The purpose of communications is to relay information and knowledge and/or express feelings, with males predominating in the former activity and females in the latter activity.
There are higher and lower levels of communication with the written word providing the least effective form of communication. Markings upon a page or any surface do not convey feelings or information unless structured into recognizable forms that represent thoughts and emotions, then the forms must be arranged in accepted sequences to clarify the meanings. Vocabularies and lexicons of these forms are expanded to identify with certain events, situations, or conditions that represent visual pictures and thus provide additional clarification to the written piece. To become proficient in the use of the written word requires much study and practice, and its specialization creates an aristocracy of grammarians and writers who collectively bypass the communicative needs of those who are less educated in the use of the written word.
The spoken word provides variations in pace, tone, and inflection, which can express meaning and feeling more easily than the written word. It provides more spontaneity than the written word and when coupled with facial expressions, gestures, and body movements can convey thoughts in a fraction of the number of words necessary to convey the same message in written language.
Actions provide more effective communication than the spoken word. “Actions speak louder than words,” is a Western adage that has existed for centuries. St. Francis is quoted as saying, “Preach the Gospel everywhere, using words if necessary.” Our demeanor imparts a message to others.
The attributes of limited talk have been extolled by learned people from Native Americans to the Ancients.
“It does not require many words to speak the truth” Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
“The Silent man was ever to be trusted, while the man ever ready with speech was never taken seriously” Chief Luther Standing Bear of the Oglala Sioux
“We believe profoundly in silence—the sign of a perfect equilibrium. Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit.” Ohiyesa of the Santee Dakota’s
“Guard your tongue in youth, and in age you may mature a thought that will be of service to your people.” Chief Wabasha
“When men talk too much sin is never far away; common sense holds its tongue.” Proverbs of Solomon
“Oh for a sentry to guard my mouth and a seal of discretion to close my lips, to keep them from being my downfall, and to keep my tongue from causing my ruin! Ecclesiasticus
“If charity and good-nature do not open her mouth, the finger of silence rests on her lips.” Amenhotep IV in describing traits of a good woman.
Thoughts provide more effective communications than actions. Thoughts have wings; they fill the air; those who have sensitivity react to them. The educated and uneducated alike can effectively communicate with each other. The thought world is filled with knowledge and love, and requires but little information.
All peoples who lived close to the land and to the God that created it practiced non-written and non-spoken communications. The Himalayan Mountains do not contain the skeletons of multitudes of Indians lost before the advent of electronic communication, nor do the jungles of Africa contain the bones of lost Africans, nor do the forests of the Americas contain the remnants of bodies of lost Native Americans.
The higher knowledge is the unseen and the lower knowledge is the seen.
The feminine nature thinks in pictures and speaks in nouns and adjectives. The masculine nature thinks in concepts and speaks in verbs and adverbs. It takes many more words to describe a picture than to state a concept.
Women react, respond and recite. They were designed to nurture the race, which requires immediate reaction and responsiveness to take care of the requirements of those that need nurturing. Also, they all instinctively know that all knowledge comes from outside of themselves; therefore, they all recite what they have learned and use that information in their reactions and responses.
All women recite regardless of their educational background, economic status, or level of professional achievement.
Men converse. The components of conversing are listening, reflecting, deciding and/or acting. Listening is not just keeping quiet until the other person stops talking, it is reflecting on what has been said after the other person finishes talking. It is from reflection that males make decisions, take action, or create new.
The disciplined man and woman both speak little and convey much. The disciplined woman conveys nurturing love in an ethical environment created by the man.
The undisciplined woman gossips and focuses on the material and sensual. Her behavior descends into a decadent lifestyle.
The undisciplined man focuses on material accomplishment and personal power at the expense of society. He neglects his duties to wife and children. The absence of ethics results in immoral behavior and a collapse of the fabric of society.
Western education has become mostly coed; therefore, instruction is geared to female thinking and communication, producing both males and females that can only recite. Also, since male authority has been removed from the home, the family has broken down, and the center for ethical principles and moral behavior has been removed. We now have a society of undisciplined men and women who recite at the lowest level of moral behavior.
Western society has degenerated into an all-talk society focused on gross materiality; created talk-shows and a variety of similar media engaging in gossip, sensation and decadence; evaluated by a system of ratings measuring sensual stimulus among viewers, listeners, and readers. Truth and knowledge can hardly be found or recognized when found.
As an American it saddens me to watch supposedly sophisticated programs such as Meet the Press, where female panelists will recite their views, and when challenged will recite even faster and then incessantly interrupt the person with an opposing point of view giving evidence that they have no conceptual understanding of the issue at hand. Even worse, men now do the same thing on similar programs and shows that they host. Communications and the media have become thoughtless entertainment. .
The political spectrum has degenerated into a materialistic forum based on recitations focusing on issues (symptoms) and leaving causes unaddressed. All societal issues continue to worsen because government has lost the ability to focus on causes and take the appropriate action to change them.
Men and women in the media, politics, and business all recite. If both men and women recite who determines what will be recited?
I would be pleased to hear from those of you who choose to reflect on this question.