Below is an edited version of an Email sent out by Peter Zohrab, a gender activist in New Zealand, concerning the attack on the male influence in educational institutions. The conditions that he describes in New Zealand and Australia occur in America as well, and throughout the Western world.

I addressed the gender bias in our education system in my blog The Boy Crises and in my essay The Reason for the Collapse of the American Educational System. If there is any concerted effort to reverse this trend I am unaware of it.

The suppression of the male influence runs contrary to the fundamental operation of the universe and everything in it. Gender is not a social construct or a religious fabrication; it is a fundamental metaphysical truth. Nothing moves in this universe without the interplay of gender. Nothing. The logical consequence of the suppression of the masculine influence by Western institutions is the collapse of the natural functioning of society and the intrusion into it by the various facets of government.

There can only be two reasons why Western society proceeds on this path of gender destruction; one is ignorance and the other is evil, or more properly stated an evil born of ignorance. My essay Ignorance Empowered Becomes Evil explains how this evil came about and how it is destroying our society.

Recently Vice President Biden announced that the government would take steps to tighten Title IX policy in our education institutions, a policy that already severely restricts male athletic activity. The government intends at every level to squeeze out of every segment of society any evidence of natural gender differences. This will enable it to control society completely. We are close to that point and many people have begun to realize it. Unfortunately most of them still hope to make change through the very institutions that perpetuate the evil of a genderless society.

If you recognize the negative effects of a genderless society and understand that change can only come about outside of the institutions that created it, then Men’s Action is the organization for you to support and get involved in. Our mission statement is to foster a natural way of life for humankind. Gender, family, and the patriarchal structure that supports it are natural. After you read the Email below I hope that you will recognize that Men’s Action serves as your only option for change.


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Is there a deliberate Feminist strategy to scapegoat men in relation to the issue of sex abuse, in order to further the female domination of education, and hence of society as a whole?

In New Zealand, at least, there has been some publicity about the phenomenon of men schoolteachers and complaints. One estimate is that every man schoolteacher in New Zealand could expect to have no less than three complaints made against him per year – mainly over sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, etc.

Much the same thing has occurred in Australia, and men school teachers have to constantly be looking over their shoulder for silly and unfounded complaints that are usually about some little feminist not getting the marks she feels entitled to, and who is then pushed by mum to complain as a means of getting better marks. In at least one Australian high school, any discussions between a girl and a male teacher are held in a glass room in the middle of the playground, so that everybody can see what goes on.

Consequently, very few graduate men go into school teaching now — nobody would put his head in that noose — and the result is that — you guessed it — all those feminist indoctrinated little girls from university with their cheap and easy credits from Women’s Studies are now running the show.

Some teacher unions indoctrinate female teachers with Feminist propaganda, e.g. by sending them a special newlsetter, which is only for female teachers. In this way, many female teachers may end up believing Feminist propaganda, because they have no access to alternative information on the relevant topics. If they end up believing Feminist propaganda, then they are Feminists, and it doesn’t matter if they are generally thought of as Feminists or not.

Fergusson et al. (1991a) gives the following as the reason for boys’ comparatively low educational achievement in schools:… the higher rate of educational under-achievement in males was adequately explained by gender related differences in classroom behaviours with males being more prone to disruptive and inattentive classroom behaviours that appeared to impede male learning and lead to a male educational disadvantage.

That may or may not be a correct conclusion for the authors to have drawn. If so, there remains the question of why males are “more prone to disruptive and inattentive classroom behaviours.” The answer to that question may lie in Fergusson et al. (1991b), which finds that…

in the areas of reading and written expression teachers showed consistent tendencies to evaluate the performance of girls more favourably than the (sic) boys even after adjustment for gender differences in objective test scores were made.

This introduces the possibility that most teachers are anti-male, which is a fact that former teachers like ourselves can testify to. It is possible that, with most teachers being female, and even most of the male teachers being feminist, some of the boys pick up on the anti-male atmosphere and are turned off.

It is interesting that the same classroom behavior by boys has often been described by feminists as hogging teachers’ attention and impeding female learning! Feminist teachers have, firmly implanted in their brains, the notion that females are disadvantaged, and this has the following results:

– They interpret, as much as possible, every difference between boys and girls as a disadvantage suffered by girls;

– They interpret, as much as possible, any attempt to help boys as an attempt to divert effort away from helping girls;- They actively intervene to bias systems and processes in a way that advantages girls;

– They are unable to conceive of bias against boys as being possible, or — if possible — as being a bad thing;

– They are biased against boys in their teaching and assessment;

– They turn some boys off the educational process, resulting in poor academic performance.

Students who make false accusations against male teachers, or who behave provocatively towards them should be disciplined, and other measures should be undertaken to make schools a safe and attractive working environment for male teachers — both for the benefit of the teachers concerned and for the benefit of the male students.

A seemingly innocuous event occurred recently that I feel has great import concerning the increasing dependency of Western society upon its institutions and I decided to share it with you.

After having cold symptoms that would not break for more than a month and in the process becoming fatigued and achy, I visited my doctor who conducted a series of blood tests, which determined that I had a vitamin B12 deficiency. A few B12 shots later my body returned to normal functioning. This event on the surface did not contain any newsworthiness as it occurs many times a day every day throughout Western society.

However, the event did concern me because I am a vegetarian and common knowledge (a myth) holds that vegetarians tend to suffer more from vitamin B12 deficiencies than non-vegetarians. Upon some personal questioning and internet research I learned that many, if not most, vegetarians take B12 supplements, which if true caused me to wonder how all the vegetarians survived through the millennia before the development of synthesized B12 by Western society. Something didn’t ring true about the understanding of vitamin B12 deficiency, especially since I learned that many non-vegetarians suffer from B12 deficiencies and also take supplements.

I phoned a friend well steeped in nutrition and holistic medicine and he informed me that vitamin B12 did not come from foods; the body generated it. I later remembered that in my youth, perhaps in grade school, one of my teachers taught us that the body generated all the B12 that it needed. This caused me to reflect on why the body of modern man (whether vegetarian or not) had difficulty in producing B12.

One view holds that people live longer now and that nutritional deficiencies existed in earlier times but did not manifest because of the shorter life spans. This view is pure propaganda. If we check our own history we will learn that Indian chiefs such as Sitting Bull rode into battle at 50, 60 and even 70 years of age. Geronimo was selling his autograph to tourists in Florida when he was in his 90’s. The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus lived to the age of 109 and he was one of a host of ancient Greek philosophers that lived beyond the age of 90. Every society of indigenous peoples throughout the world had its elders that lived well beyond the age of 90. All these societies did it without the availability of modern Western nutritional supplements. Even the Hunzas of today live well beyond 100 years of age without access to modern technology.

The reason that an increasing number of people require vitamin B12 supplements, and other supplements as well stems from the damage done to the food chain and then to the body from medication, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, genetic engineering, and preservative packaging that contaminate our foods. The intrusion of these toxic elements into our food chain (with the complicity of all of our institutions) has destroyed the body’s natural inner balance. The same imbalance has been created in the womb of women due to the use of antibiotics, which alter the ph levels and cause an increased incidence of yeast infections. These very institutions that offer “cures” for our illnesses created the conditions that spawned them.

What we do to another person happens to ourselves and what we do to the environment affects us personally as well. We have created dead zones in the environment such as in the Gulf of Mexico in which marine life can no longer develop properly. Dead zones have also developed in our bodies in which bacteria and microbial life can no longer develop properly. As we desecrate the earth we desecrate our bodies. As mother earth suffers, we too suffer.

Western thought does not harmonize with nature; instead it strives to control, fight and tame nature so that it can be exploited. As we have seen this materialistic thinking leads to the demise of all life. The technology that provides antibiotics, vitamin supplements, and synthetic hormones used to prolong our lives actually shortens our lives and makes us dependent upon artificial sources to survive.

Technology is an extension of gross materialism and those who are enamored with it believe it can solve all problems; an arrogant point of view based on ignorance of the workings of the universe. Technologists actually believe they can make a better apple than God did. They believe they can improve upon nature. They practice genetic engineering in order make and do things not found in nature.

The prophet Jeremiah speaking the words of God tells the people “You forgot who I am, I’m the one who gave you everything. I gave you cisterns of living water and you have made for yourselves cisterns that leak.” Several centuries later Paul said, “There is no single gift that you have not received.” Still today, Western thought actually believes it can improve upon nature, as though God forgot something. This thinking is evidence of the imbalance of gender, of a failure to realize that what we see is predicated upon what is unseen. Only the unseen provides for the seen and only the male provides for the female.

There are two significant points that I make with this essay, both of them showing the imbalance of gender in Western society and the negative effects that they produce. The first and more obvious being that the destruction of the natural by the technological results in the malfunction of life and ultimately its demise. I am 80 years old and represent a generation raised on natural foods. The animals that served as our food were raised in free range and ate a natural diet. We as a generation were not injected with antibiotics and did not take drugs to alleviate the discomfort of colds. We were not subject to high frequency radiation from communications products. We are the last of a generation that lived a relatively natural life. I take no medications and the vitamin B12 injections were the first medically prescribed supplements I ever took. I expect to live many more years, not as a result of technology, but as a result of having lived the formative years of my life without it. I was a poor boy raised during the Great Depression and I didn’t see people suffering from lack of medical attention. There was no health crisis.

My mother, father in law, and mother in law all lived to be 90. My stepfather died at 88 and never went to doctors. These people lived a relatively natural life and required relatively little attention in their old age.

Let’s contrast my generation to the present generation which contains an increasing number of diabetics among those in their 30’s. Thirty-year-old diabetics usually do not reach old age. The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is occurring more frequently and at lower ages. Technology is searching for a cure for this debilitating condition. There is nothing to cure. God did not create Alzheimer’s; it is a direct result of Western technology and the aberrant lifestyle it creates, as are most of the new diseases of the modern technological age.

If modern technology is such a blessing why is there a health crises in America? The material focus and ignorance of the unseen has mutated every facet of life in modern society. All of our institutions whether medical, legal, governmental, educational, scientific, and pharmaceutical are infected with gross materialistic thinking and are imploding from a lack of virility.

The second point I make with this essay—and perhaps most important—addresses the docility that accompanies the feminization of our society. We accept nutritional supplements, inoculations, the destruction of the food chain, the destruction of the family, increasing incarceration rates, the prevalence of divorce and adultery, and the multitude of aberrations of nature that constitute modern Western society. It has become the norm of society and whatever becomes the norm gains acceptance, even if it is unnatural and detrimental to our lives.

Ten percent of American Women and 15% of European women suffer from debilitating depression. The number one health issue of the European world is mental illness. In America 26.2% of the people at any given time are diagnosed as having mental illness. As those who suffer from these maladies increase they will be considered normal and those who do not suffer from these conditions will be considered abnormal. This is not a joke. I am considered to be an anomaly by the American Medical Association. According to their figures the average person over 65 takes eight prescription medications. I do not take any; therefore, I am not normal. Normal people take drugs. Think of the ramifications of that value structure.

It is time for people who understand the principle of gender, which is manifested as the balance of nature, to begin to do something different with their lives before they become classified as abnormal. We are a society that has already become enslaved; it is only the degree of slavery that is questionable. It is time to come out from under this enslavement and start living a life apart from the institutions that created it.

I ask that you review my essays The Cubists and The Fix It Society. You might also review the following link on B12 deficiencies.

Don’t be docile. It’s time to act. Let me hear from you.


People of the Western world feel an increasing constriction of their freedom. They see a growing involvement by government in every aspect of their lives. The simplest of disputes require going to court and/or hiring a lawyer. The government has taken over every aspect of domestic relations. It dominates the standards to which children are raised. It has taken over every aspect of education. It will soon take over every aspect of the care of the health of society. It is increasing its influence on the nature of the foods sold and/or made available. Governmental regulations now control most every aspect of the operation of the workplace. Government has replaced moral and immoral, right and wrong, with legal and illegal. People have little latitude in the conduct of the most personal aspect of their lives. They feel boxed in on every side and have developed an increasing urge to break free of these constrictions.

People will soon start taking the action necessary to break free; however, contrary to common thinking and practice the way to freedom will not come about by breaking out of this confinement. The focus on the outer world and all its institutions has caused the encroachment by government and the feeling of helplessness to do anything about it. The path to freedom requires changing the focus from the outer world to the inner world. People need to break into the inner world and realize the power and ability they have as men and women. Western thought has focused on the outer material world for a long time and this process has suppressed the inherent power of men and women and made them dependent upon and then controlled by governmental institutions.

Men created institutions; institutions did not create men. Every institution that exists, regardless of its size, power, and scope came into existence from the inner power of men. The only assertive influence in the universe is the masculine principle; it resides within man, not outside of him. When all the institutions pass man will remain, but when man passes none of the institutions will remain.

The influence of man within the institutions he created is passing as a result of laws demanding equality (sameness) of the sexes. All institutions are losing their vitality and to compensate have welcomed governmental intervention in order to maintain their operations. The government can only shore up the institutions from the outside, whereas they are collapsing from the inside. All Western institutions are failing. All.

To attempt to improve the conditions within by changing the conditions without is working contrary to nature. When the inside changes, the outside changes. When the influence of the inside is inhibited, restricted, or impeded the outside begins to whither.

Institutions have been established to check on the institutions that are failing. Institutions have been established outside of institutions to monitor activities within institutions. All institutions are being attacked and even sued by their members. Ultimately the government is called on to monitor all institutions, and then investigative committees are formed to monitor the government. No amount of institutional adjustment and tinkering can save the institutions. They will all fail because among other things, they do not possess the ethics necessary to maintain moral behavior. They cannot. Ethics do not exist in the material world. They only exist in the unseen world of the masculine principle. When the authority of the masculine influence was removed from institutions all ethics disappeared and the decline began.

The basic institution created for the propagation and preservation of the species is family. All the other institutions that Western thought created are ineffective substitutes for that basic institution. Men make families. They make them for the express purpose of propagating and preserving the species while on its spiritual journey. In order for that objective to be realized women must be included in the institution, not only for the purpose of procreating but also for what Western thought refers to as the “care” of children.

Western society uses the term “care” to describe efforts that support the sustaining of all life such as care of the aged, health care, pre-school care, after school care, home care, animal care, livestock care, poultry care, pet care, and garden care. The term “care” usually means the providing of food, shelter, and if necessary, clothing.

Institutions have been established to provide various forms of “childcare” thus “freeing” women from its “drudgery” and instead enabling them to pursue “self-fulfilling” careers. Institutions now feed children, provide shelter, change their diapers, provide for their recreation, teach values, and even provide free condoms for their sexual activities.

The institutionalized care of children does not produce positive results. The United States has the distinction of having the most violent boys in the world. Three million American girls suffer from depression and close to one million American schoolboys receive prescribed doses of the drug Ritalin. The number one health issue of England, The United States and Canada is mental illness. Fifteen percent of European women suffer from debilitating depression. Something is missing from the “care” of people in the Western world.

The essential ingredient for the sustaining of a healthy natural lifestyle is “nurturing love.” Institutions cannot provide nurturing love. Only the female of all species can provide nurturing love. Women are equipped to bring forth life and bathe it in nurturing love. The ingredient they put into food that cannot be found elsewhere is nurturing love. They put nurturing love into the folds of the laundry, into the making of the beds, and into every thing they touch in the home. All life needs nurturing love to develop properly and women provide it.

Women can only provide nurturing love if they live in a secure environment. Mother’s milk flows freely when she is safe and secure. Men naturally provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. With the removal of male authority the environment necessary for women to provide nurturing love disappeared. Consequently, our children and all of society suffer from mal-nutrition of nurturing love.

Western society suffers from a lack of nurturing, and is love-starved; it has attempted to supply through institutions and material means the non-material qualities necessary for the development of life.

A growing factor in creating a love-starved society is unwed motherhood, which now accounts for 40% of births in America and for 50% in France. Unwed motherhood results in a non-conducive environment for providing nurturing love, thus it exacerbates the downward spiral of love-starved Western society. Their children are dumped into after school programs when still in diapers and at best receive nurturing love on an installment basis.

This essay has gone into considerable length to explain that all that is necessary to propagate, preserve, and develop a proper life comes from the unseen inner qualities of men and women, not from institutions. Paul said there is no single gift that you have not received. Matthew contains the words “There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known.”

In the duality of the physical universe there are two poles or powers. The first is the masculine principle, which is the assertive influence of the universe and supplies the structure, direction, and environment necessary for the second, the feminine principle—the receptive entity—to provide the nurturing love necessary for all of existence. These two poles working together provide a unity of purpose in the physical world as humankind progresses on its spiritual journey.

Now is the time my sons and daughters to break in and utilize these inner powers to create a more natural way of life for humankind as the institutionalized environment crumbles. To assist you with these efforts the focus of Men’s Action has changed its course. Its message has been clearly defined by the 90 essays on its website, and by my book and information booklets. The manuscript for my second book A Gender Handbook For Western Man is at the publishers, which when published and combined with the other materials should make our message abundantly clear. The new direction entails more specificity concerning the building of an alternative lifestyle outside of the institutionally oriented system.

You can help with this change of direction by investing in my book and information materials, promoting our website, and propagating its message. The time for change is close upon us; let’s collectively participate in it. The power is within you; use it. Now.


The current pressure on the Vatican produced by Catholics of various European nations regarding sexual abuse by the priesthood serves as another illustration of societal discontent with all Western institutions.

Priestly abuse of children has not caused the discontent within Catholicism; it is a symptom of it. Ex-Catholics comprise 10% of the American population. The influence of all Western religious institutions has declined. People who have no religious affiliation whatsoever have divorce rates on a par with those of Christians.

The American public has a negative impression of the performance of governmental institutions whether federal, state or local regardless of party affiliation. This disillusionment with the performance of government exists not only in America and Europe, but any place in the world where Western forms of government and institutions have taken root. Every week we find reports in the news media of demonstrations against governments of Western origin.

American educational institutions produce graduates with continually deteriorating academic performance. American legal institutions have produced the highest number of incarcerations in the world. American health institutions have produced a nation so ill that the cost of health care is bankrupting the nation. International financial institutions own the world and literally determine how hard a person must work to afford the necessities of life.

Discontent with all Western institutions continues to increase and rightly so; they are aberrations of nature that dehumanize societal activity. There is little difference in the care of humans and animals in the West; both species are raised in unnatural environments and suffer accordingly.

Western man established these unnatural structures as substitutes for his responsibility, obligation and consideration of society. He gave his authority to the institutions that he created so that he could devote himself to the study and acquisition of matters material. The result has seen the degradation of society’s mental, physical, and spiritual condition.

The World Health Organization announced that the number one health issue in England, America, and Canada is mental illness. In France they take anti-depressants at a rate two and a half times that the English do, which would indicate an even higher rate of mental illness. Upwards of 10% of American women and 15% of European women suffer from debilitating depression. Three million American girls now suffer from depression and the psychiatric facilities of universities constitute part of the evaluation process by parents and applicants.

We are a society rapidly going mad. Isn’t that a sufficient indication that the institutionalization of people is an aberration of nature? What more proof do we need?

Unfortunately Western thought cannot conceive of another way of living other than through its institutions. It does not have an understanding of the purpose of human existence or of nature. Lacking understanding and purpose it requires direction from another source (a feminine requirement normally, naturally, and traditionally provided by men). It created institutions in the hope that they will provide purpose and order. They provide neither. Institutions have no ethics upon which to base moral behavior. They have no concept of right and wrong and create legal and illegal and a system of laws and punishments within their structures in an attempt to maintain social order.

Institutions desire to grow and eliminate competition; they want to converge. Ecumenism attempts to create a one-world religion. Financial institutions have already created a one-world economic system. The New World Order calls for a one-world governmental system.

These institutions create growing discontent among the populace and are becoming increasingly ineffective. Consequently the need for greater governmental control has developed in an attempt to cope with the disorder that the discontent produces. The growth of institutions in the Western world has spiraled out of control and will ultimately implode. After the implosion of Western society a natural gender balance will re-establish it self and humankind will begin living in tune with nature and the spirit behind it.

The purpose of human existence is the propagation and preservation of the species while on its spiritual journey. It is the spirit within each person that creates the discontent with institutions. The spirit working within causes people to chaff at the gross materialism of these institutions and will ultimately enable them to prevail against them. A gender balance must be developed in order for that goal to be achieved.

Men provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it; an arrangement called patriarchy that provides the structure for family—the fundamental unit of humankind.

Institutions will be replaced by social mores, traditions, and customs directed at propagating and preserving the species. Spiritual texts will no longer serve as rulebooks for institutions but instead will be used as training manuals for the uplifting of humankind.

The choice that we have is whether to go along with the institutions and get sucked under when the collective ship sinks, or to begin living our lives outside of the institutions now and get a head start on a new and meaningful life.


This week the world news media reported on demonstrations by college students in California and by the citizenry in Greece. In California the students demonstrated against cuts in the State educational budget and in Greece the people demonstrated against cuts in government services and employment.

When people demonstrate they indicate displeasure with their environment and hope that they will influence a higher power to take the necessary action to improve conditions and eliminate their displeasure.

This activity is akin to a wife creating a scene with her husband in which she hopes to motivate him to take action that will relieve the displeasure that she could not alleviate on her own. When a group of women make a scene it’s called a demonstration, but the intent is the same as when a wife make a scene with her husband, to get a higher power to make changes which they could not make on their own. This behavior is natural for women because of their receptive, responsive, and adaptable natures; they inherently know that the power resides outside of them.

What excuse do men have for demonstrating? Men—real men—know that the power resides within them; therefore, they do not have an inclination to demonstrate; however, Western thought has motivated men to relinquish their natural power and turn it over to the government. The education, health, safety and security, financial well-being, and administration of inter-personal relationships of society now depend upon government largess. Men have no authority over anything anymore; therefore, they now—like women—demonstrate for solutions to their issues. How sad.

Demonstrating men cause extensive disconcertment among women, though society tends not to realize it. When a woman screams, cries, and demonstrates she is transmitting a signal that she needs help and inherently she hopes that this help will come from a man. If the man also screams, cries, and demonstrates, then she has no choice but to seek an alternate source to alleviate her fear, sorrow, or discontent.

From a practical basis, if a man cannot provide the help that a woman seeks, she has little need for him; consequently marriage rates have dropped and divorce rates have increased.

The alternate sources that women approach for help—whatever and whomever they might be—cannot provide the love and security that a man can. Consequently women become disconcerted, which manifests itself in depression, the number one illness of Western women throughout the world.

Depressed women engage in therapy, take anti-depressants, and join support groups, but all of these activities focus on alleviating the symptoms but not the cause of depression. Depression comes from the unnatural lifestyle of attempting to live independent of men, which results in insecurity, loneliness, and angst. Only men can change the situation of depressed women and the neglected children that result from this depression, but they won’t be able to do it by demonstrating.

In order to change the lot of women and children and improve the condition of society in general men must regain their authority and exercise it. They must understand that there is no higher power than themselves. They must realize that they created all the institutions that now have power over them. Institutions have no ethics, no love, and no reality. Ethics come from men who realize the purpose of human existence is the propagation and preservation of the species while on its spiritual journey. They must rise up and reassert themselves, and this is a good time to do it as a growing discontent has arisen against all the institutions that Western man has created. People have lost faith in government and all the bureaucracies that they have spawned.

Why don’t the men act? They have been conditioned to be unsure of themselves regarding their relationship with women. Frequently I am asked by men, “What do the women say?” in response to my message. I have received letters of support from women young and old, domestic and foreign, black and white, and from Muslim, Jew, and Christian. Today I will publish another letter of support from a woman under Men’s Action News. I know with a certainty that I will receive positive response from women to this article on demonstrations, but I won’t make any bets that I will get positive responses from men.

It’s time for the men to step forward and create a society outside of the existing institutions. The only natural societal structure is patriarchy and only men can establish it.

Institutions will not get any better—they can’t. They have no ethics.

Demonstrating acknowledges your dependency and subordination to a higher authority. You my sons and brothers are the highest authority. It is time to act accordingly and stop demonstrating and do what is necessary to bring about change.

The prophets, enlightened masters and saints who came before us did not demonstrate. They were the demonstration of manly power. It is time to emulate them and foster a natural way of life for humankind. The power resides within you—be its demonstration.



An article The War Inside in the December 2009 issue of The American Legion Magazine (ALM) coupled with an article by NBC News Services on the internet in November 2009, both addressed the high number of suicides in the military, which motivated me to finally write this article. I say finally, because this subject of mental illness on the part of veterans has been on my mind for the more than 30 years since I first became aware of the disproportionate number of Vietnam veterans in psychiatric care.

What caused the high rate of mental disorder among Vietnam veterans and what causes the high rate of suicide among today’s service personnel? These conditions are related; mental disorder leads to suicide. If we deal with the first the second will be alleviated.

The ALM article also pointed out that the United States has 33,000 estimated suicides each year and that number might be under-estimated by 25 to 50 percent. That should not come as a surprise. The World Health Organization announced that the number one health issue of England, the United States, and Canada is mental illness. The French take anti-depressants at a rate two and half times that of the British; one can only imagine the incidence of mental illness in France. Western society has not only accepted mental illness, the malady has become a norm.

The above statistics serve as background for the issue of mental illness and suicide among our service personnel and veterans who are part of a mentally unhealthy society. Unlike an authority quoted in ALM I do not feel considerable research is required. Societies that have a strong family orientation have low levels of mental illness and suicide. Those societies give people a sense of belongingness. It teaches them the ethics required for positive moral conduct. Western society has destroyed family and is paying the price in the form of increased mental illness and other devastating societal issues.

In focusing more on the military I will first address the passing reference made by the articles to female suicide, which indicated more data was needed on its incidence and more research on its causes. God designed women with the psyche, minds, and bodies necessary to bring life into this world and nurture it. To teach this creation how to kill rather than bring forth life is contrary to its nature and will cause many problems. Do we really need research to support that conclusion?

Why do women enter the military? I remember seeing in the newspapers a picture of a mother in fatigues, helmet and carrying full pack leaving her two infants behind for a tour in Iraq and the caption quoting her words “I need the money.” Is that what the army now consists of; female mercenaries who will kill for money? I thought the reason that men went to war was to protect the motherland, to protect women, children, and future generations. Now that women are going off to war what are we fighting for? Let’s remember that question further on in this essay.

The female soldier’s focus on the motivation of money runs contrary to the natural call to arms. Serving one’s country traditionally consists of giving up ones job for subsistence level wages in the military. During World War II the pay for privates was $21 a month. A humorous song written about Army wages had lyrics that went “$21 a day once a month.” I can remember when my motivation came to enlist in the Navy in 1953. I was employed and well paid as a Merchant Officer with the Military Sea Transportation Service and traded that position in for what was then a low level of pay as a Lieutenant junior grade. I never calculated the pay loss for the two years in which I served on active duty. I considered it a privilege, honor, and duty to serve my country. My father before me enlisted in The American Expeditionary Force in World War I, not for money but as a sense of duty for the new land that gave him opportunity.

Now we have mercenaries defending us.

The nature of warfare has also changed considerably over the years. In World War I enemy combatants would often meet after artillery attacks and share a smoke together. Then they would shake hands, go back to their trenches and do what they had to do. There was a sense of comraderie and an understanding that each man had a family at home that loved him; he wanted to survive and didn’t want to kill any one.

That sense of comraderie with the enemy diminished in World War II when the allied war policy consisted of inflicting as much harm as possible to the civilian population of the enemy with the aim of breaking their will to continue the conflict. American planes killed 150,000 in one bombing in Hamburg and British planes killed 250,000 during another bombing in Dresden. A few hundred thousand Japanese bodies went up in smoke in Nagasaki and Hiroshima after the killing of 500,000 civilians by conventional bombing.

The inflicting of civilian casualties has continued as a part of American combat policy in the Far East. The spraying of Agent Orange and Napalm indiscriminately on the countryside in Vietnam contributed to the 14.25 million casualties in a nation of less than 50 million people.

No well-balanced and rational human being wants to kill or inflict bodily damage on another human being; to do so runs counter to his basic nature. It breaks one of the great commandments. It is one thing to drop bombs on people and not see the resulting blood and gore that results from that action. It is quite another thing to pull the trigger on the gun that kills people or throw the grenade that maims them.

For the sake of this article let’s say that the enemy deserved what they got; we were the good guys and they were the bad guys. But what about us? What has happened to the good guys who inflicted all these casualties on the enemy? The memory of the slaughter of civilians is burned deep in the minds and psyches of the soldiers; it cannot be removed and accounts for many of the psychiatric problems of Vietnam veterans.

It’s one thing to go into combat and do the dirty work required if one has a sense that this activity is helping to protect a way of life he believes in. However, when we get back to the question asked earlier “Now that women are going off to war, what are we fighting for?” the answer becomes more difficult to reach. As our soldiers in the Middle East become aware that increasing numbers of their buddies become afflicted with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when they return to the States, frequently lose custody of their children, and not infrequently end up in prison, they are less inclined to think that it was all worth fighting for.

The situation continues to worsen for our young soldiers. We lure teenagers off the basketball courts and into uniform, psyche them up with KILL, KILL, KILL indoctrination, and turn them loose on other teenagers who maybe were playing basketball or soccer that afternoon. Whether the civilians were killed on purpose, by accident, or in self-defense, the effect on our young soldiers is devastating.

Deprogramming the KILL, KILL, KILL, indoctrination does not come easy and results in questionable success. We are destroying the flower of youth of those in our military. Most efforts to address this issue focus on effects and not causes. It is time that veterans organizations, which always rally to the support of our service personnel, address the underlying causes of why our young men and women are having increasing mental health issues.

Training women to kill is unnatural. Training men and women to kill civilians is unnatural. Having military campaigns without clearly defined objectives is unnatural. Not having strong reasons for protecting our way of life is unnatural. Reducing military service to a high paid job classification is unnatural. Prolonged exposure to an unnatural lifestyle produces mental illness whether in the military or out of it.

The time has come to analyze our lifestyle. Living a natural way of life decreases mental illness and the resulting incidence of suicide.

Note: The mass killing of civilians has reached such an acceptance in Western society that when conducted in the film Avatar no critical condemnation occurred. However, Pandora (the enemy) also had warrior women and a lack of family activity. The film depicted two unnatural, androgynous oriented, and purposeless societies neither of which warranted fighting and dying for.


Polls indicate that the dissatisfaction of the American public with its institutions has reached an all time high. This statistic when coupled with a recent finding that most people express dissatisfied with their jobs leads to a reasonable conclusion that discontent prevails in our society. The high rate of depression and mental illness found in all Western societies supports this conclusion.

I have indicated my opposition to men relying on institutions instead of themselves in many essays, and I have also frequently mentioned that jobs are unnatural and breed dissatisfaction followed by discontent.

Our institutions have failed us and their deterioration has begun, which gives evidence of the crumbling of Western society. The West will eventually come to the realization that institutions are but poor substitutes for the responsibilities, obligations, and considerations of men, but not before they beg one last institution to save them—the government. When that last institution fails—and the cracks have already appeared in its walls—then people will have to fend for themselves by learning to work cooperatively outside of institutions and a new era of enlightenment will manifest.

Let’s take a look as some of the major institutions in our society. Our legal institutions have been revered since the beginning of Western society. From Draco, to Solon, to Justinian, to Napoleon, Western society has seen an ever-growing influence of legal institutions. The result in modern America is that we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. We have a greater total number of men in prison than India and China combined. Only conquering armies were once capable of putting such a large percentage of the population in prison, and in America we do it willingly.

Our medical institutions have developed protocols, which are liturgies developed by pharmaceutical companies in conjunction with our legal institutions and enforced by the high priests of a medical oligarchy that inflicts eternal damnation to those who do not comply. That means the loss of a license. The result has been a highly medicated society so in need of medicinal drugs that it is bankrupting the nation.

Our vaunted educational institutions produce high school graduates that have to be tutored in how to fill out an employment application. A test given to high school graduates when given to college seniors 50 years later resulted in the college seniors scoring below the high school graduates. What this means in practical terms is that parents and grandparents who only graduated from high school know more than their offspring who are now in college.

All Western institutions are declining. All.

Yet, Western man has become so dependent upon them that he cannot envision life without them. This is one of the points to be understood in the film Avatar. James Cameron created a green society without Western institutions. It had no purpose. There were no babies, no old people, no families, no religion, no worship, no temples, no growing of food, gathering of fruits, hunting for meat. While the intent of the film might have been good, the end result is that it depicted a society bereft of any concept of the propagation and preservation of the species and spiritual growth. Pandora depicted a vacuous society and represents Western thoughts inability to function without its institutions.

Until Western thought is reborn and frees itself from its myopic materialistic thinking it will remain a slave to its institutions.

God did not establish institutions. He created men with the authority and the ability to create a society in harmony with its environment while promoting its spiritual growth. Men provide the environment and means for women to bring life into this world and nurture it as humankind progresses on its spiritual journey. Institutions can’t do that, and that’s why we are discontent.


The whole world seems to at least have heard of the film Avatar and every movie critic has offered his or her commentary concerning it. Heralded as a major breakthrough in film technology it will strongly influence the production of future films. It has shown sensitivity to people who live outside of cubicles (Western man loves living inside a cubicle) and have a rapport with nature. It indicated an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life, and as a space-age version of the old cowboy and Indian movie, it had the Indians win.

For all the technological advances and quasi-metaphysical insights it contained, this picture was devoid of an understanding of the purpose of human existence. As Jake is accepted into the community of the Ne’vi do we see any families? De we see any babies? Do we see any pregnant women? No. Because the Ne’vi women do not have teats! Isn’t that strange? Have you ever seen in National Geographic Magazine pictures of a native village anywhere in the world that did not include lactating women? Lactating women are designed to nurture babies into becoming children, an activity that consists of suckling their offspring.

Nurturing the race has become a diminishing concept Western society. Nowhere in our educational system or societal values do we see the creation of families as an objective. On the contrary we see increasing numbers of articles written by the new breed of “independent” women questioning the modern necessity of family.

In accordance with this thinking director James Cameron has depicted the people of Pandora as an almost androgynous race with only slightly differing gender characteristics. In suggesting mates to Jake, Neytiri recommends one woman who is a fine archer and another who dances well (I didn’t notice any dancing women in the film or even any music). I wouldn’t want an archer for a mate. I like a soft and squeezable woman next to me who oozes nurturing love. Certainly children want and need the same and to a greater degree.

In Cameron’s androgynous society of Pandora, he does not give us a hint of the purpose of its existence or what it does when aliens are not attacking it. He is clear about the invaders; their objective in life is material accumulation and self-indulgence. What about the Ne’vi—those people who are so in tune with nature that they communicate with animals and trees—what objective or purpose do they have in life? Is it to just to become warriors and fight off some of the more vicious animals of their kingdom? Isn’t there something more?

Not that James Cameron can see. His own religious text calls for the first order of business upon the creation of Adam to get him a mate and to tell him clearly to “be fruitful and multiply.” The propagation and preservation of the species is a universal activity of the highest order. Not only do we find lactating females in native villages throughout the world, but among deer, monkeys, bears and all species of mammals as well. The nurturing love of lactating mothers sustains newborns. Not according to Western man who is continually trying to prove that he can make better milk for babies than mothers can. But then that should come as no surprise since he is well engaged in genetic engineering. If he can design a better apple than God can, certainly he should be able to design better milk than what comes out of mothers.

This being the case, androgyny seems like a logical evolution to James Cameron, whereas it is a devolution of natural behavior that leads to the eventual extinction of the species. However, James Cameron’s androgynous society confirms what I wrote recently concerning the mutation of the species. Women as a result of unnatural exercise are developing broader shoulders, more muscular bodies, narrower hips and smaller breasts. We also flood their minds with birth control methods. This mutation of their bodies and psyches makes them less desirable to mate with; consequently we have witnessed booming sales of chemical sexual stimulants to men.

The only children that we see on Pandora occurs when the battle gets into high gear and their attempt to escape annihilation serves as a vehicle to arouse the emotions of the viewer. Emotion and sensation are staples for all Western entertainment. If there is no purpose in life, then self-indulgence prevails, which requires the arousing and satisfying of emotions and sensations. In watching the coming attractions in the theater while waiting for Avatar to begin, I saw five previews of films all of which were based on extreme violence. Then we wonder why the United States has the most violent boys in the world.

The level of violence in Avatar could have been reduced significantly without endangering its limited plot. It could have shown a peaceful family life in Pandora that the viewer would have identified with and wanted to protect.

The purpose of human existence is the propagation and preservation of the species while on its path of spiritual unfoldment. This simple purpose requires the involvement of gender, support of the family and the tribe, and the worship of a supreme entity. In addition to lactating women villages also contain, marriage rituals, worship, singing, musical instruments and temples.

Pandora has no babies, no pregnant women, no lactating women, no elderly people, no marriage ceremony, no families, no songs, no musical instruments, no worship and no temples. Sounds like a society someone in a cubicle would dream up.

Director Cameron created a green androgynous Western culture and it rings hollow.


Religions are feminine; they materialize and personalize impersonal and unseen spiritual truths. In theory religions represent the collective understanding of the populace regarding the teachings of prophets contained in various texts; in actuality they represent the belief system of those in charge of the religion. The less understanding a group has of matters spiritual, the greater the need for a belief system and the authority necessary to enforce that belief. Western materialistic thought has little understanding of matters spiritual (the unseen); therefore, its religious structure relies heavily upon authority, law, and punishment.

Western thought develops religiousness in all its institutions. The medical field has little understanding of health; therefore, it developed a religious structure to sustain itself and enforce its beliefs. What the AMA refers to as a protocol is a liturgy prepared by drug companies in collusion with attorneys and enforced by the high priests of a medical oligarchy who demand absolute adherence to the liturgy with the threat of hell and eternal damnation to the physician who disobeys. That means the loss of his license.

The government has little understanding of unseen ethics; therefore it has no basis for developing moral behavior. It focuses on legal and illegal, for it does not know right from wrong. It has created a huge religious institution called the American Bar Association, which has authority, laws, and punishment. Those who do not meet the criteria of the high priests are disbarred.

The educational system has little understanding of knowledge, which is unseen; therefore, it focuses on information, which is seen and develops religiously oriented institutional structures based on authority, law, and punishment. It will only consider new information if it is based upon the approved liturgy (materialistic scientific approach) for developing and presenting this information. Those within the institutions who do not conduct themselves in accordance with the accepted academic liturgy face expulsion, or if tenured, ostracization. Those who attend these institutions will be fed a diet of rote learning and examined on the retention of the information fed to it.
Western thought has little understanding of the unseen forces of nature; therefore, it ravages, pollutes, and distorts the environment. In order to administer the use of natural resources (that’s the name it gives to nature) it has made of it a commodity controlled by international finance. These moneyed interests not only bought Manhattan from the Indians, they bought the world; they own it and decide who lives where and how. They have created an international economic cartel that has its authority, laws, and punishment. They enforce a belief structure predicated on the power of money.

Every activity that Western thought engages in is based upon what it sees and believes; not upon what it doesn’t see or understand. The entire world of Western thought is a vast empire of religiously structured institutions based upon gross materialism, which in one way or another acts to enslave the populace.

The major manifestation of Western thought is the lack of understanding of the purpose of human existence. It does not “see” that we are here to propagate and preserve the species on our journey of spiritual growth. Therefore, it does not understand the purpose of gender and the patriarchal structure necessary to attain that objective. Instead Western thought believes in the finiteness of the material world and the unlimited opportunity to indulge oneself in it. This thinking has created a religious materialistic governing structure with a multiplicity of institutions with authority, laws, and punishment designed to propagate and enforce its belief.

These institutions by nature attempt to expand their power. Ecumenism attempts to create a one-world religious order. National governments attempt to create a one-world social order. Financial institutions attempt to create a one-world financial order. The collective goal is to have an institution to govern every facet of life on an international basis. Western thought considers that to be absolute fairness; it does not realize that it is absolute subjugation of the people. It eliminates the necessity for discernment and replaces it with the necessity of absolute obedience.

Western thought has enslaved its society through the religiousness of its institutions.

Various men’s groups around the world (the Western world) are attempting to fight the punitive laws directed against men and family. They attempt to do it through the very institutions that emasculated them. These men’s rights groups are now fighting for parity with women. Imagine that; the Adam principle of the universe is begging the institutions that it created to treat them the same as women. This thinking leads to the impotence of society. “Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

However, all is not doom and gloom. The universe is always in divine order. What is natural endures; what isn’t doesn’t. The society and institutions created by Western thought are in their death throes. We are witnessing its demise in real time. As it collapses those that remain will be forced to see the thing behind the thing—the spirit behind the material world. Society will recognize its purpose to propagate and preserve the species while on its journey of spiritual development. Men will realize their obligation to provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. Instead of focusing on religion, humankind will focus on spiritual understanding. Instead of focusing on the law it will realize its obligation, responsibilities, and considerations toward its brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, and sons and daughters.

Prior to the collapse and the enforced change that it will produce, a small and virile minority with more enlightened views will begin to make its presence felt. Those minorities of people are with us now, and their numbers are growing. They have been reborn; their thinking has changed. They consist of women happy to be women, and men cognizant of their manliness. Working together these men and women realize their responsibilities, obligations, and considerations to the human race. They rear their own children rather than having the state do it. They have ethics that govern their moral conduct. They recognize the impermanence of the material world and have an understanding of matters spiritual. They have an appreciation of nature and the interdependence of all life. These people will serve as the nucleus upon which the new era will be built. The small and growing minority with us that will meet that challenge is fulfilling the prophecy contained in Isaiah, which states that they will rebuild on the old foundations and will be known as the rebuilders.

As this year draws to a close we welcome not only a new year but also a new decade, one that will usher in a period of change perhaps unparalleled in human history. We will see the institutionalization of human beings reach its peak and then crack and implode as the impotence it created gives way to the growing virile minority that will be the cornerstone of a new era.


A couple of days ago my E-mail address was added to a mailing list temporarily constructed so that every message sent went to all people on the list. This list was created to facilitate the dissemination of and get responses to the results of a case filed against the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and was shut down after a few hours. I didn’t originate any messages (though I responded to one sent to me) but I received 30 E-mails within a couple of hours. This group apparently consisted primarily of so-called Men’s Rights Organizations (MROs) or supporters of them. They complain, they even try to act tough occasionally, but they are completely ineffective in their objective to rectify what they perceive as wrongs heaped upon men by government. I bring some of the details of this incident to your attention for they clearly illustrate the feminine and materialistic thinking that pervades MROs.

I state before proceeding with this essay that I have previously made my views known about the VAWA and its sponsor Senator Biden and will not go into it further here.

One of the 30 E-mails I received came from someone complaining about the stance that the MROs often take. Listed below is an unedited paragraph taken from that E-mail:
Like it or not, the advent of the Industrial Revolution in 1820 and the ensuing Technological Revolution that has taken place, is the “Great Equalizer” between the sexes freeing them from Me Tarzan You Jane set the stage for women to assert their rights (especially during and after WWII where there was a group effort to defeat the Axis powers. Feminism has paved the way for men to become more aware of their gender roles and cultural expectations and create Maleism. I believe there should be a more egalitarian system where men and woman’s differences are acknowledged and honored.

This paragraph expressed the general tenor of the E-mail but was unsigned. I wanted to reply to the author but before I did I asked for the writer’s name, as I do not respond to people who do not leave their names. I also thought the writer was a woman given the supposedly positive effects that evolved from feminism stated in the message.

The writer did respond and it was a man. Lest I misinterpreted the first E-mail he wrote the following paragraph in the second E-mail:

Technology is the great equalizer. No longer do men have to go into battle and be torn to pieces because they are physically stronger than women. Swords and knives have given way to guns, bombs, drone aircraft, tanks, etc., which can be operated by both men and women with equal ease. Anyone can pull a trigger or push a button to launch a rocket or fly a drone from the comfort of a base 1000’s of miles away from the war. The lack of a stable front line in Iraq has put women in combat situations equal to a man’s rather than being kept in the rear of a front line, yet another step toward gender equality. Women are proving their mettle in combat situations. Talk to a male solider whose butt was saved by a woman soldier about men being the authoritarians. They no doubt will have a different spin on things.

These two paragraphs serve as excellent examples of feminine materialistic Western thought, which I often refer to. “Technology is the great equalizer” and “the advent of the Industrial Revolution is the great equalizer,” reflects gross materialism. He cannot imagine that technology will pass away but life will remain, and that life is dependent upon patriarchy for its functioning and survival. Those statements reflect extreme arrogance as well for they imply the power of man supersedes the power of God or nature.

Also in referring to rights the writer does not reflect on where rights come from. What is the power that defines a right and bestows it? It must come from outside of oneself, hence all the efforts of the MROs to gain “rights” through legal action. That’s pure feminine thinking. They believe the power is outside of them instead of within them; therefore, they are victims. If only they could get the government to change the laws then their lives will be better. There are no natural rights in this world; there are obligations, responsibilities, and considerations. Once men realize that power resides within they will understand that change can only be made outside of the government and the economy; however, that requires another trait not found within the confines of feminine materialistic Western thought and that is conceptual understanding.

They do not have the concept that all movement depends upon an assertive influence acting upon a receptive entity. They do not realize that there is one assertive force in the universe and it is called the masculine gender. They do not realize that the feminine gender thinks in personal, materialistic and immediate terms because those traits enable it to nurture the race. By the way “nurture” never seems to enter the lexicon of MROs or feminists. They do not realize that women deal in the seen and men deal in the unseen. They do not have the concept that the unseen God created the material universe and the unseen conceptual thinking of men created the material world that sits upon it. They do not possess the concept that man’s primary obligation is the propagation and preservation of the species on its journey of spiritual unfoldment, and that his specific responsibility is to provide the means and the environment for women to bring forth life and nurture it. They do not ask what the attraction would be for the opposite sex in an egalitarian society and what its purpose would be.

This thinking has permeated Western thought since the days of Plato; he believed that men and women were the same and that children should be turned over to the State to be raised. That’s what we have today. The author of the above paragraphs in lauding women in combat makes no mention of who is taking care of their children, and “care” is the most that they get today, for nurturing disappeared when the family was destroyed. I am also amazed at his equanimity of thought as he narrates how women are trained to destroy life instead of bring it into existence.

Lastly, the author wrote in his E-mail to me that in looking over the Men’s Action website he determined that I am angry. In the 18 years that I have promoted my message of gender and patriarchy I have never been called angry by a woman. A few feminists might have gotten angry with me, but they did not call me angry. Only men have called me angry, and a particular group of men at that. Those who do not have the courage to assume their manly responsibilities of providing for a wife and family or those who cannot accept their contribution to a failed marriage call me angry. They are intimidated by my message, and I do feel for them. I have friends and acquaintances in that category. They were usually raised in dysfunctional homes and were not prepared to cope with the responsibilities of manhood. Part of any movement to rebuild society and the family requires rebuilding the man as the first step.

This same group of men that considers me to be angry also asks me what the women say about my message. They wonder if I get in trouble with them. I will tell you what the women say. I have E-mails from women around the world and they support me and nurture me. They are happy to see a man that supports family and the natural relationship of men to women. I wonder if the current crop of MROs gets letters like that. If there is any question about my feelings towards women let them look at the recent series of seven videos I made titled The Natural Woman, especially part 3 in which I mention the commitment I made to women.

In my references to Western thought I have never referred to the terms white, black, Asian or Hispanic. People of all colors, ethnicities, and religions have been indoctrinated in and accept Western thought. The MROs, liberals, democrats, conservatives, republicans, independents, progressives, socialists, and libertarians all have one trait in common—materialistic myopic Western thought. Political science is a study of forms of government created by Western thought that attempt to substitute for patriarchy and fail.

To change society requires a change in thinking. Unless a man is reborn, nothing will change. Men need to crawl out of the restrictive confines of materialistic Western thought and recognize their responsibility to the propagation and preservation of the human race on its spiritual journey. They also have to develop the vitality and courage to fulfill that responsibility.

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