There are many indications of the deterioration of the well-being of American women such as high rates of breast cancer, obesity, diabetes, and migraine headaches; however, the most telling characteristic of the decline of the well-being of women is their deteriorating mental state.

The single most significant measure of the state of women in our society and in Western nations in general is their high level of mental illness. The number one debilitating illness of the American woman is depression with upwards of 10 million suffering from this ailment. Three million girls also suffer from depression. Depression has become so widespread that a major criterion in selecting colleges is the competence of their psychiatric staff, and a major criterion in evaluating college applicants is their psychological health.

Antidepressant drugs such as Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, and Zoloft have become household names. Children today probably know these names as well as they do Bayer Aspirin. Knowing the name of these drugs they then think it normal for their mothers to be depressed, and it is normal—not natural—but normal in our society.

Drugs—all drugs—produce dangerous side effects in the body further deteriorating the health of the women who use them. Studies are being made (Western thought loves studies because it knows nothing) on the causative factors of depression among women.

The following is an excerpt from one such study made by a woman who is attempting to blame society for the depression of woman:
The increase in the number of women diagnosed with depression, sometimes when symptoms are minimal, has come on the heels of an approach to treatment known as “biological psychiatry.” In this approach, rather than looking for social, cultural and economic and life stage factors that might be making a woman depressed or anxious, doctors are taught, and patients have come to believe, that the cause of symptoms is biological. This makes it seem logical that a drug is needed and appropriate.
This conclusion is partially right; however, the writer didn’t explore the social cultural and life stage factors that needed to be addressed. An analysis of American women who suffer from depression shows that a disproportionate share consists of those who are white, middle class and single, especially single women with children. This is a social, cultural, and economic grouping whose constituents make up the primary membership of feminism and “women’s liberation” thought. They have become so liberated that they are going out of their minds. They have no concept of family.
Feminists are the one’s who’ve been on psychiatrist’s couches, who belong to support groups, who are on prescription medicines, and who carry anti-depressants and painkillers in their purses.
Western women throughout the world suffer from a disproportionate amount of depression; in Europe depressed women comprise close to 15% of the female population. That’s a disaster. Yet they make up a significant part of the electorate that elects women to political power. Isn’t that amazing? The depressed ones—the nutsey byes of society—wield the political power that affects our lives and in particular laws affecting marriage and the care of our children. It is only in the Western nations that women have risen to political power without some relationship to their husbands and their fathers. It is these Western nations that have the highest rates of female depression. The core constituent group of Hillary Clinton supporters consists of depressed single females, and the media treats that as progress for women.
Those nations where women do not rise to political power have the lowest rates of depression. They also have lower rates of breast and cervical cancer, suicide, divorce, and adultery. They also have children less likely to become unwed mothers, join street gangs and end up in prison. They do not live un-natural “liberated” lives; they live in happy and secure families. The media treats those women as unenlightened, third world people. This is a true travesty of values.
The liberated independent Western woman in the aggregate is the unhappiest woman in the world and she produces children who are likewise. The reason that these women are depressed is because they have been removed from their natural environment and been deprived of their natural function—to bring life into this world and to nurture it. They can only do this if men provide the secure environment and means for this nurturing to take place.
This secure environment is known as the patriarchal structure and it produces family. Men make patriarchy. No men—No patriarchy. No patriarchy—No family. No family—No security. No security produces depressed women.
The Western woman is suffering from depression and there is no government program that will improve her lot. Surveillance cameras and security guards do not alleviate the problem. There is only one species of life that protects, cares for, and loves women. It’s called man.