Women think physically; a trait enabling them to nurture the race. They think in pictures and their vocabulary has a noun and adjective orientation.

Men think conceptually, a trait enabling them to provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it as humankind proceeds on its spiritual journey. They think in concepts and their vocabulary has a verb and adverb orientation.

Women focus on the seen; whereas, men focus on the unseen. The unseen initiates, the seen produces.
The unseen depends upon the seen for its ability to function and survive. A few simple examples will illustrate the point.

Women do not readily differentiate between left and right, and North, South , East and West, which would make it difficult to go from one location to another in non-rural areas. The utilization of these six directions makes possible the construction of streets, avenues, highways, and subways that enable women to get from one place to another.
Not only are left, right, North, South , East and West non-seeable; they are non-existent. The conceptual thinking of men made them up. Other non-seeable designations that do not exist are inch, foot, yard, mile, kilometer, minute, hour, longitude and latitude, the international dateline, and the equator. All these un-seeable non-existent designations make it possible for the seen to function.

Organizational structure is also un-seeable and provides the vehicle through which all administration gets carried out. Women’s organizations do not exist except as they copy the structures that men have created.

The entire material world created by man depends upon unseen concepts for its existence and functioning.

This same relationship applies to the physical world of creation and the unseen forces of God. Everything that is seen depends upon forces that are unseen. The entire universe is held in place by the unseen force of gravity. All movement takes place as a result of the universal will. Nothing that occurs takes place outside of the universal unseen laws, will, and mind. Nothing just happens. There are no accidents and/or miracles.

The unseen God provides all the unseen forces that enable the universe to function. The unseen conceptual thinking of men enables the material world which they constructed, to function. The interaction between the seen and the unseen is a necessary requirement of all existence.

The seen cannot influence the unseen; only the unseen can influence the seen. Herein lays the problems of Western society.

Western man’s conceptual thinking is limited to matters material, resulting in inventions and their construction; however, because of his inability to focus on unseen spiritual matters he cannot provide women with the environment and means that would enable them to bring forth life and nurture it; consequently his society is imploding.

Many factors govern human behavior but group and personal values have the most influence. The highest values are inculcated from the moral standards derived from the ethics of men who realize their purpose in life is the propagation and preservation of humankind while on its spiritual journey. Without moral standards a society may function, but it will require many laws and their enforcement.

The Western mind loves the law because it can be seen. A great dependency on the law existed from the time of the earliest European Greeks. Draco instituted a system of law based on an aristocracy, and Solon developed a system of law in which eligibility for political power was based on wealth. From Draco, to Solon, to Justinian, to Napoleon, the Europeans prided themselves on their legal institutions. After a 2,000 year history based on law, when the Europeans came to America the Indians said of them, “white man speak with forked tongue.” Indeed he did, for the law is but a poor substitute for moral conduct. The manly way is “let your yes be yes, and let your no be no.” The law is for those who can’t live by that code.

The removal of male authority from the home, the removal of the man from the home, the luring of women from the home, and the turning over to the government the rearing of children not only eliminated the source of moral teachings but the arena to practice them as well.

The continual decline of morals in the Western world has been accompanied by a rapid rise in the number of laws, an increase in security arrangements at most institutions, and the presence of surveillance cameras into every aspect of daily life. The result has been a tenfold increase in the prison population since 1976, an increase of most every aspect of criminality, and a marked decline in civility.

A society without moral standards has a devastating effect on the physical and emotional health of its members. The majority of American women now have fibroids and a multitude of reproductive issues while the incidence of breast and cervical cancer continues. Perhaps the most significant ailment of all is the presence of stress throughout female society with the number one illness of the American woman being debilitating depression with upwards of 10 million women or about 10% of the adult female population suffering from that ailment. Nine million Americans use sleeping pills and the majority are women, 10% of the adult population uses anti-depressants regularly and the overwhelming majority are women with 23% of those in their 30’s and 40’s taking these drugs.

The effect on children has also been devastating, resulting in declines in academic performance, attention spans, and emotional adjustment. Teenagers have seen their suicide rates, truancy rates, drop-out rates, and sexual promiscuity increase. Only a minority of teenagers live in a home with both of their natural parents; they have little sense of belongingness, security, or respect for parents or elders.

All of the foregoing issues result from the ignorance of gender in Western society, which in essence is the difference between the seen and the unseen. The seen cannot survive without the influence of the unseen. The implosion of Western society provides evidence of that truth.