A statistic appearing in an internet column this week indicated that women now comprise 20% of the American armed forces, a horrific statistic exemplifying the degeneration of our society, as those who are designed physically, mentally, and emotionally to bring life into this world and nurture it, now receive training in how to destroy it by becoming members of the military or police force.
Having women in the military subverts its basic purpose, which is to defend the homeland. Since the beginning of time men have fought to protect women and children, along with their cultural heritage, but with women now leaving the home to go and do battle, what does the military fight for?
During the Iraq War a picture in one of our major newspapers showed a woman soldier in full pack headed for Iraq leaving her two small children behind; the caption under the photo stated “I’m doing this for the money.” For the money? Leaving your own flesh and blood behind so that you can kill someone else’s flesh and blood? Someone whom you don’t know and who has not threatened you in anyway? That woman is killing strangers for money. In what way does her activity differ from “hit men” among organized crime who kill people for money?
Killing a person is to the normal human at least, a very unnatural and unnerving undertaking, especially if there is no grudge against that person. Our soldiers receive training to kill, kill, kill, before they go into battle. Then when they return to the States they shoot their neighbors, friends, wives, and/or themselves. Soon we’ll have woman veterans doing the same thing when they return from the front.
Our women receive less training in nurturing than they do in aggressiveness. They have been removed from the influence of the home in early childhood where they once learned from their mothers and grandmothers the infinite array of activities that involved nurturing. They are exposed to all forms of unnatural female aggressiveness in their schooling, on television, and in the movies. They enter the police force and military where they are taught how to kill people. Nurturing the race has gone out of style and as a result we have teenagers, shooting, stabbing, and molesting each other.
The breakdown of the family rarely gets referred to when addressing the increasing violence of our children; it’s always the politicians or some organization that is to blame along with a lapse in security.
Laws and security can never make up for the lack of ethics upon which moral behavior is based, and ethics come from only one place; they come from those men who recognize the need for the propagation and preservation of the species while humankind is on its spiritual journey. There is no other place for ethics to come from. By removing the man from the family the source of ethics has been removed from society. By removing the woman from the home (which is a direct result of the removal of the man from the family) the source of nurturing has been removed from society.
Now the purpose of society is to make money so that people can indulge themselves. Any form of work has become acceptable; gambling, pornography, and killing people for money are all O.K.
Women mercenaries participate in all vocations and professions because it is now their right to be able to do what men do; unfortunately they don’t know what it is that men do or did. Men worked hard and endured much abuse on the job in order to provide the means and environment for women to bring forth life and nurture it. That’s why men worked. Not for career or money. They had a sacred obligation and did their best to fulfill it. The earnings of married men have always surpassed the earnings of equivalent single men because married men had the primary motivation of the care of their families.
Why are women working outside the home? What motivates them to join the military and police force, and security companies where they learn how to kill people?
It is not economic necessity. During the Great Depression and amidst all that material poverty women stayed home and nurtured the race. That’s why: children could play in the streets without supervision, security at schools and colleges was almost none existent, people could leave their homes and cars unlocked, and children and youth did not run amok.
The single motivating factor of a woman is the ME factor. She will behave in accordance with the standards that enhance her ME status. The norm of humankind was that women functioned as nurturers of the race, and women then did their best to show that they were highly capable nurturers. The chastity of women was desirable in maintaining morality; therefore, they would fight to the death to preserve their virginity.
Nurturing is no longer held in high regard; therefore, women no longer have interest in learning how to become devoted wives and caring mothers. Moral standards no longer exist; regarding chastity, 12 year-old girls now call each other asking, “Did you do it yet?”
What has changed in society? Women are the same as they have always been, but their conduct has changed because the expectations of them have changed. Morality no longer exists. We are all the same now, and have become automatons doing what is necessary to earn money. We live in a society of female mercenaries, and the negative effects are everywhere.