Who will bring about change in society? Who can we look upon to leave the beaten track and pioneer the different? Who will stand up and take the abuse and face the ridicule of others who want to maintain the status quo? To answer those questions we also need to ask why and when people seek change. Dissatisfaction with themselves or their surroundings causes people to seek change. People might be dissatisfied with their appearance, locale, employment, health, negative habits, or relationships. When the dissatisfaction reaches a point that they can no longer tolerate—when they hurt enough— then they begin to seek change.
We will address who will make change in depth; however, another area to explore before discerning who makes societal change is to determine who won’t make change. Those who depend upon the existing structure for their livelihood in one way or another will resist change. Those who receive government doles will be loathe to make change and destroy the hand that feeds them. Our government provides increasing supplements to people’s services in order to maintain their dependency upon it (government) and quell any thoughts of change.
The professional class will express the same conservatism towards change as people on the dole, for the system has made it possible for them to prosper; to change the system puts their livelihood in danger. You will not see doctors, lawyers, educators, and corporate executives supporting change unless they have left their chosen fields. People with a vested interest in the system cannot muster the courage to change it; they want to work inside of it. They want to “fix” it. Those people will not make change.
Unfortunately it is from these ranks that Men’s Rights Organizations (MRO) draw their support. Oh, how they love to put on their letterhead advisory boards containing prestigious names that will add authenticity, stature, and renown to their organization. These prestigious people represent the system and they will not support any change to it. The MRO’s have not built a following because they have not reached out to those who want change, and they have not done that because they are part of the same aristocracy they complain about. They want to “fix” things, not change things.
Now that we have identified those who won’t make change we can more easily determine who will make change. The disenfranchised, minorities, unemployed, disenchanted youth, the frustrated, the outcasts and the misfits of society will make change. Those who earn their livings from their individual efforts such as house painters, photographers, limousine operators, carpenters, small business operators, musicians, painters, writers, blue collar workers and white collar workers who feel that life offers more than routine labor will also step forward to make change.
These people will readily give of their time, talents, and treasures. They do not consider that they are giving anything up, but on the contrary they feel they are investing in a message and way of life that they believe in and want to propagate. They give out of proportion to their worth because they believe the life they live under the present system has become increasingly worthless. The true fanatics necessary to materialize a movement come from these ranks. They want change and will go to great lengths to make it happen; in their eyes all that exists is garbage, and they see no sense in reforming garbage.
The above description applies to people who want to make change at most any time in history. The characteristics of those who want to make change in our specific environment will also be discussed, but first I take this opportunity to express my elation that the supporters of Men’s Action come form this group and I am grateful to them for their support. They have demonstrated the characteristics that I have described. Some have voluntarily ordered three, five, or a dozen or more of my books to give to friends, family and acquaintances. They have done the same in distributing my information booklets. Recently the first order arrived for a packet of the fliers The Raw Truth, which one of our supporters will distribute to his friends and acquaintances. Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to receive a donation of $100 through our website. Outreach on the part of our supporters has begun to increase. My essays and videos are being placed on other websites. The message has taken root and is now gradually expanding.
Regarding the specific dissatisfaction of those who seek change today, they have become keenly aware that men have lost their natural authority, that the family has been destroyed, standards have deteriorated, and that it requires more labor to earn enough to pay for the essentials of life. They have become aware of a government that has expanded its reach into every aspect of their lives and is putting forth efforts at solidifying and expanding this reach under the guise of benevolence. They have become aware that they no longer have authority over anything and are being reduced to automaton workers and directed consumers. Maybe they just didn’t enjoy living in a home without a father and with a stressed out mother. Maybe they didn’t like being treated the same as girls in school and women in the workplace. This group has expressed frustration with the impotence of existing political institutions and has come to a realization that fundamental changes need to be made and that these changes can only occur outside of the system.
These men and supportive women will spearhead the change that will come about in order for society to survive. On the one hand they are fighting what appears to be tremendous obstacles, a firmly entrenched materialistic aristocracy that controls the media, political structure, educational system and the economy. On the other hand they are up against an enemy that has no purpose other than self-aggrandizement. Its members lack both virility and spiritual understanding. Eventually the entire system will implode.
To all who have accepted my message I say that the task before us is not to attack a decaying entity, but to prepare ourselves for a better life. The Men’s Action mission statement calls for fostering a more natural way of life for humankind. The first step in doing that calls for the rebuilding of the family. We have to enlighten and empower men so that they can once again handle the responsibilities of being a husband and a father. All systems, procedures, rituals, and societal structures will evolve out of that understanding and purpose.
Now that you know who will make change and if you are one of them, I offer a bit of advice. Welcome into your ranks those who tried to make change through institutions of their choice but failed. Whether liberals or conservatives, democrats, republicans, independents, and others of various persuasions, welcome them into the fold. Give them a new vehicle and a message. Work together to create a life outside of the system. Keep spreading the word, handing our material, and referring people to our website. Be a change maker.