We hear so much about what scientists have to say about any subject important to us whether nutrition, climate change, pollution, sleeping habits, educational performance, sexual habits, criminology, societal relations, or a host of medical issues, and we have elevated their status to that of the priesthood in our material world.

The pursuit of knowledge through experimentation and the acquiring of verifiable results called the scientific approach is a natural process and can be conducted without the use of microscopes, telescopes, petri dishes, computers, and various technological devices. We can all find and prove to ourselves all the knowledge necessary for our betterment.

The scientific approach used by modern society limits itself to material analysis; therefore, their efforts cannot find knowledge but can only provide information; hence, we live in the information age. Scientists will never find truth because they are looking in the wrong place. The material world can only yield information; the spiritual world reveals truth, which can only be found within, as the following examples will illustrate.

A subject that has become almost vogue is the study of the frequency of near death occurrences that have resulted in “out-of-body” experiences. Those who have these experiences report entering an area of bright light and feelings of peace and warmth. Scientists refer to these states as hallucinations.

People can test for this condition if they wish and without almost dying. Those who have the ability to meditate deeply, report out of body experiences similar to those who have had near death occurrences. The apostle Paul said, “I die daily.” People who can meditate deeply do in essence die daily and experience a reality outside of their bodies, it does not matter if scientists give the experience their approval. Truth is subjective; it is either understood or experienced; it does not have to be proven to others.

Moving on to a more mundane example, one can find considerable scientific opinion regarding the practice of vegetarianism. A search of the internet will find opposite extremes, some very vitriolic in the expression of their views, and both sides supported by what appears to be an infinite amount of supporting data. To resolve this issue for yourself I recommend that you do your own testing. If you can’t go “cold turkey” and eliminate all animal products starting with tomorrow’s diet, then you might try first abstaining from red meats, then fish and poultry, then dairy. In whatever approach you decide to use, you will find improvements in your health and in the way you feel.

I will share with you the changes in my personal well being when I became a vegetarian 19 years ago at the age of 65. Even though I had eaten most animal products I did always include fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet. The moment I started the diet I began to lose weight, and lost 27 pounds before my body stabilized at its natural weight. I used to take antacids frequently before becoming a vegetarian, but never did so afterwards. I had suffered with the gout and had passed kidney stones; events that have not recurred since I gave up animal products. My cholesterol used to average 325, it now averages 180. In general I am feeling very well and do not take any medications. I do have a few muscular skeletal ailments that have been with me since childhood, but they have not progressed. Becoming a vegetarian increased my health and well-being; I do not need any scientists to approve of what I did, I proved the benefits to myself.

I gave only two examples regarding making your own scientific analysis. But you can do this on all things without the reliance upon modern science. Many of you know that I have studied and practice a type of energy healing, which I have since combined with other healing modalities. I can examine anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world, treat them and heal them. I do not require the stamp of approval of any medical associations; people whom I treated know they were healed. What more proof is needed?

My caution regarding relying on scientific authority does not mean we should not consult with people of knowledge, but they can exist outside of the establishment; for example, there are shamans, medicine men, bush ladies, witch doctors, and a wide assortment of healers in every native environment that have the ability to heal through their personal powers, and knowledge of herbs and diet. Healing that I have become aware of through reading and learning would be considered as bordering on the miraculous by the average person.

Consult the learned in all things, but realize that the learned are not necessarily those who have formal education in a subject, but those who have experience in doing it. Your grandmothers and great grandmothers are experts on nutrition, and child rearing. Their grays hairs are symbols of wisdom that cannot be attained by college degrees. Consult your elders. Life is learned from those who lived it, not in the school room.

Human society existed long before the advent of Western materialism, and it will continue to exist long after its ignorance has passed. Do not become enamored or infantilized by the supposed knowledge of the scientific community. The truth is within you; take a trip inside for a free consultation.

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