I thought the unedited comments below from Thurston Bell would be of interest to you.
Well Street is presently seeking Constitutional Protection and absolution for its lawless lifestyle and gambling with the Money of the Nation by Section 4 of Amending Article 14 of the U.S. Constitution.
When this is done, by constitutional amendment, nobody will be able to question the losses and debts of these People because it will all be the Public debt that must be paid.
Holy Private Law Batman! What about everyone else?
America has been riding this lie for far too long, and now the Rich want to avoid paying the Piper.
Call your Congressman and Senator, to VOTE NO!
And if they do not vote NO, then you will not be voting for them.
This propblem is rooted deeply into history.
It is exposed and predicted in the Historical recitation of the U.S. Supreme Court in Craig v. Missouri, 29 U.S. 410 (1830), which well explained that any and all emition of paper bonds and bills, of States, Municipalities, Corporations and others, was simply wrongheaded means of depriving the final holder of the paper of the value that they were lead to believe that they were receiving.
Congress ignored this in 1913 by enacting the Federal Reserve Act and allowing the Banks to flood America with cheap credit all through the 1920’s…until 1929.
After forcing America to their knees and helpng us fight a War against a National Socialist Germany which was not very distinguishable from the U.S. (See West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, where the Pledge of Aliegence hand salute is described as a Nazi Salute with the hand down-side up) we have seen about 2000% inflation.
We have allowed the creation of even more commercial paper and means of betting for and against paper and events on Wall Street, that it is plainly naked legalized gambling.
Now the elite of Wall Street want their losses made into a debt that is constitutionally guarateed and unquestionable.
Sounds like a Crime to me.
Perhaps we need a reset on the values of everything, and a return to our actual sustainable values.
Thurston Paul Bell