveillance is part of the preparations for that eventuality.

If you want to combat that tend then start living the most patriarchal way possible. Patriarchy is family. All values begin with the family.


Ethics consist of unseen values developed by men that serve as a basis of conduct. Ethics originate from a desire to preserve and propagate a community or organization. Without such a desire there is no basis for the development of ethics. Instead laws must then be enacted to provide rules of conduct between people.

Primitive societies have few if any laws; they have ethics interwoven into cultural and religious practices that serve to sustain the community. Laws only become necessary in the absence of ethics.

Ethical values transcend the letter of the law; they serve as the basis for the spirit of the law. Organizations and societies can endure without laws, but they cannot long endure without ethics.

Western thought focuses on the self, the feminine ME aspect of life; it has little desire to propagate and preserve the community. It is selfish, self-centered, self-indulgent and relatively devoid of ethics; it relies heavily on the establishment of laws to preserve itself. In my information booklet 20th Century Decadence: 2,000 years of Western Materialism, I state, “From the earliest European Greeks there existed a great dependency upon the law. Draco instituted a system of law based on an aristocracy (the feminine form of government). Solon developed a system of law in which eligibility for political power was based on wealth (a feminine value). From Draco, to Solon, to Justinian, to Napoleon, the Europeans prided themselves on their legal institutions.

After a 2,000-year history based on law, when the Europeans arrived in America the Indians said of them, “white man speak with forked tongue.” Indeed he did, for the law is but a poor substitute for the masculine influence. The manly way is to let your yes be yes and your no be no. The law is for those who can’t live by that code.”

Laws can only attempt to contain evil; they cannot promote good. Societies with few ethics and many laws will incarcerate many people. America has become the most litigious nation in the world; it also has the highest incarceration rate in the world and the highest number of men in prison.

America keeps enacting more laws in the hopes of curtailing evil, instead every form of immorality continues to prosper and expand. The laws have become so numerous that for any issue that arises we are advised to get a lawyer. Men can no longer resolve disputes among themselves because they have no common purpose and therefore no ethics. Our dependency upon lawyers to determine how we shall associate with our fellow man is but one of many examples of the slavery that evolves under a nation of laws instead of ethics.

The European feminine psyche requires laws for its behavior. It even takes religious teachings and reduces them to laws because the unseen ethic in these teachings is not understandable to them. Western thought requires laws and ritual as substitutes for ethics or any quality that is unseen such as spirituality.

Jesus, seeing the myopic material interpretation of Western thought during his time, gave many parables illustrating the difference between law and understanding. The story of the Pharisee and the publican in the temple is such a parable. The Pharisee in essence did his best to live as a good Jew. Moses said to fast, and he fasted, Moses said to worship on the Sabbath, and he worshiped on the Sabbath, Moses said to give alms to the poor, and he gave alms to the poor. The Pharisee obeyed the law as best as he could. Jesus in comparing the Pharisee to the publican indicated that was not enough, that the law and ritual will not produce salvation; understanding and supplication will. Jesus’ direction to love your neighbor as yourself put the emphasis on understanding rather than law and ritual. Jesus always focused on the unseen as the basis for the activity of the seen but the Western mind could not grasp the essence of his teachings.

Western institutions are built on law and ritual and are devoid of ethics and understanding. They are losing their influence and effectiveness in all areas. Its educational institutions graduate students who know less and less. The health care institutions of the United States have produced a nation where one third of the people are overweight, and one third of the people are obese. One quarter of the nation now suffers from chronic disease; autism and Alzheimer’s disease are on the increase along with a host of relatively new ailments.

The legal system continues to incarcerate more people (2.4 million in prison at last count) as it enacts increasing numbers of laws limiting the freedom of the populace.

Religious institutions are failing on every front. Divorce is up, marriage is down, and unwed motherhood continues to increase among their congregations.

Every segment of the population suffers from the lack of ethics in society. Only 12% of 18 year-olds live in the home with both their natural parents. 24 million children go to bed at night in a home without a father in it. America now has the most violent boys in the world. That’s what happens to boys who are not exposed to ethical behavior of fathers.

Western women suffer from high rates of breast cancer caused by birth control pills and other un-natural attacks on the body; they suffer from increasing baldness in their 30’s do to the un-natural stress they are subjected to, and they suffer from debilitating depression do to the un-natural environment they live in.

Conditions in Europe are much the same but worse. France now has an unwed motherhood rate of 50%. Italy, which functions under the presence of the papacy, has the lowest fertility rate in the Western World. Upwards of 15% of European women suffer from depression. The number one health issue in England is mental illness and the French take anti-depressants at a rate two and half times that of the English. A society of laws has created these negative conditions. Laws do not make for contented mothers and happy children.

Men with a well-developed sense of ethics provide the secure environment that enables women to nurture the race. Men who realize that the number one material goal of their existence is the propagation and preservation of the species—which includes its spiritual development—will provide the means and the environment for women to bring forth life and to nurture it. These men will also keep their brothers out of prison.

We have had 2,500 years of the rule of law in Western society and the results have been devastating and are approaching the catastrophic. It is time to return to the natural rule of men. It’s called patriarchy and it supports family.


The terms morals and ethics tend to be used interchangeably, but the former depends upon the latter. Ethical standards determine moral conduct. Moral behavior is the manifestation and personalization of unseen ethics. We have here another example of the principle of gender at work. The unseen assertive masculine influence acts upon the seen receptive feminine entity. By eliminating the authority of men Western society has destroyed its ethical base, rendered its organizations impotent, and fallen into a state of increasing chaos.

Ethical men form organizations to achieve certain purposes. Ethics and discipline provided by leadership serve as the glue that holds organizations together. Rather than address what constitutes capable leadership, effective discipline, and a high level of ethics, this essay will focus on the fundamental reality that men build organizations and that ethics play an intrinsic role in their operation.

Men build organizations when they realize the need to cooperate with others in order to accomplish an objective, whatever that objective might be. They build teams, armies, associations, crews, brotherhoods, hunt parties, and families.

The fundamental objective of human association focuses on the propagation and preservation of the species, which is accomplished through the family—the first organization. All the other organizations that men developed centered on sustaining the family and then the extended family or tribe. Men create defense groups to protect the tribe, they develop hunt parties to obtain food, and they develop mating rituals to propagate the tribe.

In order to determine who can best fill certain positions in the organization men observe and judge each other’s abilities. They do this in a spirit of cooperation for they all understand that they need the most capable man in each position to best ensure their own survival and that of the tribe. It is important to know who can run the fastest, yell the loudest, lift the most and last the longest. Sports were developed as a means of evaluating the ability of men to serve the needs of the tribe. It also gave women the opportunity to assess potential mates.

Discipline develops the reliability, dependability, and constancy of the group. Rules of conduct develop in order to maintain the stability, viability and growth of the organization. Ethics provide the base for these rules; a major ethic of non-western society is to share. Ownership is minimal in non-industrial societies; people share what they have with others, and others act to assist those in need such as helping to repair another’s hut, wigwam, or house. Widows and orphans are cared for and no one is left out. Ethics developed in non-industrial societies focused on the training of the young, the care of the aged, and the safety and well-being of all.

All organizations at their inception are patriarchal. As the masculine influence is reduced in an organization its vitality declines and its ethics disappear, a condition spreading rapidly throughout Western society, and as we will see, by design.

Men create organizations that are inclusive. Women develop cliques, which are exclusive. Cliques develop among pre-kindergarteners, continue through grade school, high school, college, the work place, the community, and in any organization that contains a group of women. The formal name for clique is aristocracy. Feminine oriented Western society always creates aristocracies. Apartheid, segregation, and economic classes are manifestations of the Western feminine aristocratic nature.

Certain advantages do accrue from aristocracies, but they will not be explored here other than to say they cannot be established, but instead evolve out of an existing structure. All organizations at their inception are patriarchal.

Some will point to the National Organization of Women as being a large powerful international and independently operated women’s organization. It is nothing of the sort. Why aren’t they located in Chicago to be equally accessible to women from all over the country? Why not in California with its large liberal base? Why not sunny Florida? NOW locates its headquarters in Washington DC so that it members can maintain a tight grip on the weak-kneed wimps who run our country. How do they maintain their grip in Washington and in all the state legislatures where they have lobbyists to promote their cause? Where do they get the millions upon millions of dollars necessary to carry out their activities? Who gives them direction? What is their dogma? What have they contributed to society?

Feminists are nothing more than the dupes of an international elite bent on controlling the world. This elite provides the thought, money, and direction for feminist activities.

At the 4th International Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995 the feminist objective was to eliminate gender and religion from all societal structures. The powers behind the feminists knew that if gender were eliminated, dynamic virile organizations could not be formed or maintained. The elimination of gender also weakens religion—a necessary component of ethics.

The results have been spectacularly successful for those behind the intent of that conference. There are no virile organizations remaining in America. Western Christendom is completely impotent and has been reduced to conducting empty rituals. All standards and values have declined. The adage “do not judge” has been taken out of the context of its spiritual meaning and has become a mantra that condones all behavior.

Male organizations have been eliminated under the guise of providing equal opportunity for women. Opportunity for what? To make money? Making money for its own sake is whoredom, which is a subject for another essay. The true purpose behind the elimination of men’s organizations is to destroy the source of ethics. Without ethics all society degenerates. As the degeneration continues people cry out for help. With the elimination of viable men’s groups the government looms as the only alternative source of help. We beg it for help. We beg it to protect us. We beg it to feed for us. We beg it to be our masters and for us to become its slaves. We are getting what we begged for.

As I write this article the realization of the magnitude of the destruction of society caused by its lack of understanding of the difference between those who have testes and those who have teats, overwhelms me. My brothers and sisters willingly walk into the lair of the demon unable to do otherwise.

The elimination of tyranny and the slavery it produces, can only occur when men of good will band together and act. Good will is a function of ethics, and the banding together is organization. Action comes from the WILL of organization members. No ethics—no organization. No organization—no constructive action. No constructive action—no escape from tyranny.

The only species of life designed to provide for the well-being of women and children is called man. Men provide well-being through ethical based and active organizations.

You can learn more about such an organization on


This essay will be posted on Christmas Day during what some call Christmas week, Holy week, the Holidays, or The Season of Good Cheer; whatever name we choose to call this period of time, people act more considerate, caring, jovial, and loving of one another during this period.

Why does the season of year determine when we exhibit the more positive attributes of our character? Granted that religious ritual calls upon certain observances and in the process creates an increased awareness of matters spiritual, but these spiritual matters never disappear or even wane. We tend to confuse who we are with time and location.

The time and space relativities depend upon the movement of the Sun and the Moon; without them we would have no concept of location or time. That consideration might give us a better understanding of the spirit, which always resides within us; it is never ancient or modern, it just is. Since the spirit always resides within us we always have the ability to act considerate, caring, jovial, and loving; not just on certain days.

God made everyplace, every person and every moment. Every day is a holy day, and every place is a holy place, and every man and every woman is a holy being. We are a holy people standing at a holy place at a holy time. Now. Right now. Always. The only difference between ourselves and any other person depends upon how we manifest our holiness. We do not need the reminder of a certain season in order to have the ability to manifest this holiness; we can always do it.

The world we live in would benefit immensely if we focused on the realization that we are holy at all times and places and conducted ourselves accordingly; religious ritual reminds us to do just that.

We do not have to agree with our brothers or sisters or even like them, for like has to do with personal tastes, but they are all worthy of our love. They live their lives in accordance with their limited understanding of universal truths; as we all do. They travel the often-difficult road of spiritual growth that we all travel.

People unaware of their holiness conduct the corruption that we see in business and government in places high and low, the decadent behavior increasing all around us, and the secularism attacking all matters spiritual. But they too live their lives in accordance within the limited understanding of truth and are worthy of our love. The more love we emit, consideration we show, and care we administer, the better we make our environment. The person who projects these qualities becomes the greatest benefactor, for virtue is always its own reward in all matters.

This is not to say that as our message grows we will not have enemies, on the contrary, they will increase in number. However, as long as we focus on doing our best to make this world a better place in which to live our activities will provide their own reward and help humankind as well.

As we engage in the activities, customs, and mores of this season let us be mindful of the holiness within us and do our best to manifest it not only at this time, but also throughout the year. My wishes to all for a joyous holiday season filled with good cheer and love for all.


As 2008 draws to a close custom dictates that we look inward and assess how we lived our lives during the past year and to then take vows to live better in the coming year. Inner reflection also helps us to realize that we have much to be thankful for.

In speaking for Men’s Action to Rebuild Society we have much to be thankful for. We incorporated in January and successfully avoided the non-profit designation. Our corporate name is Men’s Action, Inc. although we can also use Men’s Action to Rebuild Society in our activities.

There have not been any profits, and it is not important that we have any as long as we can cover expenses with income; a goal I would like to see achieved next year.

My goal this year was to build a grass roots organization locally. I presented eight lectures in Harlem, and while the turnout was disappointing the lectures did however, provide the vehicle to bring together local supporters who had not met each other.

We made our website more active by adding videos that we posted to and then linked them to supporting articles.

On December 4th unbeknownst to me at the time, two websites with large followings linked on to my essay, Depression of Western Women. In the three day period from December 4-7, our website received 65,000 hits of which 10,000 were unique visits from 114 countries. Also, more than a few Emails came in expressing a favorable reader reaction to the essay and a few orders came in for information materials. Additional books were ordered through and our publisher, but I won’t know how many until the first week in April.

We have also gained several supporters as a result of that exposure and I am working with them on a one on one basis to indoctrinate and assist them in promoting our message.

Since that event we have added the ability to order our materials directly from our website. We received our first order even before our financial arrangements were completed with paypal.

I take this time to particularly thank John Dias for all the work he has done to evolve our website in to an advanced cyberspace vehicle. We now have: a direct connection to youtube, streaming video, podcasting, subscriber links, and the opportunity for the direct ordering of the materials that we offer. Even more progress is planned for next year.

Regarding subscriber links, you can now subscribe to A Message from Elder George. By doing so you will automatically be notified when I write a new essay, and I will be saved the effort of sending out an all hands bulletin.

Also, if you choose to order materials for distribution to others or make a donation you can do that as well—it will help us to cover expenses.

I feel that we had a good year. We became more organized, improved our ability to reach others, and have become more known than we were at the start of the year. Also, the continued decline of the moral, mental, physical and spiritual well-being of society continues; it seeks a message. We have one. We can look forward to significant growth next year.

I thank all of you for your participation and support and hope that it increases. Please consider making a donation at this time so that we can enter the year on a more solid footing.


The current collapse of the financial markets has nothing to do with my including the economy as one of the seven major issues affecting society. The deteriorating economy has been on my list for the past 15 years even though economists tell us that period of time witnessed an unprecedented continuous level of economic expansion. It has not and for many reasons, a few of which I will address here.

Natural growth in the economy comes from the desire to acquire new things. General Motors turned a profit every year of the Great Depression because the automobile was a new—though expensive—item on the market. The post World War II economic expansion resulted from the pent up demand for new products such as television, clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators, and a variety of other products for the home. Later expansions arose from the availability of electronic products such as calculators and computers. New does not come from the government, from banks, or from universities; it comes from the creative will of the masculine gender and nowhere else. In socialist societies male creativity is stifled resulting in a lack of new, which ultimately causes economic stagnation. The USSR failed because of the economic stagnation that resulted from the supplanting of individual initiative with bureaucratic control.

The United States has devolved into a similar economic situation. The automobile, radio, airplane, radar, sonar, rocketry, computer, and telephone were all invented prior to 1950. Very few people can name a post 1950 invention. Economic activity has become increasingly dependent upon financial manipulation, which ultimately results in fraud. The savings and loan crises of the eighties, the Silicon Valley collapse of the nineties, and the present home mortgage debacle all resulted from financial manipulation that created a false economic increase that ultimately collapsed. Sound economics are based on the production of NEW and only the masculine gender produces it.

The second reason for the deterioration of our economy has to do with mass production.
Increases in productivity were shared with increases in wages. This philosophy enabled people to buy manufactured items at lower and lower costs. Cell phones, calculators, computers, and television sets have become throwaway items because of the low costs that have derived from mass-production, and also because of the high cost of labor to make repairs.

A haircut cannot be mass-produced; nor can visits to the doctor’s, dentist’s, and lawyer’s offices. A shoeshine, house painting or answering of the telephone cannot be mass-produced either. Individual services are becoming increasingly restricted to the masses. Compare this to the era before mass-production. My grandfather was a European peasant, yet he was able to afford to get a shave from the barber every day and his daughters had their dresses made by a seamstress. By contrast, the corner shine stand has disappeared from the American scene; robots have replaced telephone operators, and the cost of medical and dental care has become prohibitive. We can’t afford each other any more. That’s not good economics. It’s bad for the psyche as well.

Because we can hardly afford the services of others the government has stepped in to help with various assistance programs. The calls for universal health care continue to increase, which means the government should pay for our sickness. Where will the government get the money? It will redistribute what little we have, but worse it will care for us under their standards instead of our standards.

In this land of continually increasing gross domestic product (GDP) the average person can afford less and less of the services of people. Who then profits from the trillions of dollars of economic activity? Not the business operators or their employees, for bankruptcies have been increasing even among the largest corporations.

The greed of the international financial community has siphoned off the wealth of the world and put it in the hands a few people. The degree of monetary accumulation is a measure of control. People with money do not create wealth; they relocate it and in the process enslave the masses. A lack of ethics has resulted in our economic woes as well as the other issues facing the nation and the world.

For now, know that the downward spiral of the economy will continue for the three reasons that I have mentioned. The nation does not know where new comes from and therefore produces very little new, the mass production of things does not equate to prosperity for the common man, the manipulation of the market by thoughts of greed ultimately results in economic decline.


The magnitude of the collapse of the American educational system has extended beyond the general awareness of even those most concerned with the well-being of children and society at large. A major reason for this lack of awareness stems from the institutionalizing of education, which we now take for granted and consider natural; however, the institutionalized care of people—an inherent part of the Western culture—is not the natural way to live or the way to educate people.

Education up until very recent times supported the propagation and preservation of the species. Children received training in how to support the existence of family and tribe. Fishing villages taught boys how to fish, and related information and activities necessary to make fishing successful. Girls received training in how to convert the products of fishing into the nurturing of the race, and also in related information and activities to help sustain the community. Farmers taught boys how to farm, and related information and activities necessary to make farming successful. Girls received training in how to convert the products of farming into the nurturing of the race, and also in related information and activities to help sustain the community. Every one in the family, tribe, and village knew what the youth were taught and how they responded to their teaching. However, with the institutionalized care of education the average person no longer knows what children are taught. Those who belong to institutions of various sorts make evaluations of the educational institutions and offer conclusions and recommendations in accordance with their own institutionalized training. This process cannot get at the root cause of educational issues. Meanwhile, parents, and members of the extended family have little awareness of, and even less control of, what their children are taught.

Education has become an abstraction with no relevancy to the life of the student. The mantra of today, “go to school, get an education, get a job, make some money, and be somebody” serves as the primary motivation for students, and a very poor one at that, at least for males. Male enrollment in universities continues to drop, male truancy in New York City schools is at an all-time high, and grade school boys receive the drug Ritalin in order to enable them to cope with an un-natural environment.

The National Association of Scholars (NAS) indicates that a test given to high school graduates 55 years ago when given to college seniors five years ago resulted in lower scores by the college seniors. The NAS itself an institution, has no idea of the fundamental cause of this decline in academic performance.

The famous educator John Taylor Gatto author of Dumbing Us Down, writes, “In the growth of human society, families came first, communities came second, and only much later came the institutions set up by the community to serve it.” He correctly states….”that the United States has become a nation of institutions.” He states further, “By redirecting the focus of our lives from families and communities to institutions and networks, we, in effect, anoint a machine king.”

People have an aversion to having a machine serve as king. They inherently resist subordinating their activities to machines and institutions, but the cubist training and environment in which they were raised and live in molds them into accepting it. Western man created institutions and to him they seem normal (but they are not natural) and he does not see the adverse effects they have on his life.

Institutions are the outgrowth of Western man delegating to the state the care of society while he goes about studying and acquiring matters material. This practice began 2,500 years ago when the Greeks formed city-states and is now nearing its apogee at which time humankind will be completely subordinated to government and institutions.

Western governments and institutions take man out of his natural physical environment and in the process alter his mental process and value structure to focus on what man has made rather than on what God has created. There is no relevancy to these studies other than to train him to do a task for which he will be paid so that he can eat. There is no sense of community and purpose. His education becomes an exercise in recitations.

Throwing money into these sterile institutions in the hopes of raising the academic performance of its members produces futile results. The Washington, DC school system serves as an example. In the early 1990’s it had the highest per pupil expenditure for education, the lowest pupil/teacher ratio in the nation, the sixth highest paid teachers in the nation, and a per capita aid for education that surpasses the national average by 250%. The results of these expenditures were that on time graduation rate ranked 49th in the nation, math proficiency for 2nd and 8th graders ranked last in the nation, and reading proficiency for 4th graders ranked last in the nation. More money spent on education had no noticeable effect on academic performance in the DC school system.

A factor that does have an effect on academic performance is having fathers at home. Children who have fathers at home have half the drop out rate of those who don’t, they have half the unwed motherhood rate, and they have increased academic performance. Positive values and a positive environment come from the family.

Many authorities and organizations recognize the importance of family. People like Dr. James Dobson and John Taylor Gatto continually espouse the importance of family. Why are they not successful in strengthening the family within their own sphere of influence?
Mr. Gatto wrote his book in 1992 and has indicated that he has received correspondence from 14 million people from all over the world. With that kind of support why hasn’t he seen progress in the strengthening of the family and the weakening of institutions? Why after decades of activity has Dr. Dobson’s organization which boasts millions of subscribers seen the influence of family fall within the Christian community as well as elsewhere?

Neither Mr. Gato nor Dr. Dobson place any value on manhood. Man does not receive one mention in Mr. Gato’s book nor does man receive mention in Dr. Dobson’s newsletters. Both of these men reflect the Western mindset, they believe they can have family without man being the head of it. It cannot happen. Every one of the institutions that Western man has crated has a head to it—a top authority. There can be no institution without a singular authority. If man does not have authority in the home there can be no family. Consequently all matters relating to the well-being of people have been taken over by institutions. That’s why Johnny can’t read and Mary can’t count.


There are many indications of the deterioration of the well-being of American women such as high rates of breast cancer, obesity, diabetes, and migraine headaches; however, the most telling characteristic of the decline of the well-being of women is their deteriorating mental state.

The single most significant measure of the state of women in our society and in Western nations in general is their high level of mental illness. The number one debilitating illness of the American woman is depression with upwards of 10 million suffering from this ailment. Three million girls also suffer from depression. Depression has become so widespread that a major criterion in selecting colleges is the competence of their psychiatric staff, and a major criterion in evaluating college applicants is their psychological health.

Antidepressant drugs such as Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, and Zoloft have become household names. Children today probably know these names as well as they do Bayer Aspirin. Knowing the name of these drugs they then think it normal for their mothers to be depressed, and it is normal—not natural—but normal in our society.

Drugs—all drugs—produce dangerous side effects in the body further deteriorating the health of the women who use them. Studies are being made (Western thought loves studies because it knows nothing) on the causative factors of depression among women.

The following is an excerpt from one such study made by a woman who is attempting to blame society for the depression of woman:
The increase in the number of women diagnosed with depression, sometimes when symptoms are minimal, has come on the heels of an approach to treatment known as “biological psychiatry.” In this approach, rather than looking for social, cultural and economic and life stage factors that might be making a woman depressed or anxious, doctors are taught, and patients have come to believe, that the cause of symptoms is biological. This makes it seem logical that a drug is needed and appropriate.
This conclusion is partially right; however, the writer didn’t explore the social cultural and life stage factors that needed to be addressed. An analysis of American women who suffer from depression shows that a disproportionate share consists of those who are white, middle class and single, especially single women with children. This is a social, cultural, and economic grouping whose constituents make up the primary membership of feminism and “women’s liberation” thought. They have become so liberated that they are going out of their minds. They have no concept of family.
Feminists are the one’s who’ve been on psychiatrist’s couches, who belong to support groups, who are on prescription medicines, and who carry anti-depressants and painkillers in their purses.
Western women throughout the world suffer from a disproportionate amount of depression; in Europe depressed women comprise close to 15% of the female population. That’s a disaster. Yet they make up a significant part of the electorate that elects women to political power. Isn’t that amazing? The depressed ones—the nutsey byes of society—wield the political power that affects our lives and in particular laws affecting marriage and the care of our children. It is only in the Western nations that women have risen to political power without some relationship to their husbands and their fathers. It is these Western nations that have the highest rates of female depression. The core constituent group of Hillary Clinton supporters consists of depressed single females, and the media treats that as progress for women.
Those nations where women do not rise to political power have the lowest rates of depression. They also have lower rates of breast and cervical cancer, suicide, divorce, and adultery. They also have children less likely to become unwed mothers, join street gangs and end up in prison. They do not live un-natural “liberated” lives; they live in happy and secure families. The media treats those women as unenlightened, third world people. This is a true travesty of values.
The liberated independent Western woman in the aggregate is the unhappiest woman in the world and she produces children who are likewise. The reason that these women are depressed is because they have been removed from their natural environment and been deprived of their natural function—to bring life into this world and to nurture it. They can only do this if men provide the secure environment and means for this nurturing to take place.
This secure environment is known as the patriarchal structure and it produces family. Men make patriarchy. No men—No patriarchy. No patriarchy—No family. No family—No security. No security produces depressed women.
The Western woman is suffering from depression and there is no government program that will improve her lot. Surveillance cameras and security guards do not alleviate the problem. There is only one species of life that protects, cares for, and loves women. It’s called man.

While riding on the subway this week I noticed a woman sitting next to me reading a report concerning the behavior of preschoolers. I mentioned that the main issue with preschoolers was that they didn’t have mothers at home to provide the love and nurturing that children that age require. She challenged me and in a militant manner but the subway had reached my stop and we couldn’t continue the discussion.

That event reminded me of the comments made by a Kenyan woman who I know regarding Western thought. She said wherever Western man goes he disturbs what is natural and then creates a “fix it” mentality to deal with what he has disrupted.

Her viewpoint becomes readily apparent upon addressing the condition of our youth today. At least one million of our youth belong to street gangs. Girls at the ages of 10 and 11 have sex clubs in grade school, even in parochial schools. Pregnancies now occur to 40% of teenagers. A government statistic indicates that America has the most violent boys n the world. These are but a few of the many illustrations of decadent conditions that prevail among our youth.

The cause of these conditions has been the destruction of the natural family environment necessary for the development of children. 90% of gang members come from broken homes, as do 90% of the men in prison. 24 million children go to bed at night without a father in the home. Only 12% of our 18 year-olds live with both their natural parents. For all practical considerations the family has been destroyed in America and the effects can be readily seen among our confused, lonely, and misdirected youth.

Getting back to the woman on the subway with her report on the behavior of preschoolers, the raising of children by the state is not something of recent development. In his Republic, Plato calls for the turning over of all babies to the State with the resultant abandonment of the family structure. Government control of all aspects of the life of its citizens is inherent in Western thought and is contrary to natural order. Whatever is contrary to the natural order deteriorates; our children were raised in an un-natural environment and their condition has deteriorated.

Our children require love and nurturing when they are young and guidance and discipline when they are older. The natural way for them to receive this is through their mothers and fathers. We have denied our children the warmth and security of the home. They have been forsaken. Most of you who are reading this have been forsaken. The deliberate breakdown of the family began more than two generations back and it has affected most of society.

Girls no longer understand why they were born females and boys do not understand why they were born males; neither knows their purpose in life. They no longer receive instruction in manhood and womanhood. They no longer dress and act in a manner to attract the opposite sex for the purpose of mating and producing offspring. All standards have deteriorated. Our youth just hangs out together with personal gratification being the only objective or even reward, which is temporary at best. I recall reading an article in which a woman college graduate said, “What’s a date?” She had not been on one date during her time in college—a very sad situation. People have no sense of purpose; that makes for a dull and impotent existence.

The government no longer wants you to behave like men and women but as persons, as automaton production workers and directed consumers. While you do these two functions the government takes over every aspect of your lives. The government might project the image that it cares about you, but only people can love you. Usually the people who love you best are your parents or members of your extended family, but I realize that is not always the case.

When we address the root cause of our forsaken children their condition will improve. The root cause is the absence of the patriarchal structure, which in turn resulted in the destruction of the family. Patriarchy is family. Men make patriarchy. No men. No family.

I ask you all to consider this statement. Either man rules or the government rules, there are no other options. Our forsaken youth are a result of government rule. Don’t you think its time for men to reclaim their manhood and reestablish the family as the focal point of society?

If you do, then review our mission statement and become involved in the promotion and dissemination of our message.

To the women who are reading this article, while I call upon the men to make change, I call upon you to support them and nurture them. They are risking their lives to make a better world for you and your children.

I ask that you review my recent video on this subject.
