A university professor once asked me for my premise concerning a discussion I had with her regarding gender. I didn’t know that a premise was needed for the discussion of truth. Can’t we just know things? Since this article will be subject to the materialistic thinking prevalent in academia, the media, and most of society I will present my premise. There are no accidents in the universe – a cause exists for every effect.

My reasoning in this article will be based on that premise. Also, this article will not address the cause of the virus or how it got here. It will focus on the response to the toll that it has taken in sickness and death.

Regarding the toll taken in actual deaths, the numbers are elusive at best. A criteria of the death rate attributed to the virus would be to subtract from the total number of deaths taking place daily the normal death rate when the virus didn’t exist. That seems simple but it wasn’t done. My research uncovered that on a normal day 460 people die in New York City. To determine the number of people dying from the virus on any given day all that is necessary is to subtract 460 from the total number of deaths. If those figures were compared anywhere I am unaware of it and as of this writing I still do not know the actual number of Corona virus deaths in NYC..

Some attempt was made to determine the age group of those most susceptible to the virus and the results indicated the elderly were highly likely to develop serious symptoms leading to death. Further analysis revealed that among the elderly those with pre-existing health conditions were the most prone to suffering and death.

We were led by health professionals and the media to believe that the issue resided in being old and/or sick. They frightened us. I am 90 years-old, live in NYC and was told not to go out unless absolutely necessary, not to ride public transportation, to wear a mask and gloves, and wash thoroughly upon my return.  Woe unto me if I contacted the corona virus.

Upon reflection I came to the realization that at 90 years of age I never had a flue-shot nor ever had the flue even in the worst years of flu epidemic, nor did I ever have a bad cold. The issue is not ones age or general health, it has to do with the immune system.

The virus does not know an elderly person from a young person nor a healthy person from a sick one. The issue revolves around healthfulness and sickness. Some people in their 90’s contacted the virus without any ill effects.  A woman the age of 113 in Spain had contacted the virus without developing symptoms.

As a nation in general, and among health care professionals in particular, the focus is on the effect not on the cause. The effect is people suffering and dying. The cause is weakened immune systems.

Recent studies revealed that most of those who developed virus symptoms in Spain were vitamin D deficient.  Vitamin D along with Zinc and Vitamin C, are primary ingredients in developing a strong respiratory immune system. Vitamin D is available at no cost just by basking in the sun. However, health authorities warn us not to go out into the Sun as we could develop skin cancer. Consequently many people are Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin C and Zinc are readily available in natural foods; however, the high sugar and carbohydrate diets we feed our children and especially the elderly, lead to deficiencies in these ingredients.

Corona virus sickness and death are effects that result from the cause of weakened immune systems, which in turn are caused by unnatural life styles, especially the eating of energy depleted foods. Developing vaccines does not provide an answer to sickness, it addresses the effect, not the cause.

We live in a society focused on what it sees, which is an effect.  That society is ignorant of causes. Consequently it looks to the government to address all of the effects when in reality the government − either directly or indirectly − caused all of the effects.

There is another way to live. Think about it.
