Recently in reviewing the Gospel of Thomas from the Nag Hammadi Library I noticed it quotes Jesus as saying, “No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him,” a statement that caused me to reflect on my activities with Men’s Action over the years as well as on my healing activities.
You who receive this essay today subscribe to my website and come from all over the world; some from the States, some from Europe, Australia, even the United Arab Emirates. Yet there is not one subscriber from my village, New York City, the most populous city in the United States.
Regarding healing, people who pay for my services are those who did not know me.
New thinking receives little if any acceptance especially if the person does not carry the reputation of expert. I remember when in business customers would like it when an expert from the home office would visit them. “Expert” meant someone who traveled more than 50 miles from the home office. When he went back to the home office the espert was just another one of the peons.
Perhaps that’s the reason that none of you have been able to get even one friend to subscribe to my website even though it’s free. Probably if I were to visit you they would subscribe, or if you had come to visit me, you could say you had been to the home office and met Elder George and that would give you more credibility. Then again, as we shall see, that might not be the reason at all.
The prophet Jeremiah spent 25 years of his life preaching to the Israelites not about something new, but about what they already had, the Torah and the teachings of the earlier prophets. He never developed one follower, but had no shortage of enemies, many of whom wanted to have him killed. Eventually the Babylonians conquered Israel and those who were not slaughtered were enslaved. Jeremiah saw the ship sinking, but the Israelites could not or would not.
Perhaps the Western world cannot or will not see that their ship is sinking, and rapidly. Much has been done by the ruling elite to eliminate the source of those who would make change. Let’s take a brief look at those who will and won’t make change.
Those who are on the dole and the professional class are two bastions of maintaining the status quo. People on the dole do not want to lose it; one reason why the government in the United States is promoting Food Stamps heavily. Government healthcare serves as another vehicle for creating dependency upon the government and a reluctance to bring it down. The professional class, on the other hand, figures the system has enabled their success so why change it.
Those who will work to bring about change come from the ranks of small entrepreneurs, minorities, disenchanted youth, and misfits. Let’s see how they are doing.
The number of new American businesses has been declining steadily and the numbers of people who opt to start a business are also declining steadily. Those few who make it in the entrepreneurial arena are usually completely consumed in efforts to ensure their survival and have time for little else. Many reasons account for this drop including the crushing of male vitality among our youth, which will be discussed later. Businesses, even large ones, are becoming fewer and fewer in number as the economy increases. Research is not needed to verify this, just awareness and observation. The numbers of airlines, trucking companies, steamship companies, oil companies, and automotive companies have all declined, and continue to do so even though the demand for their products continually increases. The era of the entrepreneur is rapidly coming to an end, thus eliminating one of the areas that could normally provide people who would participate in bringing about social change.
A review of the minorities will show that their ability to bring about change has been nullified.
Let’s first take a look at the Black community in America. After several hundred years of slavery and segregation the unwed motherhood rate in the Black community in the1960’s hovered around 25%, a testament to the natural familial culture of the African. However, Great Society legislation changed that picture drastically as unwed mothers were given government subsidies if there was no man in the home, an act that reduced masculine influence in the black community. The second step of government legislation was to get these unwed mothers (welfare mothers) removed from the welfare rolls by getting them to work. This was done by educating and training them. It also took over the rearing of the children by the government in preschool, in school and after school programs; thus breaking down the Black family. By the year 2,000 the unwed motherhood rate in the Black community reached a national average of 70% and in areas such as Harlem, and Newark, NJ it reached 90%. Another outcome of this genocidal practice was that it was the Black woman that was educated, trained, and given minority job preferences over the Black man. After two generations of Great Society legislation the Black communities have become de facto matriarchies supported by the government, with Community Boards staffed by Black women deciding the fate of Black men.
There are many financially successful Black men in the sports and entertainment fields and I decided to write a letter-essay to them. I planned on sending a copy to the Basketball Players Association, and who do I find as the head of the organization but a Black woman. I planned on writing to the attorneys for Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson and found out that both of them were White. The Black man has no power in American society anymore. Only the Black Honkey has any influence but he has been well indoctrinated in Honkeyism, a term that I will explain later in this essay.
The largest minority group in America consists of Hispanics from Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. The welfare mentality that was successfully applied to the Black community is now being applied to the Hispanic community with similar results. The unwed motherhood rate among American born Hispanics has now reached 50%. The breakdown of the family manifests in the increased crime rate among Hispanics and in another decade or so they will become the predominant grouping in the prison population.
Minorities are no longer a source of societal change, although they might support it if someone arouses their passions. The media hype over Ferguson and New York city serves as a subterfuge to get people’s thoughts away from the real issue—the enslavement of society.
Now let’s review the state of our youth, especially that of our young men, who traditionally have been the fodder for social change. Three generations of boys have been educated in coed institutions in which they were inculcated to believe that no difference exists between the sexes. They were also raised in a fatherless home devoid of any examples of male character, spiritual training, and the responsibilities of fatherhood, while the media portrayed men as stupid oafs on an unrelenting basis
Boys and young men don’t take naturally to this environment and accounts for the continual decline of male college enrollment, and the high rate of male truancy in high schools. Grade school boys cannot be truant but they are given Ritalin to cope with their unnatural environment, which prepares them for the drug culture that lies ahead.
My healing activities go well beyond the physical and I am able to measure the thinking, stress level, and will of others. Many of our youth today do not think clearly and suffer from stress. Other have had there will broken, as have many minorities. All they want to do is “hang out” with no objectives in mind. I can help them to heal, but first they must have the desire to be healed and take the steps to come and see me. In any event, our young men have been neutered and pose no threat to the status quo.
The last category of those willing to make change are misfits, but in our modern society they are classified and then labeled such as deadbeat dads, income tax avoiders, debtors, and drifters, and are rounded up and either incarcerated or given prescription drugs and monitored. There is little accurate data concerning the treatment of misfits in America, but there are few if any that pose a real threat to the security of the governing elite.
The government has neutered our males, and like the neutering of a male cat to make it more docile, there is nothing that can be done to the female cat to make perform like the male, and nothing that can be done to women to enable them to perform as men. We now have a nation of followers, which is exactly what the ruling powers want, as it enables them to maintain complete control.
At this point I will address the term Honkeyism mentioned earlier. European thinking, and by extension the thinking of the Western world, has unique characteristics when compared to the thinking of indigenous people of the non-Western world. I will refer to Western thought as Honkeyism. While the term Honkey evolved in the African-American community, the negative characteristics of Honkey thinking are understood by most indigenous peoples.
Three fundamentals of human existence that Honkeyism cannot grasp are spirituality, gender, and family, in that order.
Upon the creation of the universe gender came into existence as the vehicle enabling all movement. The primary activity of all human movement is to sustain and reproduce itself, providing others with the opportunity to go on a spiritual journey. The arena in which this activity take place is called the family and it functions through the natural interplay of gender called patriarchy. Men provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it as humankind travels on its spiritual journey. Any deviation from spirituality, gender, and family results in disaster for all involved.
Any religion that does not address these three factors is incomplete.
In Checking the Gospel of Philip also from the Nag Hammadi Library he states, “Great is the mystery of marriage! For without it the world would not have existed. Now the existence of the world depends on man, and the existence of man on marriage.”
Honkeyism has destroyed spiritual practices, gender differences, and the institution of marriage. This thinking is causing it to destroy itself.
Two activities that have flourished under Honkeyism are whoredom and adultery. To quote Jeremiah again, who spoke the words of God, he states, “Do you see what Apostate Israel did? She went up to every hill-top and under every spreading tree, and there she played the whore.” He states later, “So I myself have stripped off your skirts and laid bare your shame. Your adulteries, your lustful neighing, your wanton lewdness, are an offense to me.”
Ethics are unseen and come from those men who understand their purpose in life. Ethics develop the standards for moral behavior. Without men there is no such thing as morality. The Honkey world is a world of whoredom and adultery; the tabloids remind us of this fact daily.
When a society has whoredom and adultery as the norm of behavior it is at an accelerated stage of collapse. The Western world has reached that stage.
There is more that can be written here such as the worship of materialism in Honkeyism and how all their established institutions have become sub-religions; however, this essay has already reached double the normal length and the issue of what to do now must be addressed.
In the fifth paragraph of this essay I speculated as to why none of you had even one person subscribe to my website. After having read this essay today do you know of one person in your acquaintance that would understand it and agree with it? Probably not. But you need to find such a person or persons, not for the benefit of Men’s Action but for your benefit. You need that person and he or she needs you. If you continue on with your present lifestyle and hope to find a lifeboat when the ship finally sinks, you will be disappointed; there won’t be any lifeboats. You need to get yourself into an environment outside of Honkey values and with people who will think likewise. I have decided to not renew my apartment lease after this year as I want to get myself into an environment that will help me to survive and be secure when the ship sinks. Part of that environment is to be with people who have similar values.
I would appreciate any comments you have to offer concerning this essay as I am considering starting a campaign on Facebook attacking Honkeyism as a negative political force.
Thanks for your consideration.