The following is an excerpt from a Glenn Sacks newsletter of October 15, 2008:

California attorney Marc Angelucci scored a tremendous victory today as the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento ruled that California’s exclusion of men from domestic violence services violates men’s constitutional equal protection rights.
The taxpayer lawsuit — Woods. v. Shewry — was initially filed in 2005 by four male victims of domestic violence.
In 2007, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Lloyd Connelly dismissed the case, ruling that men are not entitled to equal protection regarding domestic violence because they statistically are not similarly situated with women.
Today the Court of Appeal reversed that decision and held:
The gender classifications in Health and Safety Code section 124250 and Penal Code section 13823.15, that provide state funding of domestic violence programs that offer services only to women and their children, but not to men, violate equal protection.

Chuck Correy, President of the Equal Justice Foundation also reported this case in an Email dated October 14, 2008, which I excerpt here:

SAN DIEGO, CA – 00/00/00 – Today the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento ruled California’s exclusion of men from domestic violence violates men’s constitutional equal protection rights.

Harry Crouch, a San Diego child custody coach and President of the National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM), a men’s rights organization that filed and backed the plaintiffs, said: “All victims need services regardless of gender. Services should be need-based, not gender-based. This decision can profoundly affect on the equal treatment of victims.”

For those who are not familiar with Glenn Sacks and Chuck Correy, they contribute to public awareness of domestic issues, especially as they impact negatively on men and the institution of the family. Glenn does it through his newsletter, radio and television interviews, and through other vehicles that present him an opportunity. Chuck is a well-known attorney and fights these issues in the Colorado courtrooms, has an internet mailing list, and uses other media when available. Both men are indefatigable workers devoted to drawing attention to what they perceive as wrong regarding legal domestic issues. They are both enthusiastic about the Court of Appeal decision as it might serve as a milestone for future domestic violence issues in other states.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge Harry Couch’s efforts here, for his perseverance has been the force that made this legal decision possible.

Having acknowledged the efforts that went into this case and allowed that the Court of Appeal decision could have far reaching effects, my feelings about the event are less than enthusiastic; they have not even reached the level of tepidity. I could never express enthusiasm for a system that makes the government the head of the relationship between a man and a woman; that reduces man to a wage earner—a donkey on the treadmill of production—while it takes over the responsibility of the propagation and preservation of the species.

Western thought which is feminine always looks outside of itself for help in resolving it issues. It calls upon the government, religion, money, and the medical establishment for its survival. For the most part Western man has a Biblical orientation but he seems not to understand its message. Regarding government Jesus said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s. He worked outside of the religious structure. Regarding money he said, “What does it suffer a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” We have gained the whole world and lost our own souls. Regarding the medical establishment, Jesus healed every form of sickness brought to him and told us greater things than these we could do. With all these directions Western thought still relies outside of itself for resolution all of its issues. Paul said, “There is no single gift that you have not received,” but this message still has not sunk into the Western psyche, which is feminine and wants to be cared for.

This inability to do for ourselves has permeated the national consciousness. We beg to be enslaved. We want universal health care, universal education, a right to a home and a job. We can’t change or initiated anything anymore. I have referred to ground zero as the true symbol of America—a large vagina. For years the New York papers have contained editorials asking why can’t we get an erection. The reason we can’t get an erection is because vaginas don’t get erections. Regarding the men—this is the land of Viagra—we can’t get it up.

In order for any system to function there can only be one authority. There is only one God, one Sun in the Solar system, one captain of a ship, and one head of a family. I elaborated on this concept in an eight minute length movie on youtube, which can be seen on “elder george patriarchy part 2.” The one authority in American life is the government, not the man. The IRS permits the filing of head of household tax returns by two or more homosexuals living together or by two or more lesbians living together, but not by a man living with his wife. That’s something to reflect upon. A greater reflection is to wonder why Western man accepts this situation.

Whether it’s Joe Biden’s Violence against women act or the ruling of the court of appeals case mentioned in this article, they both verify that man is no longer the head of the household; the government is. I cannot be enthusiastic about any event that takes away form man his natural and ordained rulership and reduces him to a work unit.

For those who don’t like being reduced to a donkey on the treadmill of production, who are uncomfortable with Western style emasculation, and who believe that family should be the focus on society and that it can only come about by male leadership and authority, Men’s Action to Rebuild Society offers you a vehicle for change. To make use of this vehicle requires a commitment to discard conventional thinking and assert your manliness. Are you up to it?