Most religions–especially Buddhism and Christianity–promote the understanding of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. A person’s closest brother is his father. A father is the direct link between God and the individual; the father selected the individual’s mother. To humble oneself before God without being able to humble oneself before one’s father is a sham — an oxymoron — it cannot happen. A person’s father serves as the closest link to God. One cannot be reconciled with God without being reconciled with the world, and one cannot be reconciled with the world without being reconciled with one’s father. The Bible states; he that does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

All earthly existence derives from a father. The earthly father derives from the unseen God or Father, and the entire physical world depends upon the unseen conceptual thinking and spiritual awareness of the father. To not honor ones father is to destroy the very relationship required for the preservation of human existence, which is why in my essay titled Respecting Elders and Parents, I wrote:
The Bhagavad Purana, an ancient Hindu text contains a list of predictions pertaining to the decline and end of the period of Kali Yoga, which some authorities consider to be now. Its 11th prediction states: men will no longer protect their elderly parents. In 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 Paul writes: In the last days…people will be disobedient to their parents. Two religions located thousands of miles apart with scripture written centuries apart indicate that the lack of care for the elderly and parents portends the collapse of society.

I will not repeat here the importance of respect for fathers, but rather will focus on why honkeyism expended considerable effort during the past 75 years to destroy male authority and one of the vehicles they used to do it.
The 4th World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995 served as one of the major internationally funded events aimed at destroying male authority, which included challenging not only fatherhood, but the very foundation of marriage.

The conference was held in the largest communist country in the world; the United Nations sponsored this event; and Hillary Clinton was a principle speaker, the same Hillary Clinton who now wants to become President of the United States. The international power behind this conference cannot be over-estimated as it lasted from September 4th to 15th with delegates from 182 countries and a total 17,000 people in attendance. Total costs for this conference must have been in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

In looking over the agenda, I did not see one reference to fathers. The minutes of the conference were not readily available, but Focus on the Family, a Boulder, Colorado based Christian organization, reported at the time that two objectives of the conference were to eliminate all references to gender and religion in societal activity. How can any society survive if these two basic ingredients are missing? I question the existence of any indigenous society on the face of this earth that does not have a gender orientation and spiritual basis.

Eliminating all references to gender eliminates fathers. Hillary Clinton stated in her speech, “It is a violation of human rights when women are denied the right to plan their own families.” What is “their own families?” Men make families. Men make structure. No men no families. No men no structure. How can society possibly hold together without men? The establishment of strong central governments attempt to fill in for the natural structure normally established by men but they fail because they have no spiritual orientation, which is exactly what the conference called for: the elimination of gender and religion from society.

Without men, fathers, and families, big government becomes a necessity in order to administer and supply the material needs of people while maintaining order, which was the purpose of the conference. The 4th World Conference on Women served as a vehicle to help establish a centralized world government, which could only be implemented by negating the influence of men and spirituality.

Dr. James Dobson who at the time of the conference was President of Focus on the Family, stated that he regrets to admit as a Christian that the only force that kept that conference from being a complete route of family values and spirituality was the Muslim women who said they were proud to worship God, be wives and mothers.

Could that stance by Muslim women have affected Western diplomacy towards Muslim nations these past 20 years, especially when one of the principal speakers at the conference became the United States Secretary of State?

International relations aside, this conference expressed the extreme of the grossly materialistic thinking of honkeyism. It was me oriented. It focused on my rights, myself, me, Me, and ME. No thought given to the propagation and preservation of the species and the moral behavior required to maintain it. No concern with the larger picture because ME thinking can never be concerned with the larger picture.

The Western lack of spirituality accounts for the thinking at the conference; however, a brief look at Western history would reveal that both Greece and Rome fell when men lost all their authority and both societies plunged into debauchery and licentious lifestyles. Western writers such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell depicted in Brave New World and, 1984, respectively, the evil of societies that were devoid of gender and moral standards. Why has the honkey not learned from his own history and writers?

The material world provides very slow learning. Truth and knowledge are constants; they derive from the unseen world of men–most often fathers. A society in which adult men do not know the difference between those who have testis and those who have teats cannot possess knowledge; it can only implode upon itself due to its ignorance.
