The universe consists of knowledge and love. Knowledge provides the structure in which love can function; without it chaos reigns and the nurturing love necessary for life cannot be transmitted.

The unseen God created the physical universe and the unseen conceptual thinking of the masculine principle provided the structure for everything built upon it.

Males provide the environment and means for females to bring forth life and nurture it; the  propagation and preservation of all life requires this interdependent relationship as the physical, mental, and emotional attributes unique to each gender enable them to fulfill their basic purpose and natural function.

When a lion forms his pride he first creates a structure. He looks over the terrain where he plans to live to determine if it provides sufficient water and food to sustain the pride, and if he can defend it. He then gives notice to the other lions of the perimeters of his territory.

Once the lion has established his territory he then offers the lioness an opportunity to be a member of his pride. She can either accept or seek to become part of another lion’s pride.

Humans have had a similar mating pattern for millennia. The man makes the structure and defends it. He also makes the rules. If the woman feels the man can provide the environment she wants to fulfill her function in life she accepts his proposal; if not she turns him down.

Males have an inherent ability to create structure. From early childhood boys develop clubs, teams, and gangs. In adulthood they develop business, educational, financial, military, and governmental structures. The ability to do this derives from the conceptual thinking of the male. All organizational structures are concepts. They do not have size, shape form, or texture and cannot be put into a pocket book.

Women think in pictures, which provides the ability to nurture the race; however, they cannot create structure because they are not equipped with the conceptual thinking required to do so. Every organizational structure in the world was created by a male. That includes the Lion’s pride, Stag’s herd, and Rooster’s flock.

Scientists have determined that boys tend to hang out in groups of 8 to 12, whereas girls limit their groups to 3 or 4. Girls and women cannot build groups of more than four; they have an inherent tendency to create cliques, which inhibits the development of any structural arrangement.

Admitting women into structures that they could not create nor administer, and giving them an equal vote with men caused the structures to weaken, become dysfunctional, and eventually collapse. All structures in the Western world are in various stages of dysfunction and collapse. All.

This collapse has resulted in the deterioration of the well-being of the race. The first illustration will be a brief look at the devastation that has occurred to our children; however, before describing it I am referring to an article by Stephanie Booth, a talented freelance writer whose article Helping People Affects your Brain, appeared in a newsletter of the Epoch Times.

The following paragraph was taken from the article.

 “Humans are born especially vulnerable and dependent on others,” explained Tristen Inagaki an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. “As a result, we require a prolonged period of intense care-giving* following birth in order to survive.”

I inserted the asterisk after care-giving, a gender neutral term that is now the accepted substitute for nurturing love. We care for our livestock and they are not doing well. All life requires nurturing love, especially children, and women are uniquely designed to provide it; however, the family structure has been destroyed and women no longer stay at home to nurture their children.

Women now have jobs and send their children to pre-school, in school, and after school programs, where they are fed food not intended by God to be consumed by humans, attended to by strangers whose purpose is to earn a living, educated with immoral standards, denied the nurturing love essential to childhood development, and given Ritalin or similar drugs if they did not adjust to their unnatural and loveless environment.

A new generation raised without nurturing love, spiritual development, and moral values has become increasingly dysfunctional with many migrating into gangs and eventually jail. The majority of people responsible for violence in our institutions come from dysfunctional homes of one sort or another; they were not raised in the proper structure and/or did not receive nurturing love.

Now let’s look at the destruction taking place among women. The number one health issue of the American woman is debilitating depression with upwards of ten million women or 10% of the adult female population suffering from that malady. One woman in four in her 30’s and 40’s takes anti-depressants. Female suicide at both the adolescent and adult levels has reached all time highs. Upwards of 50% of women suffer from stress; the more common symptoms include  insomnia, lower back pain, headaches, and menstrual issues. All too often women are prescribed medications that address the symptoms but do nothing to remove the cause resulting in an increasing dependency on medicinal drugs which produce toxic effects on their bodies. Also, the majority of Western women develop fibroids while the incidence of breast and cervical cancer continues unabated.

Another influence causing destruction among women was hinted at in the article by Stephanie Booth, which explained the health benefits that people receive when they donate their time to others. Yes, people do benefit when they help others, but the benefits cannot compare to those received by  a woman when she nurtures her family. When a woman puts nurturing love into cooking, folding of the laundry, bathing of the children, cleaning of the house, and other myriad activities of selfless loving care, that nurturing love is flowing through her and she is benefitting from it. She gets healthier. When she ceases to transmit nurturing love her health declines.

Compare the health condition described of the Western woman to the women of the Dogon Tribe in Mali, among whom there has never been a recorded case of breast or cervical cancer. The Dogons have a patriarchal and polygamous structure. Their women are happy, their children are happy, and their men are happy. They practise a natural lifestyle and live long healthy lives.

An indication of the combined deterioration of the Western world and its dysfunction is illustrated in an announcement from the World Health Organization indicating that the number one health issue in England, the United States, and Canada is mental illness. In France anti-depressants are taken at double the rate in which they are taken in England. The American Institute for Mental Health indicates that at any given time 25% of Americans are considered to be mentally ill.

The health and well-being of the Western world and all it influences is deteriorating everywhere. The negative effect on men and boys of the suppression of their natural male attributes, by government, academia, and the media, has such a huge devastating effect on their mental, physical, and spiritual development that it cannot be addressed within the confines of this essay.  What should be noted here is that all the problems of society begin with men not doing the job (whether by design or external influence) for which they were created.

While writing this article I came across the following advice attributed to Confucius,  “To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.”

His advice supports the message of this article. In order to put the nation in order we must first put the family in order. This can only be done by the proper understanding of gender, which requires cultivating our personal life and setting our hearts right. Men must provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. This activity called patriarchy is the natural structure of the universe and represents the functional relationship of knowledge and love.
