Mission — To foster a natural way of life for humankind.


  1. Rebuild the family
  2. Establish a community based tribal structure
  3. Promote a spiritual and material balance
  4. Foster respect for the environment and a life style that results in health and well being

Objective I:  Rebuild the family.


  1. Create an awareness that men make families and, that patriarchy produces extended family
  2. Conduct male leadership training seminars and programs with emphasis on family and community responsibilities
  3. Develop a spirit of camaraderie among men
  4. Conduct single sex youth education programs and develop in each sex their unique ability and responsibility to the family

Objective II:  Establish a community-based tribal structure.


  1. Have street representatives address the personal and community concerns of the residents.
  2. Work with residents to inculcate in all people, especially youth, respect for others and their property.
  3. Cultivate a respect for elders and involve elders in the counseling of members of the community

Objective III:  Promote a spiritual and material balance in social values and activities.


  1. Cultivate the realization that the purpose of the economy is to provide for the nurturing of the race, that it is not an end in itself
  2. Illustrate that all material things become obsolete, and that it is the unseen values that endure
  3. Promote a respect for other cultures, ethnicities, and religions

Objective IV:  Foster respect for the environment and a life style that results in health and well being.


  1. Promote a toxic free environment
  2. Support organic farming
  3. Promote vegetarianism
  4. Promote holistic health