Social Work and the Law
In speaking to a young woman studying at John Jay College of Criminal Justice I asked her to what she attributed America having the most violent boys in the world? Her immediate response was that it was in their genes; a response ranking with free radicals, anti-oxidants and all the other recitorial claptrap of Western society. I addressed this issue during a radio interview on Father’s Day 2007 when I mentioned that on that night 24 million American children would go to bed in a home without a father it. The primary source of the most violent boys in America comes from that pool of children raised without a father at home. They are denied the warm, nurturing, attentive love which can only come from a mother living in the safe and secure environment provided by a husband. After school programs and assorted governmental child care facilities cannot effectively substitute for a mother’s nurturing love or the stability of a two parent home.
Ninety percent of the men in prison come from broken homes as do 95% street of street gang members. Had these men and youth been raised in stable family environments their rate of delinquency and crime would have been considerably reduced. Instead of focusing on building families, society lures women out of the home into school and industry, puts their children in pre-school and after school programs, teaches mothers to recite excuses (genes and assorted nonsense) for the delinquent behavior of children, and increases the malfunctioning society.
As the influence of the home decreases, reliance upon the law increases. Europeans love the law; it is female, deals with what is seen, and can be recited. The feminine materialistic psyche of the European not only loves the law, it worships it, making it the final arbiter of all relationships. Great edifices are built to house those who practice and preserve the law. The Supreme Court building in the United States and the various Ministries of Justice buildings in Europe serve as sacred monuments in which reference, submission, and obedience to the law by the populace takes place.
From the earliest European Greeks there existed a great dependency on the law. Draco instituted a system of law based on an aristocracy (the feminine form of government.) Solon developed a system of law in which eligibility for political power was based on wealth (a feminine value.) From Draco, to Solon, to Justinian, to Napoleon, the Europeans prided themselves on their legal institutions. After a 2,000 year history based on law, when the Europeans came to America the indigenous people said of them, “white man speak with forked tongue.” Indeed he did, by lying, cheating, and breaking almost every treaty he made, he took their land out from under them, as he did to the Maoris in Hawaii and to other peoples of the world who befriended and welcomed him to their land.
There is no morality in the law. Laws are enacted when and where morality is lacking.
France’s Minister of Justice Rachida Dati reached the pinnacle of accomplishment in the legal profession. She is also an unwed mother and the father is yet to be identified; behavior no longer considered immoral, but rather an indication of liberation. Also, Minister Dati is a Muslim and has jurisdiction over a prison system in which 60% of the inmates are Muslim men. I wonder how long it will take the average Muslim man to figure out what is wrong with this arrangement.
Moral behavior does not come from the law. Moral behavior comes from ethics, which are unseen and come from those men who realize their objective in life is to provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it as humankind progresses on its spiritual journey. Ethics do not come from any other place.
The lack of ethics is but one of the many chinks in the armor of the recitorial system. The United States has more lawyers per capita than any other nation and also more prisoners per capita, the largest total number of prisoners, 5% of the world’s population and 25 % of its prisoners, 2.4 million men in prison, more than the total prison population in China and India combined, and those two nations comprise over two billion people.
The recitorial system and its subdivisions, based on materialistic information, devoid of any understanding of the unseen, lacking a race consciousness let alone a God consciousness, relying upon the law instead of ethics, destroys the moral nature of people and the societies they create.
These essays are meant to act as motivators to bring about change in your personal lives and the environment in which you live. If you agree with what you read and do nothing it means you have become a part of the system. The time for action is at hand. It’s time to change your life and the life around you.
The educational system was referred to indirectly in the present and the previous essays; in the next essay I will go into greater detail concerning the efficacy of a college education.
Thanks for your consideration. Stop reciting and start living.