Most religions–especially Buddhism and Christianity–promote the understanding of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. A person’s closest brother is his father. A father is the direct link between God and the individual; the father selected the individual’s mother. To humble oneself before God without being able to humble oneself before one’s father is a sham — an oxymoron — it cannot happen. A person’s father serves as the closest link to God. One cannot be reconciled with God without being reconciled with the world, and one cannot be reconciled with the world without being reconciled with one’s father. The Bible states; he that does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

All earthly existence derives from a father. The earthly father derives from the unseen God or Father, and the entire physical world depends upon the unseen conceptual thinking and spiritual awareness of the father. To not honor ones father is to destroy the very relationship required for the preservation of human existence, which is why in my essay titled Respecting Elders and Parents, I wrote:
The Bhagavad Purana, an ancient Hindu text contains a list of predictions pertaining to the decline and end of the period of Kali Yoga, which some authorities consider to be now. Its 11th prediction states: men will no longer protect their elderly parents. In 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 Paul writes: In the last days…people will be disobedient to their parents. Two religions located thousands of miles apart with scripture written centuries apart indicate that the lack of care for the elderly and parents portends the collapse of society.

I will not repeat here the importance of respect for fathers, but rather will focus on why honkeyism expended considerable effort during the past 75 years to destroy male authority and one of the vehicles they used to do it.
The 4th World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995 served as one of the major internationally funded events aimed at destroying male authority, which included challenging not only fatherhood, but the very foundation of marriage.

The conference was held in the largest communist country in the world; the United Nations sponsored this event; and Hillary Clinton was a principle speaker, the same Hillary Clinton who now wants to become President of the United States. The international power behind this conference cannot be over-estimated as it lasted from September 4th to 15th with delegates from 182 countries and a total 17,000 people in attendance. Total costs for this conference must have been in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

In looking over the agenda, I did not see one reference to fathers. The minutes of the conference were not readily available, but Focus on the Family, a Boulder, Colorado based Christian organization, reported at the time that two objectives of the conference were to eliminate all references to gender and religion in societal activity. How can any society survive if these two basic ingredients are missing? I question the existence of any indigenous society on the face of this earth that does not have a gender orientation and spiritual basis.

Eliminating all references to gender eliminates fathers. Hillary Clinton stated in her speech, “It is a violation of human rights when women are denied the right to plan their own families.” What is “their own families?” Men make families. Men make structure. No men no families. No men no structure. How can society possibly hold together without men? The establishment of strong central governments attempt to fill in for the natural structure normally established by men but they fail because they have no spiritual orientation, which is exactly what the conference called for: the elimination of gender and religion from society.

Without men, fathers, and families, big government becomes a necessity in order to administer and supply the material needs of people while maintaining order, which was the purpose of the conference. The 4th World Conference on Women served as a vehicle to help establish a centralized world government, which could only be implemented by negating the influence of men and spirituality.

Dr. James Dobson who at the time of the conference was President of Focus on the Family, stated that he regrets to admit as a Christian that the only force that kept that conference from being a complete route of family values and spirituality was the Muslim women who said they were proud to worship God, be wives and mothers.

Could that stance by Muslim women have affected Western diplomacy towards Muslim nations these past 20 years, especially when one of the principal speakers at the conference became the United States Secretary of State?

International relations aside, this conference expressed the extreme of the grossly materialistic thinking of honkeyism. It was me oriented. It focused on my rights, myself, me, Me, and ME. No thought given to the propagation and preservation of the species and the moral behavior required to maintain it. No concern with the larger picture because ME thinking can never be concerned with the larger picture.

The Western lack of spirituality accounts for the thinking at the conference; however, a brief look at Western history would reveal that both Greece and Rome fell when men lost all their authority and both societies plunged into debauchery and licentious lifestyles. Western writers such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell depicted in Brave New World and, 1984, respectively, the evil of societies that were devoid of gender and moral standards. Why has the honkey not learned from his own history and writers?

The material world provides very slow learning. Truth and knowledge are constants; they derive from the unseen world of men–most often fathers. A society in which adult men do not know the difference between those who have testis and those who have teats cannot possess knowledge; it can only implode upon itself due to its ignorance.


Women think physically; a trait enabling them to nurture the race. They think in pictures and their vocabulary has a noun and adjective orientation.

Men think conceptually, a trait enabling them to provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it as humankind proceeds on its spiritual journey. They think in concepts and their vocabulary has a verb and adverb orientation.

Women focus on the seen; whereas, men focus on the unseen. The unseen initiates, the seen produces.
The unseen depends upon the seen for its ability to function and survive. A few simple examples will illustrate the point.

Women do not readily differentiate between left and right, and North, South , East and West, which would make it difficult to go from one location to another in non-rural areas. The utilization of these six directions makes possible the construction of streets, avenues, highways, and subways that enable women to get from one place to another.
Not only are left, right, North, South , East and West non-seeable; they are non-existent. The conceptual thinking of men made them up. Other non-seeable designations that do not exist are inch, foot, yard, mile, kilometer, minute, hour, longitude and latitude, the international dateline, and the equator. All these un-seeable non-existent designations make it possible for the seen to function.

Organizational structure is also un-seeable and provides the vehicle through which all administration gets carried out. Women’s organizations do not exist except as they copy the structures that men have created.

The entire material world created by man depends upon unseen concepts for its existence and functioning.

This same relationship applies to the physical world of creation and the unseen forces of God. Everything that is seen depends upon forces that are unseen. The entire universe is held in place by the unseen force of gravity. All movement takes place as a result of the universal will. Nothing that occurs takes place outside of the universal unseen laws, will, and mind. Nothing just happens. There are no accidents and/or miracles.

The unseen God provides all the unseen forces that enable the universe to function. The unseen conceptual thinking of men enables the material world which they constructed, to function. The interaction between the seen and the unseen is a necessary requirement of all existence.

The seen cannot influence the unseen; only the unseen can influence the seen. Herein lays the problems of Western society.

Western man’s conceptual thinking is limited to matters material, resulting in inventions and their construction; however, because of his inability to focus on unseen spiritual matters he cannot provide women with the environment and means that would enable them to bring forth life and nurture it; consequently his society is imploding.

Many factors govern human behavior but group and personal values have the most influence. The highest values are inculcated from the moral standards derived from the ethics of men who realize their purpose in life is the propagation and preservation of humankind while on its spiritual journey. Without moral standards a society may function, but it will require many laws and their enforcement.

The Western mind loves the law because it can be seen. A great dependency on the law existed from the time of the earliest European Greeks. Draco instituted a system of law based on an aristocracy, and Solon developed a system of law in which eligibility for political power was based on wealth. From Draco, to Solon, to Justinian, to Napoleon, the Europeans prided themselves on their legal institutions. After a 2,000 year history based on law, when the Europeans came to America the Indians said of them, “white man speak with forked tongue.” Indeed he did, for the law is but a poor substitute for moral conduct. The manly way is “let your yes be yes, and let your no be no.” The law is for those who can’t live by that code.

The removal of male authority from the home, the removal of the man from the home, the luring of women from the home, and the turning over to the government the rearing of children not only eliminated the source of moral teachings but the arena to practice them as well.

The continual decline of morals in the Western world has been accompanied by a rapid rise in the number of laws, an increase in security arrangements at most institutions, and the presence of surveillance cameras into every aspect of daily life. The result has been a tenfold increase in the prison population since 1976, an increase of most every aspect of criminality, and a marked decline in civility.

A society without moral standards has a devastating effect on the physical and emotional health of its members. The majority of American women now have fibroids and a multitude of reproductive issues while the incidence of breast and cervical cancer continues. Perhaps the most significant ailment of all is the presence of stress throughout female society with the number one illness of the American woman being debilitating depression with upwards of 10 million women or about 10% of the adult female population suffering from that ailment. Nine million Americans use sleeping pills and the majority are women, 10% of the adult population uses anti-depressants regularly and the overwhelming majority are women with 23% of those in their 30’s and 40’s taking these drugs.

The effect on children has also been devastating, resulting in declines in academic performance, attention spans, and emotional adjustment. Teenagers have seen their suicide rates, truancy rates, drop-out rates, and sexual promiscuity increase. Only a minority of teenagers live in a home with both of their natural parents; they have little sense of belongingness, security, or respect for parents or elders.

All of the foregoing issues result from the ignorance of gender in Western society, which in essence is the difference between the seen and the unseen. The seen cannot survive without the influence of the unseen. The implosion of Western society provides evidence of that truth.

The negotiations and final agreement between Greece and the Eurozone concerning the Greek economic future have received extensive media coverage; however, the intrusions into Greek sovereignty—which in essence has been destroyed—have received minimal attention and commentary even though its causes affect all of us.

The only control Greeks have over their future is the degree in which they comply with the requirements of Eurozone funding, but for the most part the nation and its culture has been mortgaged to fulfill the terms of these loans. Collateral items include airports, utilities, arenas, and tourist attractions that can be sold off by creditors if loan defaults occur; however, more onerous financial constraints were the privatization terms that Greece was forced to agree to that included the eventual sale of baseball stadiums, casinos, airplanes, horse racing tracks, and even islands. Greece will be auctioned off to global financial interests.

The destruction of Greek sovereignty by those who control the international monetary system serves as a precursor of events that will happen to other nations and is now happening to all of humanity.

Just as Greece has been reduced to a profit center, all humans are being reduced to automaton production workers whose worth is measured by their contribution to profits. Greece as a sovereign nation no longer exists; the same powers that destroyed the Greek nation also suppress human character throughout the world. These powers consist of those who control the finances of the world and whose acceptance has been generated by Western materialism, which I refer to as honkeyism and which has no concept of spirituality or matters unseen, thus eliminating any understanding of gender and the purpose of family; it sees life as a finite entity and the universe as a vehicle for material accumulation, self-indulgence, and self-aggrandizement; therefore, it destroys the basic structure necessary for spiritual growth and substitutes a grossly materialistic societal structure that leads to the mental, physical, and spiritual decline of society.

The people of Greece dress, speak, and act increasingly Western. Their religion has decreased in influence, the family has broken down, and the government increasingly provides or controls all necessities of existence. With the sale of its assets to outside interests the Greek culture will have diminished to a point of being barely noticeable.

Most people in honkey influenced societies have lost their cultural heritage and have become nothing more than work digits in a grossly materialistic environment created by the powers that control international finance and who succeed in their efforts because of the receptivity of Western thought to materialism and the manner in which it exported honkeyism to the rest of the world through military, economic, and political conquest, destroying the spiritual, moral and familial values of the indigenous peoples it encountered, rendering them defenseless against the onslaught of materialistic exploitation.

All nations and all people are now measured by their material productivity, with people referred to as human resources and a nation’s geographic beauty referred to as natural resources. Nations are measured by GDP (Gross domestic product} and people are measured by output per man hour as profits determine the efficiency of these activities. Human activity throughout the world consists of producing products and services for the benefit of world financial interests. We have lost our dignity as humans and forgotten our purpose: to propagate and preserve the species as we continue on our spiritual journey.

As we wave goodbye to Greece as a sovereign nation, we are also waving goodbye to our own cultural values, individual sovereignty, and spiritual growth.


The media reported that thousands demonstrated against the G7 meeting held in South Germany and it reminded me of a flier I had made years ago indicating that real men don’t demonstrate.

Demonstrations derive from the same activity that a woman uses to get something that she cannot get on her own; she makes a scene with someone who has more power, ability, or resource than her to fulfill her desire. When a group of women make a scene it is called a demonstration, but the objective is the same: to get a greater power to do for them what they could not do for themselves.

Men are the greater power and there is no purpose to a man demonstrating against anything. Western man has given up his manhood to the government and now he demonstrates (makes a scene like women do) when he wants to make change.

The issue at hand with the G7 meeting is not the power of international finance, government, law, medicine and education. The issue is the thinking that gave them such power.

We can look at the activity and purpose of human existence as the propagation and preservation of the species while humankind continues on its spiritual journey, or we can consider that we live a finite existence in which we can exploit the earth for personal gain and self-indulgence. The latter thinking has prevailed in the Western world resulting in the neutering of the male and the replacement of his authority by the state and other institutions arising out of the worship of matters material.

When society realizes that its purpose is the propagation and preservation of the species while on its spiritual journey it will change its focus from accumulation and self-indulgence to sharing and caring. The condition of the Western world has fallen to a level beyond repair. It is not worthy of repair. It is built upon a weak foundation—upon a false premise. Its gross materialism lacks any sense of human purpose. Self-destruction has begun.

What then can we do? We can learn to live outside the system and associate with like-minded people who recognize the importance of family and the patriarchal structure necessary to maintain it. We can establish societal mores for marriage, community and interpersonal relationships. We can share with each other. We can have a spiritual understanding reflected in worship in a manner of our own choosing. Most of the world lived that way until the advent of Western influence.

To change society our thinking must change. Once our thinking changes the institutions that people demonstrating against will implode of their own accord and then die.

We have the power to rebuild on the old foundations. Let us use that power and

Be the demonstration by living differently outside of the system.

Humankind has access to a multitude of occult disciplines that when practiced result in the development of increased spiritual awareness; however, practicing these disciplines in an environment of extreme materialism is like having one’s head bashed against a wall and then taking aspirin to relieve the pain. Wouldn’t it be better to not have one’s head bashed against the wall?

These occult disciplines include Yoga, Tai Chi, and Chi Gong, which along with practices from the Toltecs of Mexico, the Hopis of North America, and various South American and African cultures constituted an integral part of the daily routines of the indigenous people who had developed them, rather than serving as palliatives to the effects of an unnatural lifestyle as they do in the Western or Honkey world.

The basis of honkeyism is gross materialism and for it to regard something as true it must be replicated in a laboratory or in some material arena. Materialism becomes God, it dictates what is true and what isn’t.
Since materialism has become God, the acquisition and ownership of material things indicates the development of godly power. Money, which acts as the vehicle for measuring material accumulation, serves as the basis for evaluating one’s competence and value to society.

Children are told to study hard, get a good job, make a lot of money and become somebody. Women are lured out of the home with the same enticement but through more sophisticated communications activities.
Money also becomes the vehicle used to correct all the problems of society.

To combat poor academic performance more money is spent on modern instructional equipment, better paid teachers, and improved curricula; to reduce crime more money is spent on law enforcement, security, and surveillance; to protect the environment more money is spent on reclaiming wildlife refuges, developing alternate forms of energy and enacting new environmental protection laws; and to combat poor health more money is spent on the development of sophisticated drugs, high-tech medical equipment, and intricate surgical procedures.

The result of this ever increasing expenditure has produced children (and adults) who can’t read or count; increased levels of crime, especially fatal and body deforming occurrences; an increase of all categories of environmental pollution; and increased numbers of chronic ailments, stress related diseases, and reproductive malfunction.

Every societal issue that money had been thrown at continues to deteriorate and at an increasing rate.

The Western populace has become increasingly aware of these conditions and instinctively seeks some form of solace to alleviate the angst that this awareness creates, hence it delves into occult practices that are not available to it from within; however engaging in these practices without addressing the fundamental issue of gross materialism in which they engage will produce a dichotomy of activity resulting in mental confusion.

Working all day with a focus on earning money, profits, the bottom line, investments based on material gain, financial planning, and financial needs of the individual and then devoting a portion of time in the morning or evening or on weekends to meditate and study matters spiritual with others results in a dual lifestyle that might offer near-term solace ( such as taking aspirins for the head bashings) but will change little long-term. Evidence of this is the growth of New-age activities into a multi-billion dollar industry while marriage, religious participation, and marital fidelity have decreased, and unwed motherhood, divorce and adultery have increased.

Spiritual growth does not require gimmicks; instead it requires an awareness of matters unseen, an understanding of gender, and the development of family as the focal point of society. Spirituality requires living it from when we awaken to when we go to bed. It can include New Age philosophy (which is really ancient wisdom) or it can focus on the religion in which you were raised.

Spirituality is not compatible with honkey values and its materialistic lifestyle. To achieve spiritual growth requires living outside of the materialistic confines of honkeyism. It might require settling for less income, fewer material possessions, and less ostentatious conduct. It could entail sharing your time, talents, and treasures with others. It will require a change in lifestyle; then participating in occult practices will become a part of that new lifestyle instead of serving as an escape from it. The need for treating the occult as a spiritual aspirin will pass.


Recently in reviewing the Gospel of Thomas from the Nag Hammadi Library I noticed it quotes Jesus as saying, “No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him,” a statement that caused me to reflect on my activities with Men’s Action over the years as well as on my healing activities.

You who receive this essay today subscribe to my website and come from all over the world; some from the States, some from Europe, Australia, even the United Arab Emirates. Yet there is not one subscriber from my village, New York City, the most populous city in the United States.

Regarding healing, people who pay for my services are those who did not know me.

New thinking receives little if any acceptance especially if the person does not carry the reputation of expert. I remember when in business customers would like it when an expert from the home office would visit them. “Expert” meant someone who traveled more than 50 miles from the home office. When he went back to the home office the espert was just another one of the peons.

Perhaps that’s the reason that none of you have been able to get even one friend to subscribe to my website even though it’s free. Probably if I were to visit you they would subscribe, or if you had come to visit me, you could say you had been to the home office and met Elder George and that would give you more credibility. Then again, as we shall see, that might not be the reason at all.

The prophet Jeremiah spent 25 years of his life preaching to the Israelites not about something new, but about what they already had, the Torah and the teachings of the earlier prophets. He never developed one follower, but had no shortage of enemies, many of whom wanted to have him killed. Eventually the Babylonians conquered Israel and those who were not slaughtered were enslaved. Jeremiah saw the ship sinking, but the Israelites could not or would not.

Perhaps the Western world cannot or will not see that their ship is sinking, and rapidly. Much has been done by the ruling elite to eliminate the source of those who would make change. Let’s take a brief look at those who will and won’t make change.

Those who are on the dole and the professional class are two bastions of maintaining the status quo. People on the dole do not want to lose it; one reason why the government in the United States is promoting Food Stamps heavily. Government healthcare serves as another vehicle for creating dependency upon the government and a reluctance to bring it down. The professional class, on the other hand, figures the system has enabled their success so why change it.

Those who will work to bring about change come from the ranks of small entrepreneurs, minorities, disenchanted youth, and misfits. Let’s see how they are doing.

The number of new American businesses has been declining steadily and the numbers of people who opt to start a business are also declining steadily. Those few who make it in the entrepreneurial arena are usually completely consumed in efforts to ensure their survival and have time for little else. Many reasons account for this drop including the crushing of male vitality among our youth, which will be discussed later. Businesses, even large ones, are becoming fewer and fewer in number as the economy increases. Research is not needed to verify this, just awareness and observation. The numbers of airlines, trucking companies, steamship companies, oil companies, and automotive companies have all declined, and continue to do so even though the demand for their products continually increases. The era of the entrepreneur is rapidly coming to an end, thus eliminating one of the areas that could normally provide people who would participate in bringing about social change.

A review of the minorities will show that their ability to bring about change has been nullified.

Let’s first take a look at the Black community in America. After several hundred years of slavery and segregation the unwed motherhood rate in the Black community in the1960’s hovered around 25%, a testament to the natural familial culture of the African. However, Great Society legislation changed that picture drastically as unwed mothers were given government subsidies if there was no man in the home, an act that reduced masculine influence in the black community. The second step of government legislation was to get these unwed mothers (welfare mothers) removed from the welfare rolls by getting them to work. This was done by educating and training them. It also took over the rearing of the children by the government in preschool, in school and after school programs; thus breaking down the Black family. By the year 2,000 the unwed motherhood rate in the Black community reached a national average of 70% and in areas such as Harlem, and Newark, NJ it reached 90%. Another outcome of this genocidal practice was that it was the Black woman that was educated, trained, and given minority job preferences over the Black man. After two generations of Great Society legislation the Black communities have become de facto matriarchies supported by the government, with Community Boards staffed by Black women deciding the fate of Black men.

There are many financially successful Black men in the sports and entertainment fields and I decided to write a letter-essay to them. I planned on sending a copy to the Basketball Players Association, and who do I find as the head of the organization but a Black woman. I planned on writing to the attorneys for Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson and found out that both of them were White. The Black man has no power in American society anymore. Only the Black Honkey has any influence but he has been well indoctrinated in Honkeyism, a term that I will explain later in this essay.

The largest minority group in America consists of Hispanics from Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. The welfare mentality that was successfully applied to the Black community is now being applied to the Hispanic community with similar results. The unwed motherhood rate among American born Hispanics has now reached 50%. The breakdown of the family manifests in the increased crime rate among Hispanics and in another decade or so they will become the predominant grouping in the prison population.

Minorities are no longer a source of societal change, although they might support it if someone arouses their passions. The media hype over Ferguson and New York city serves as a subterfuge to get people’s thoughts away from the real issue—the enslavement of society.

Now let’s review the state of our youth, especially that of our young men, who traditionally have been the fodder for social change. Three generations of boys have been educated in coed institutions in which they were inculcated to believe that no difference exists between the sexes. They were also raised in a fatherless home devoid of any examples of male character, spiritual training, and the responsibilities of fatherhood, while the media portrayed men as stupid oafs on an unrelenting basis

Boys and young men don’t take naturally to this environment and accounts for the continual decline of male college enrollment, and the high rate of male truancy in high schools. Grade school boys cannot be truant but they are given Ritalin to cope with their unnatural environment, which prepares them for the drug culture that lies ahead.

My healing activities go well beyond the physical and I am able to measure the thinking, stress level, and will of others. Many of our youth today do not think clearly and suffer from stress. Other have had there will broken, as have many minorities. All they want to do is “hang out” with no objectives in mind. I can help them to heal, but first they must have the desire to be healed and take the steps to come and see me. In any event, our young men have been neutered and pose no threat to the status quo.

The last category of those willing to make change are misfits, but in our modern society they are classified and then labeled such as deadbeat dads, income tax avoiders, debtors, and drifters, and are rounded up and either incarcerated or given prescription drugs and monitored. There is little accurate data concerning the treatment of misfits in America, but there are few if any that pose a real threat to the security of the governing elite.

The government has neutered our males, and like the neutering of a male cat to make it more docile, there is nothing that can be done to the female cat to make perform like the male, and nothing that can be done to women to enable them to perform as men. We now have a nation of followers, which is exactly what the ruling powers want, as it enables them to maintain complete control.

At this point I will address the term Honkeyism mentioned earlier. European thinking, and by extension the thinking of the Western world, has unique characteristics when compared to the thinking of indigenous people of the non-Western world. I will refer to Western thought as Honkeyism. While the term Honkey evolved in the African-American community, the negative characteristics of Honkey thinking are understood by most indigenous peoples.

Three fundamentals of human existence that Honkeyism cannot grasp are spirituality, gender, and family, in that order.

Upon the creation of the universe gender came into existence as the vehicle enabling all movement. The primary activity of all human movement is to sustain and reproduce itself, providing others with the opportunity to go on a spiritual journey. The arena in which this activity take place is called the family and it functions through the natural interplay of gender called patriarchy. Men provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it as humankind travels on its spiritual journey. Any deviation from spirituality, gender, and family results in disaster for all involved.

Any religion that does not address these three factors is incomplete.

In Checking the Gospel of Philip also from the Nag Hammadi Library he states, “Great is the mystery of marriage! For without it the world would not have existed. Now the existence of the world depends on man, and the existence of man on marriage.”

Honkeyism has destroyed spiritual practices, gender differences, and the institution of marriage. This thinking is causing it to destroy itself.

Two activities that have flourished under Honkeyism are whoredom and adultery. To quote Jeremiah again, who spoke the words of God, he states, “Do you see what Apostate Israel did? She went up to every hill-top and under every spreading tree, and there she played the whore.” He states later, “So I myself have stripped off your skirts and laid bare your shame. Your adulteries, your lustful neighing, your wanton lewdness, are an offense to me.”

Ethics are unseen and come from those men who understand their purpose in life. Ethics develop the standards for moral behavior. Without men there is no such thing as morality. The Honkey world is a world of whoredom and adultery; the tabloids remind us of this fact daily.

When a society has whoredom and adultery as the norm of behavior it is at an accelerated stage of collapse. The Western world has reached that stage.

There is more that can be written here such as the worship of materialism in Honkeyism and how all their established institutions have become sub-religions; however, this essay has already reached double the normal length and the issue of what to do now must be addressed.

In the fifth paragraph of this essay I speculated as to why none of you had even one person subscribe to my website. After having read this essay today do you know of one person in your acquaintance that would understand it and agree with it? Probably not. But you need to find such a person or persons, not for the benefit of Men’s Action but for your benefit. You need that person and he or she needs you. If you continue on with your present lifestyle and hope to find a lifeboat when the ship finally sinks, you will be disappointed; there won’t be any lifeboats. You need to get yourself into an environment outside of Honkey values and with people who will think likewise. I have decided to not renew my apartment lease after this year as I want to get myself into an environment that will help me to survive and be secure when the ship sinks. Part of that environment is to be with people who have similar values.

I would appreciate any comments you have to offer concerning this essay as I am considering starting a campaign on Facebook attacking Honkeyism as a negative political force.

Thanks for your consideration.

Each person has a center of information and knowledge that influences his actions and decisions concerning the material and spiritual worlds. This center of information derives from environmental experiences, both past and present, from this life and previous lives. Whether this knowledge results from karma, the psyche, or the soul, has no relevancy for the purpose of this essay; it is only important that we recognize that it exists.

This inner knowledge (also referred to as the Inner Voice) determines the path we take in life, or if the path has been forced upon us, how we deal with it and perhaps eventually change it. It determines the entertainment, knowledge, and friendships that we seek or encounter. When we are ready for growth in a certain area it points us in the direction where additional knowledge can be acquired. If we are not ready for growth in a specific area we will spurn all knowledge presented to us concerning it. For instance, if we are not ready for spiritual growth we would not open a religious text if it were put in our laps. On the other hand, when ready for spiritual growth we will not only open the text but would find it if it were in the store across the street.

There is a collective psyche as well as an individual psyche. Family, religion, and ethnicity can influence the collective psyche. National psyches and world psyches also exist.

When national psyches become obsessed with materialism and corrupted, prophets arise to warn the populace of the consequences. Usually these prophets do not fare very well as they are opposing the collective national consciousness. Sometimes societies collapse, and sometimes enough of a minority heeds the words of the prophets to bring about change or escape the consequences befalling the majority.

In the political arena changes are brought about by a complete change in government through electoral means, political coups or revolutions. The political and/or spiritual force that enables change derives from the collective consciousness of the people uniting in rebellion at the way of life that it perceives as wrong or oppressive. Uprisings frequently appear spontaneous in nature but they result from the smoldering mass psyche of a significant minority reaching a point that it will no longer tolerate existing conditions whether economic, political, or spiritual.

Most political changes fail because the fundamental issues do not get changed. The French revolution serves as an example, which when it was over resulted in a larger more intrusive government than before.

Changes seem to be brewing in most governments now as the populace increasingly recognizes that all aspects of society have begun to crumble. However, if the left replaces the right, or the right replaces the left, conditions will not improve because the fundamental cause of the issue—gross materialistic thought and practice—will not have been addressed.

The Western psyche cannot change, nor can it alter its gross materialistic thinking even though its society is crumbling. It could not do it during the fall of Greece; nor could it do it during the fall of Rome. Israel could not do it during the time of the prophet Jeremiah. All those societies perished.

A national psyche establishes an unwritten censorship against thinking contrary to its own. The communications media will not address views not in accord with what the national psyche can understand. If the national psyche has positive values it will endure, if it has negative values truth becomes unrecognizable as society wallows in ignorance until it self-destructs.

The Western materially oriented society is imploding, and those who recognize it should make plans for survival. Those who subscribe to this website have expressed their realization that something is amiss in the modern, material industrial world, wherever they may live. There are two areas of action that I recommend.

First we must increase the awareness of others concerning the existing conditions. By doing this we will be taking steps to create a small but growing minority that will affect the world psyche. This can be done by discussing the issues on this website with those whom you feel might be interested and motivating them to subscribe to this website. Surely you must know one person whom you can influence to subscribe to this website and/or invest in a set of books as you did. Do not underestimate your influence on the world stage.

In addition to increasing societal awareness we must take steps to survive as the collapse nears. We must learn to grow as much of our food as we can. Even if we do not own property we can learn how to grow bean sprouts and other foods that can be raised in an apartment. We must learn home health remedies and holistic healing as the health care system breaks down. I have tentative plans to offer specific survival programs and am considering using Facebook as the vehicle to do so.

We will also have to develop alternate living arrangements as the cost of living alone becomes increasingly prohibitive aside from being unnatural. Several generations will again live in one house, which will not only reduce costs but will provide an environment of nurturing love and a storehouse of wisdom.

As a reminder of what Men’s Action to Rebuild Society stands for, it is spiritually based and gender oriented and promotes a more natural way of life for humankind. The forming of its name was motivated by the words of Isaiah who called up the people to rebuild on the old foundations and become known as the rebuilders.

The time is at hand to start preparations to become rebuilders. What is your Inner Voice telling you? Are you ready to take a few steps to affect the world psyche?


The Bhagavad Purana, an ancient Hindu text contains a list of predictions pertaining to the decline and end of the period of Kali Yoga, which some authorities consider to be now. Its 11th prediction states: men will no longer protect their elderly parents.

In 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 Paul writes: In the last days…people will be disobedient to their parents.
Two religions located thousands of miles apart with scripture written at different times both indicate that the lack of care for the elderly and parents portends the collapse of society.

How does respect for the elderly and care of parents impact society? What negative conditions arise from the neglect and abuse of the elders? As mentioned in my last essay, the family is the structure that keeps humankind together; if the family is destroyed human society will collapse; disrespect for elders and neglect of parents begins the destruction of the family and collapse of society.

The question remains: In what way does disrespect for the elderly and parents impact society negatively? Firstly, the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of generations becomes lost, or at least clouded over when elders are neglected. Our present society confuses information with knowledge and wisdom. It believes that the learning obtained in schools, laboratories, research centers, and industry is knowledge. It isn’t. It is information about the material world that Western thought has created and has little to do with truth and knowledge, which come from the unseen and from the experiences of the elders, male and female alike.

The elders developed a system of ethics and moral behavior that held the tribe together for generations or even centuries. Elders also provided a relationship with the world that God created—nature.

Secondly, the care of elders and parents provides society with purpose and vision. Proverbs 29:18 states: A nation without vision shall perish. When society focuses on the propagation and preservation of the species it provides it with a vision of the future. When young men and women focus on family it strengthens the race. While not all women might have children, all women can nurture the race, and while all men might not have children they can nevertheless work to provide the environment and means for families to prosper.

Our present society shows the consequences of the two major affects of the neglect of elders. Women have been yanked out of the home and removed from centuries of accumulated knowledge of nurturing activities. Now they no longer know how to heal, nurture or partake in the infinite details of home making. They rely upon the government for all their information. Men are no longer in the home and moral standards have disappeared. Unwed motherhood has become the norm as the number of confused mixed up children proliferates. The number one health issue of Western society is mental illness.

Aside from the degeneration of society which takes place as a result of the lack of family influence, especially on the part of elders and parents, a more compelling third reason for people to respect elders and parents is for the benefit that accrues to themselves.

Paul writes in Ephesians 6:1, Children obey your parents, for it is right that you should. Honor your father and mother is the first commandment with a promise attached, in the words, that it may be well with you and you may live long in the land.

He states in 1st Timothy 5:1: never be harsh with an elder, appeal to him as if he were your father.

Leviticus 19:32 states the following: “You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.

Proverbs 20:29 states: The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.

Scriptures of all religions emphasize the respect of elders and parents for the well being of all concerned.

Spiritual growth can only be attained through focus on the family, which includes respect for elders. Attempts to have a peaceful, society without fulfilling this requirement can be seen through the failed efforts of the New Age Movement, which began more than a century ago but became popular in the last 50 years. It was thought that if we became vegetarians, sat in the lotus posture, meditated on our navels, and chanted Om, the world would get better. After 50 years the world has gotten much worse by every measure and the New Age Movement has crested. The attempt by Western society to incorporate into its gross materialistic thinking a spiritual system, without changing its thinking amounted to reliance on gimmickry.

A last example on the importance of respect for elders and parents has to do with the determination of the nature of the environments we are born into. We can either believe that the souls of children are looking down and determining which homes they will be born into, or we can believe that God decides who their parents will be. In the case of the former, we chose our parents and shouldn’t complain about our choice. In the case of the latter, God determined who our parents would be and it’s not advisable to complain about that decision.

In order for society to survive and for its members to grow spirituality the family must be its focal point, which necessitates respect for parents and elders. Only then can men work cooperatively to provide the means and environment for women to nurture the race as humankind proceeds on its spiritual journey.

All species have natural societal groupings such as herds, prides, flocks, and schools that provide the environment for their survival; the interdependent expression of the principle of gender within each species maintaining their respective societal grouping. Among humans the family and extended family or tribe provides the natural structure which serves to sustain itself. Western thought has destroyed the family unit, the result being the implosion of its society.

No mammal society can survive without virile, strong, and responsible males; therefore, the means of destroying the family in Western society consists of neutering the male, an extensive undertaking accomplished through, legal, educational, financial, and especially media efforts.

Various aspects of this neutering and/or its effects on society are contained in the 150 essays already posted on this website and will not receive further clarification here; however, the writing of this essay was motivated by two news items appearing this week, which are part of the many indications of the collapse of Western society due to the absence of masculine thinking.

The first of these was the announcement by the Surgeon General’s Office that melanoma has increased 200% in the past 40 years among children, and that action must be taken to deal with these conditions. More than likely most mothers will take notice of the warnings and will cut down on the time their children spend in the sun, see that clothing covers more of their bodies, and use the latest sun screen lotions. This increased awareness of the dangers of excessive exposure to the Sun will spread to schools, summer camps, recreational facilities, and tourist locations. Probably many municipalities will legislate and enact laws regarding the limits of childhood exposure to Sun. Of course the pharmaceutical companies will develop more effective UV blockers and improved protocols for the treatment of melanoma.

That’s the action that will be taken concerning this new “disease” among children, and it will be generally accepted as life moves on to other activities. The thinking used to address the issue of melanoma is female. It deals with what it sees; that’s how it nurtures; it cannot do otherwise. There is another form of thinking absent here. It’s called masculine thinking, which will be explained later, but first I will address another generally accepted health issue.

Orthodontic dentistry has been widely accepted and refined for the last century. It deals primarily with malocclusions, a variation in bite caused by several variable factors in the mouth. In layman’s terms we can say the teeth just don’t fit right. Sometimes there isn’t enough room for the wisdom teeth, sometimes the arc of the upper teeth is so small as to create a large overbite, and sometime the teeth are just not in proper balance. Orthodontic procedures for Western children are considered to be normal, just as melanoma procedures will be considered normal as well.

Have you ever heard anyone ask the question “Why does modern society have orthodontic problems?” That’s called masculine thinking. It is conceptual in nature. That is how the male provides the environment and means for the female to bring life into this world and nurture it. But the male has been neutered; his education has become recitorial like that of women. He no longer asks those questions, as can be seen in the recent responses to the increase in melanoma among children.

Let’s look closer at the melanoma increase among children. As a child I lived in the Sun; my skin became so dark, it was well beyond bronze. On my graduation picture from grade school I was so dark that I looked like an immigrant. Sun tan lotions were a rarity in my youth, and sunburn was fairly frequent, although I was not one of the sufferers. I am 84 now, show no signs of melanoma and am not unique among my contemporaries.

Has the energy of the Sun changed since my youth? Has our ability to absorb the benefits of natural ultraviolet light changed? If so why? Does an increase in melanoma and orthodontic issues indicate a mutation of the race? The increase in Caesarian deliveries, the increasing use of chemical formulas for the feeding of our newborn, the changing of women’s figures from the natural hour glass shape to the more angular shape becoming increasingly common today, are all examples of the continuing mutation of Western society as a result of its neutering of the male influence, specifically its thinking.

The effects of the lack of masculine thinking in Western society brings me to address the second major event announced on the news this week with the headline “Artificial Intelligence Could Be More Dangerous Than Nukes,” says Elon Musk, high tech business guru. What is artificial intelligence? An internet definition reads as follows: the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

My view is that artificial “intelligence” does not exist. What society refers to as artificial intelligence is a system of material stimuli by machines that people have been programmed and conditioned to respond to. Conceptual masculine thinking cannot be programmed, nor can the nurturing love of women be programmed; however, the latter is dependent upon the functioning of the former.

Artificial intelligence is gaining acceptance because of the lack of masculine thinking in society. People are being taught to recite everything. Women love to recite because they inherently know that all knowledge comes from outside of themselves; therefore, recitations are manifestations of what they have learned. They are given incentives to recite such as the awarding of licenses, certificates, and degrees. What they do not realize is that what can be recited can be robotized, which eventually leads to a loss of jobs and poorer service from the robots. Society continues to substitute information for knowledge, teaches people to perform functions instead of tasks, and to recite instead of understand and explain; ideal programming for the instituting of artificial intelligence and the enslaving of people.

The only way out of the continual encroachment by government on the natural lifestyle of human beings is a reassertion of the masculine principle, beginning with masculine conceptual thinking, which will tear down the program of reducing human beings to identical work units and restore them to propagators and preservers of the species while on their journey of spiritual growth.

Nurturing love, conceptual thinking, and spiritual growth cannot be put into artificial intelligence; only their suppression can enable its development and proliferation.


President Barack Obama on Monday July 22nd signed an executive order banning workplace discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender workers of federal contractors and the federal government.

Ostensibly this order will prevent discrimination in the work place (and eventually lead to sexually integrated rest rooms as well), but it serves as another vehicle for reducing people to work digits; to colorless, genderless, and valueless, entities devoid of spirituality, ethics, morality, ethnic culture, and human dignity. People have been made equal (the same), as a result of “rights” and laws enforcing these rights bestowed upon them by the high priests of Mammon located in Washington, D.C.

The only true objective in our Mammon society consists of the opportunity to earn money, obtain material things, and foster self-indulgence. The propagation of the species and the inculcation of spiritual values have no support or venue in the government of Mammon.

Qualities that parents once inculcated in their children no longer receive attention. When did you last hear someone say, “You’re not behaving as a lady” or “He’s a real gentleman?” We do not even use those terms anymore. We have eliminated Mr. and Mrs. from our social lexicon. We have become units now, and the designations that differentiate one unit from another are titles such as engineer, nurse, truck driver, or a host of other titles dependent upon the work that we do in order to have the right to eat and which are bestowed upon us by the various institutions of Mammon.

The objective of most societies since the beginning of recorded history consisted of developing good wives and mothers who would bring forth life and nurture it, and good husbands and fathers who would provide the environment and means for that activity to take place. Marriage was a tribal ritual approved by the elders because the future existence of the tribe depended upon the performance of those two people and others like them who made marriage commitments. Without the establishing of standards, people cannot progress along a spiritual and moral path; a truism stated in Proverbs as, “A nation without vision shall perish.”

The concept of sameness did not exist among the indigenous people of most of this world. There was a sense of belonging, and all members of the tribe were cared for; however, their duties varied according to their ability to help preserve and protect the tribe. That objective no longer exists and the state of Western society reflects the loss.

Children no longer receive training in modesty, consideration for others, prudence, fortitude, and any of the many attributes necessary to be a well functioning member of the family, tribe, and race. Everything is okay, we are all the same, “do not judge anyone, and we’ll all be happy,” reflects the thinking that permeates the government, media, and educational system.

Lest anyone conclude that prejudice plays a part in this essay, I consider all men and women to be my brothers and sisters, regardless of their moral values or performance; however, we do tend to want to associate with those who have similar values, and we do not want to see our values attacked covertly or overtly. People are different from one another, sometimes very different. Factors such as climate, religious training, vocational focus, family tradition, social mores, and language account for some of these differences, which should be respected and learned from.

Laws now exist that prohibit even references to sexism, homosexuality, and atheism, on the job or in public places. Laws exist preventing the expression of religious values on government property, in government organizations, or government affiliated organizations, which account for a large part of normal areas of activity. Even though government laws purport to treat all people equally, they are loaded with prejudice; they will not consider a spiritual authority, or male authority, or the importance of family.

There are only two options and one choice available to all members of society today: either you believe in God and the purpose of humankind as the propagation of the species as it develops spiritually, or you believe in a grossly materialistic society the purpose of which is self-gratification. There are no other options and only one choice.

People in general have tried to avoid that choice as the pleasures of Mammon are extensive and the responsibilities of the spiritual life are heavy; however, the self-destruction of Western society has become obvious, and the time for making a decision is at hand. Once the decision is made action will be necessary to start living outside of the grip of Mammon and its various material institutions such as government and its many satellites.

The time will be at hand to rebuild on the old foundations and be known as the rebuilders.

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