Author’s Note: The following essay was intended to be half the size and published on the website; however, the essay grew from being a short treatise on a segment of holistic healing to an essay indicating the mental and emotional state of many Americans and people of other industrialized nations, and the spontaneous violence that it can produce, an issue that will hopefully override any lack of understanding by the reader of the function of chakras (nerve centers). I have decided to post this essay on both websites. E.G.

Pennsylvania High School Stabbings

Symptomatic of Society

The recent shootings at Ft. Hood followed a week later by stabbings in a Pennsylvania high school concern all of us as they add to the already high level of angst permeating society; however, in addressing these issues the focus tends to be on the effect rather than on the cause, resulting in repeated incidents of domestic carnage.

As an energy healer I have observed the mental and emotional factors that lead to confused action such as the recent shootings at Ft. Hood and the stabbings at a Pennsylvania high School, and as an elder I will offer my opinion as to the socio-environmental conditions that created these factors.

An energy healing examination of Pennsylvania High School shooter Alex Hribal indicated the presence of two negative conditions; one I classify as non-clinical depression and the other I classify as severe stress.

My energy healing experience includes observing and treating people with very weak Crown, Forehead, and Ajna chakras. In general, the Crown chakra controls the brain and is also indicative of spiritual development; the Forehead chakra controls the nerves system; the Ajna chakra controls the will. When the condition of these three chakras are put into a bowl so to speak, and stirred up the result is an indication of how that person is performing in relation to himself.

Some of the negative symptoms of weak upper chakras are confusion, depression, negativity, introversion, and anti-social behavior.

I will share with you two of the many cases that I have successfully treated.

Fred, a 20 year old male, dropped out of college, spent most of his time in his room with a pet snake and a pet spider. His mother had a psychologist talk to him over the phone and he hung up on her; she then asked me to treat him, which I did with the proviso that he had to know about it. After the second treatment his mother called and told me that he had a friend over; after the third treatment she called me up in tears of joy and told me he left the house singing. Fred has since joined his father in business and is leading a more natural life in accordance with his personality.

Helen, a 24 year old collegian, told me that she was a straight A student, but that she would sit in her room and cry for no apparent reason, and was confused as to her purpose in life. I treated her three times in one week. And after the third treatment which occurred on a Friday morning, I sent her an Email at 9:30 AM telling her that her treatments were over and to let me know how she felt over the weekend. An hour later she sent me an Email indicating that she already felt like a new person.

In both of the above cases the individuals had very weak Crown, Forehead, and Ajna chakras, which I classified as non-clinical depression. After I energized the respective chakras, both Fred and Helen returned to normal functioning.

The second condition that I found in Alex Hribal was an energy congested Solar Plexus chakra. In addition to being congested it was enlarged, which indicates over-activity of the chakra. These Solar Plexus conditions indicate extreme stress. Symptoms normally associated with this condition are insomnia, headaches, lower back pains, and in the case of women menstrual irregularity and pain. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is cleansed and slowed down, the stress symptoms disappear.

People with non-clinical depression coupled with extreme stress would (depending on their environment) be prone to conduct themselves in a very erratic manner, as Alex Hribal did. In evaluating the seriousness of these conditions their frequency needs to be determined.

The day that I examined Alex Hribal, I examined a 16 year-old daughter of an acquaintance of mine, and a 48 year-old woman. Both of them had the same symptoms as the Pennsylvania stabber. In my examinations of prospective patients I find many with clinical depression, many more suffering from stress, and increasing numbers afflicted with both maladies.

Perhaps one day a statistician will determined the frequency of the conditions which I described and classify them by age, sex, ethnicity, religion, education and many other lineal factors; however, human beings are not linear statistics—they are spiritual entities—and their well-being is determined by the application of wisdom and the various practices that derive from it.

One of these practices consists of making family the focal point of society. Family provides an environment of belongingness, nurturing love, and moral conduct. The family has been destroyed in America and most of the industrialized world; which results in feelings of aloneness, and separateness. The added pressure of the un-natural monetary-based, performance evaluating work environment adds stress and tension to the individual.

Natural gender differences and attributes have been suppressed by law, and people have been reduced to work digits and automaton production workers. The source of ethical standards and the moral behavior derived from them has been removed causing society to wander about aimlessly not knowing right from wrong, but only what is legal and illegal, or permitted and not permitted.

Metal illness is now the number one health issue in England, the United Sates, and Canada.  National health care plans cannot cope with this condition because they only deal with effects, not causes. Medication does not cure. A change in thinking and environment does. We must change our thinking in America and in the industrialized world. The first order of change is to recognize the relationship of men to women and their cooperative effort in creating and sustaining a family of healthy, nurtured, and morally inculcated children who will be an asset to society.
