In order to break the will of the slave to rebel against his enforced suppression, or at least severely limit his ability to rebel, stringent measures of subjugation and control were developed that consisted of removing the male from all authority, beating him, torturing him, and sometimes killing him, thus leaving women and children dependent upon the slave master for all their material needs.

This form of control became ritualized and was used in varying degrees throughout the Americas whether on African slaves or on indigenous people of various ethnicities, but now a more sophisticated and effective method of this form of control has been developed and implemented in the Western world and applied to the entire population as Western society does to itself what it did to others, and in greater detail and with far reaching effects.

The materially oriented, gender ignorant, and spiritually bereft Western psyche, provides the foundation for its self-enslavement.

The materialistic orientation of Western society motivates its children to go to school get an education, make some money and be somebody. Children can also see the apparent benefits of monetary rewards on their TV sets where various game-shows make people ecstatic (at least for the moment) by giving out vast sums of money in prizes; or they become aware through media hype of lotteries that continue to grow in number as they offer hope of material gain that will lead to a life of ease and happiness.

The focus on money in the political arena led to the enshrining of the phrase “It’s the economy stupid” in the minds of the electorate. Individual success is measured in terms of money and material accumulation, and financial institutions remind society that the contentment of old age depends on various retirement and savings plans. The entire basis of feminism is to have equal opportunity to earn money.

The second major aspect of the Western psyche—gender ignorance—manifests in laws that prohibit gender discrimination. Gender is not a social construct but a metaphysical truth; therefore, the enactment of laws prohibiting natural gender functions has deprived society of the unique and necessary contributions of each gender, and society is paying dearly for that loss. Gender sameness has led to the decline of the family, an action that serves as an integral part of establishing modern slavery.

The third aspect of the Western psyche leading to its enslavement—a lack spiritual awareness—has been evident from its inception when Europe resisted any invasion of spiritual thought or family orientation. With the harassment of Anaxagoras to the killing of Socrates, through the persecution of Christians in Egypt and then in Rome, The Europeans violently resisted all spiritual influences to the continent. There are no temples that originated from within Europe (The Acropolis was brought into Europe through the Peloponnese); nor did Europe provide spiritual texts such as the Bible, Koran, and Bhagavad Gita; nor did it produce spiritual leaders such as Moses, Abraham, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed.

Every culture throughout the world had temples and spiritual traditions except the Europeans.

The United States takes great pride in its tradition of separation of Church and State, as do many European countries, and while this philosophy has its merits, the separation of God and Country is an aberration of human existence. Since children are now raised by the government instead of in families, and religious training is forbidden in the school system, there is no place for spiritual values to be inculcated into society. A spiritually barren society is an anomaly that cannot endure.

The above represents merely an introduction into the topic of the enslavement of society as a result of its value structure, and to develop this theme would take many essays, probably a book. The following few paragraphs will describe the effect of gender sameness on the lives of men, women, and children, and how this has conditioned them to become wards of the state in all things. Please reflect on these paragraphs, as within them you will find the conceptual basis of societal enslavement and its implementation.

Men removed from their natural positions of authority by law, leaving the family leaderless, directionless, without the ethics upon which to base moral behavior and the ability to implement it, leading to the destruction of the family as the focal point of society, leaving elders, women, and children dependent upon the government for their very existence; transferring child rearing from the home to the government, destroying all sources of ethnic, spiritual, and racial lore, traditions, and wisdom, making all of society dependent upon the financial powers of the world, the governments they control, and the institutions that they have set up.

Women enticed, motivated, or forced out of the home; leaving behind all nurturing practices, traditions, and knowledge developed over centuries; stripping them of their ability to provide loving care, healthful nutrition, compassion, healing, a clean environment, and infinite solace to the family, tribe and race; reducing them to automaton production workers at the beck and call of government and industry, causing a breakdown in their psyches and their physical bodies, as a result of the unnatural stress inducing environment they are forced to function in.

Children raised by the state in an environment devoid of nurturing love, ethical standards, and spiritual inculcation; lacking any sense of belonging or attachment to the family tribe and race; motivated to work for material gain and to depend on material solutions for all issues, fed highly processed, nutritionally deficient, and energy depleted foods; developing allergies, chronic diseases, physical malfunctions, and psychological abnormalities; wandering aimlessly, seeking sensation in all its forms to alleviate the emptiness of not belonging, destroying their bodies with drugs, alcohol, and electronic sound; ultimately becoming wards of the state along with their mothers, fathers, and elders .


If you understand the ramifications of the last three paragraphs you will recognize that you are already in a stage of enslavement that can only worsen unless you start to act to remove yourself from it.  E.G.