The responsive nature of females of all mammal species enables them to nurture the race. Their nurturing nature supplemented by visual thinking has them functioning in an almost continual state of responsiveness as they address the immediate needs they see in their environment.

The males of the species do not have as strong a nurturing instinct and they are assertive rather than responsive. They have conceptual thinking which enables them to provide the environment and means for females to bring forth life and nurture it. As an example, the male will seek an environment conducive to the raising of the young, has an ample food and water supply, and can be readily defended against predators.

The purpose of the male in all mammal societies is to create the environment and the means for the female to bring forth life and nurture it, an interdependent activity that requires the manifestation of the specific traits of each gender. Among humans the males require a spiritual orientation as well in order to develop the ethics from which moral behavior ensues.

In the modern Western society the influence of the male has been eliminated thus producing a society that no longer focuses on the propagation and preservation of the species (and does not have ethical standards from which moral behavior derives) but instead has a materialistic and self-indulgent psyche with a response orientation to all issues.

Whatever happens to interrupt the self-indulgent activities of society meets with a call for responsiveness. The government, preferably in the form of the President himself, is expected to respond to school shootings, stabbings, and desecration; to a faltering economy, gas prices, and joblessness; to poor health issues such as the increase in chronic diseases, depression, and allergies; to environmental issues such as smog, pollution, and destruction of natural habitats. Responsiveness is expected in the event of natural occurrences such as hurricanes, forest fires, tornados, and flooding. International issues are expected to receive prompt responsiveness as well, whether in conflict between nations, within nations, and surrounding nations. The Western world wants to “see” its leaders responding to all the interruptions of its self-indulgent lifestyle.

A society focusing on responsiveness to issues deals with effects rather than causes and also has limited planning ability; two weaknesses evident in domestic and international activities.

On the international scene the United States invaded Iraq under the pretext that it had weapons of mass destruction; however it did not have any viable exit plan. Now, a decade after the war, with more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed, thousands of U.S. Service men and women killed, and many thousands more wounded, with a couple of trillion dollars spent, the situation in Iraq has less stability than before United States involvement began. Wherever “hot spots” arise in this world, the United States responds to them, but there is little planning or understanding of the cause, just a response to “put out the fire.”

The same responsive action takes place on the domestic scene but to a greater degree; with shootings, stabbings, and desecrations of the facilities in the school system, in government institutions, in the cities, suburbs and rural neighborhoods, perpetrators are apprehended, put into prison and enhanced security measures developed. The motivation for these actions does not get addressed because they cannot be addressed; responsive and visual thinking cannot address causative factors because they are unseen. The educational system, which has become completely recitorial, produces people with responsive natures who cannot resolve a problem; therefore, the government is called upon to address it, which it cannot resolve either.

Whatever the age of the reader of this article, upon consideration you will realize that what you considered to be wrong in society at the time of your birth has gotten worse. Increases have occurred in the prison population, street gangs, truancy, school dropout rates, drug abuse, mental illness, unwed motherhood, chronic illness, environmental desecration, and economic disparity. Decreases have occurred in the marriage rate, on time graduation, academic performance, chastity among teenagers, ethical behavior, courteous behavior, respect for the elderly, and respect for each other.

Western society has done the equivalent of removing the bull from the herd, the lion from the pride, and the rooster from the flock. It has removed from itself that ability necessary to preserve its existence, ergo all Western societies are crumbling as are all Western institutions. The Western world has seen this collapse of society occur twice in its history, in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, where the removal of male authority resulted in self-indulgence, debauchery, and purposelessness. Israel during the time of the prophet Jeremiah experienced the same fate.

As the government gets involved in every matter of human existence, it becomes larger and more powerful and eventually the modern Caesars will come into being; however, their reign will be short as there is no power that can circumvent the collapse caused by the absence of the masculine influence.

A completely responsive society cannot sustain itself. A materialistic society cannot sustain itself. The only societies that can perpetuate themselves successfully are those focused on the propagation and preservation of the species and have a spiritual orientation. Such societies have an understanding of the nature of gender and its interdependent function. It’s called patriarchy

Most people are familiar with bovines and tend to use the name cows to identify them, even though it is realized that the cow represents the feminine aspect of the bovine species.

Cows are readily recognizable by their large udders, which contain milk for the nurturing of their offspring and contain spigots called teats that enable the offspring to avail themselves of the milk.

The males of the species are called bulls and are readily identified by their large horns and more muscular stature. They also have testes, which provide the sperm necessary to initiate a pregnancy. The bull is equipped to provide the means and the environment for the cow to bring forth life and nurture it.

The cow does not try to do the work of the bull, nor does the bull try to do the work of the cow. They have an interdependent relationship that is understood instinctively by all mammals including humans.

When farmers attempt to have bovines do functions that will profit the farmer such as pulling a wagon, little resistance is offered by the cows, because there natures are receptive, passive, and accommodating. Bulls will not readily pull a wagon no matter what form of discipline is inflicted upon them; therefore, the farmer uses cows only, or castrated bulls (called steers) which are more docile. By yoking a cow and steer to pull the same load, they do the same work; but the cow does not do what the bull does, instead the bull does what the cow does, and neither of them do what they were designed to do—propagate and preserve the bovine species. Their offspring are raised by farmers, cattle raisers, etc. apart from any influence of their parents—a true tragedy to the herd.

Humans are blessed with the ability to conduct themselves apart from instinct, in both a positive and negative manner. When the focus is on the propagation and preservation of the species and an awareness of the spiritual journey, human development increases; when the focus is on matters material and personal gain, human development decreases.

When humans focus on matters material they also disrupt the way of life natural to the propagation and preservation of the species. Women are removed from the home where they were exposed to centuries of learning and experience regarding the many facets of nurturing such as healing, feeding, consoling, sewing, cooking, and baking, and sent out to work on something entirely apart from nurturing the race, which they are easily motivated to do because of their receptive natures. When men object to the destruction of the family they are emasculated by law and the materially controlled media. Men who cannot be emasculated are put into prison and those who do not resist are hooked to the productive system where they become automaton workers doing the same work that women do, and neither of them doing what they were designed to do.

Like the bovines, their children are raised by a third party and given instruction devoid of spirituality, ethics, and nurturing love. The effect on the children and on the parents is that they become stressed and then go mad.

A society of mammals that does not know the difference between those who have testes and those who have teats cannot function and is doomed to extinction. Unfortunately, Western man and those who have adopted his values no longer understand the purpose of this distinction and their society is in the throes of self-destruction.

Note: If you understand the above, you might want to make copies and distribute them in your area of influence. You might investigate if there is a periodical that you are aware of that might entertain publishing essays on this subject.


The media reporting on the defeat in the primaries of incumbent Republican House member Eric Cantor by politically unknown University Professor Dale Brat reached frenzy this morning (June 11, 2014) as its members explored the local, national, and international implications of this unexpected turn of events–the first time ever that an incumbent House Majority Leader lost a primary election.

I have never written a column about a political matter, and this column does not serve as an exception; my comments regarding what the nation considers to be a major political event instead will focus on what I perceive to be symptoms of the issues facing the nation and the world.

The reason for the electorate’s ouster of a man serving as House Majority Leader and generally considered a likely candidate for the position of Speaker of the House lies outside of liberal, conservative, republican, and democrat considerations. These unexpected changes—and more will occur—reflect the feeling of people that something in society has gone amiss. The entire world gives evidence of increasing uneasiness reflected in expressions of discontent towards government. The past few years have witnessed street demonstrations in Ireland, France, Spain, the Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Cyprus, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, and Thailand, to name a few of the many areas of the world expressing political discontent, which reflects a worldwide unease with the effects of gross materialistic thought now practiced by most governments, but centered in the West.

Jesus said, “Man does not live by bread alone,” yet the governments of this world treat their subjects as though they do live by bread alone. Gross Domestic Product (GDP ) has become the standard by which the health of nations are measured, the family has been destroyed, religious influence has waned, ethics have disappeared and people have started to run amok. The frequency of shootings, stabbings, and desecrations in our institutions has increased to such a point that the populace has become inured to feelings of horror and dismay over these events.

Materially oriented governments do not last; they crumble from within. Ancient Greece, Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Israel during the time of the great prophet Jeremiah all collapsed as a result of their focus on gross materialism. Spiritual worship identifies the human species from all other forms of life. Man understands inherently he is on a spiritual journey; to deny him spiritual food deprives him of spiritual growth and he becomes discontented with himself and his environment; yet the emphasis on the improvement of society focuses on material accumulation.

The message of Men’s Action concerning gender and spirituality has been refined and for the past several years has been presented as follows:

Men provide the environment and means for women to bring forth
life and nurture it as humankind proceeds on its spiritual journey.

If humankind adhered to that activity it would live in relative harmony.

The Pope recently placed emphasis on relieving the plight of the materially poor, but placed no such emphasis on the spiritually starved; nor has any prominent religious leader of any faith anywhere. Other materialistic efforts by the clergy promote increased educational opportunities—especially for women—and improved medical care; all materialistic considerations.

Modern society does not emphasize family and spirituality, the two interdependent activities necessary for the well-being of humankind. The consequence of that failing has produced a growing discontent of people with their government and with each other. People no longer have a sense of belongingness to government, community, or individuals; which leads to stress and a wary eye on all whom they see.

The election upset of Eric Cantor indicates growing national and worldwide unrest with the status quo. People want change to their conditions, but unfortunately most of them want a variation of the gross materialistic way of life that created their unrest. They want to see their particular brand of government or faction within it empowered. They believe they can fix something built on a weak foundation. Materialism is a weak foundation and all that is built upon it will collapse. Only when people are reborn—when they have new thinking based on family and spirituality and the understanding of the principle of gender to make it work—will their lives change. Until then, unrest will continue to grow and political demonstrations throughout the world will increase.

Be aware my brothers and sisters, the society built upon materialism is collapsing. Step outside of its influence and start living the life that you were intended to have; then you will be better equipped to survive the ensuing implosion of modern society. I suggest you reread the Mission Statement of Men’s Action for details on how to work individually and collectively to live a more natural way of life.


Two bits of news information picked up from the internet today serve as reminders of the growing moral decline of the Western world.

The first item caching my eye was the premeditated attack by a pair of 12 year-old Wisconsin girls to murder a third, and the second item was the announcement that Dan Marino, star quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, has joined a growing group of former players suing the NFL concerning its policy towards injuries.

The atrocity committed by the 12 year-old girls joins the list of school violence that has become so commonplace that it is hardly newsworthy anymore. Within the past few months there have been school shootings, stabbings, and desecrations. The shootings and stabbings were by boys, the desecrations by boys and girls, and the grade school stabbing by girls only. It appears that gender-equal education is working well as regards to violence, and women can now look forward to careers in the military where they can exhibit more freely their immoral training and the aberrant female behavior it produces.

The addition of the name of a star quarterback to the growing list of former players suing the NFL was made somewhat newsworthy because of his fame; however, the subject of football injuries continues to be met with relative ennui by the media, sports fans, and public. When the season begins the fans will be cheering for those players who make the most damaging tackles, punishing quarterback sacks, and violently aggressive blocks. The issue of making the playing of football relatively safe is an oxymoron. The game has evolved into a very violent sport that has replaced baseball as the natural pastime.

Baseball is a man’s game, it involves all sorts of strategy including deliberate walks, bunts, double steals, batter substitutions, infield shifts, outfield shifts, and pitching substitutions. Now that women have been brought into the sports arena the focus has shifted to sensation and away from strategy. Home runs elicit a lot more whoopee than base hits; therefore the game has been changed to be more long-ball oriented. In golf the appreciation of the skill of putting has given way to the thrill of long drives. All sports have become entertainment and the greater the thrills, fanfare, colors, and lights the greater the fan response.

American professional athletes, especially football players, have become the gladiators of the modern world. They get paid a lot for their performances; so much, that many fans resent the amount of money and do not wish them well on the field. The safety of athletes will not be improved because modern sports are based on big thrills for big money.

Returning to the issue of the teenage stabbings, attempts to make schools safer will have less success than attempts to make athletics safer. The school system cultivates the gladiator mentality. Schools receive their recruits from homes without an adequate masculine presence and the ethics that it normally contains. Children are devoid of ethics today and arrive in school with a clean moral slate that enables the inculcation of grossly materialistic and spiritually devoid information. They are taught that the purpose of education is to become highly employable and make more than the other guy (or gal). They receive a grossly materialistic education that consists of recitorial training. Upon graduation they can only recite and have no moral judgment. They make excellent fans for the gladiators.

Before concluding this essay I will review the basic purpose of both education and sports. The purpose of education is to teach people to read, write, count, think, and express themselves so that they can contribute to their familial and tribal environment. Those objectives can be completed by the 12th grade at the latest. Anything after that is vocational in nature. The greatest vocation a woman can engage in is the bringing forth of life and nurturing it. The most important vocation for a man is the creating of the environment and means for a woman to bring forth life and nurture it; money and career should only be incidentals to achieving that goal.

Sports once served as a vehicle for the elders of the tribe to evaluate the young men and determine who had the potential to best lead the tribe based on their courage, stamina, judgment, intelligence, and ability. It also gave young women an opportunity to evaluate potential mates.

More security cameras and personnel will be added to the school system, and equipment for athletes will be more safety oriented as will be the rules, but neither the school system or sports programs will become safer because they are built on materialistic and immoral foundations.


A statistic appearing in an internet column this week indicated that women now comprise 20% of the American armed forces, a horrific statistic exemplifying the degeneration of our society, as those who are designed physically, mentally, and emotionally to bring life into this world and nurture it, now receive training in how to destroy it by becoming members of the military or police force.

Having women in the military subverts its basic purpose, which is to defend the homeland. Since the beginning of time men have fought to protect women and children, along with their cultural heritage, but with women now leaving the home to go and do battle, what does the military fight for?

During the Iraq War a picture in one of our major newspapers showed a woman soldier in full pack headed for Iraq leaving her two small children behind; the caption under the photo stated “I’m doing this for the money.” For the money? Leaving your own flesh and blood behind so that you can kill someone else’s flesh and blood? Someone whom you don’t know and who has not threatened you in anyway? That woman is killing strangers for money. In what way does her activity differ from “hit men” among organized crime who kill people for money?

Killing a person is to the normal human at least, a very unnatural and unnerving undertaking, especially if there is no grudge against that person. Our soldiers receive training to kill, kill, kill, before they go into battle. Then when they return to the States they shoot their neighbors, friends, wives, and/or themselves. Soon we’ll have woman veterans doing the same thing when they return from the front.

Our women receive less training in nurturing than they do in aggressiveness. They have been removed from the influence of the home in early childhood where they once learned from their mothers and grandmothers the infinite array of activities that involved nurturing. They are exposed to all forms of unnatural female aggressiveness in their schooling, on television, and in the movies. They enter the police force and military where they are taught how to kill people. Nurturing the race has gone out of style and as a result we have teenagers, shooting, stabbing, and molesting each other.

The breakdown of the family rarely gets referred to when addressing the increasing violence of our children; it’s always the politicians or some organization that is to blame along with a lapse in security.

Laws and security can never make up for the lack of ethics upon which moral behavior is based, and ethics come from only one place; they come from those men who recognize the need for the propagation and preservation of the species while humankind is on its spiritual journey. There is no other place for ethics to come from. By removing the man from the family the source of ethics has been removed from society. By removing the woman from the home (which is a direct result of the removal of the man from the family) the source of nurturing has been removed from society.

Now the purpose of society is to make money so that people can indulge themselves. Any form of work has become acceptable; gambling, pornography, and killing people for money are all O.K.

Women mercenaries participate in all vocations and professions because it is now their right to be able to do what men do; unfortunately they don’t know what it is that men do or did. Men worked hard and endured much abuse on the job in order to provide the means and environment for women to bring forth life and nurture it. That’s why men worked. Not for career or money. They had a sacred obligation and did their best to fulfill it. The earnings of married men have always surpassed the earnings of equivalent single men because married men had the primary motivation of the care of their families.

Why are women working outside the home? What motivates them to join the military and police force, and security companies where they learn how to kill people?

It is not economic necessity. During the Great Depression and amidst all that material poverty women stayed home and nurtured the race. That’s why: children could play in the streets without supervision, security at schools and colleges was almost none existent, people could leave their homes and cars unlocked, and children and youth did not run amok.

The single motivating factor of a woman is the ME factor. She will behave in accordance with the standards that enhance her ME status. The norm of humankind was that women functioned as nurturers of the race, and women then did their best to show that they were highly capable nurturers. The chastity of women was desirable in maintaining morality; therefore, they would fight to the death to preserve their virginity.

Nurturing is no longer held in high regard; therefore, women no longer have interest in learning how to become devoted wives and caring mothers. Moral standards no longer exist; regarding chastity, 12 year-old girls now call each other asking, “Did you do it yet?”

What has changed in society? Women are the same as they have always been, but their conduct has changed because the expectations of them have changed. Morality no longer exists. We are all the same now, and have become automatons doing what is necessary to earn money. We live in a society of female mercenaries, and the negative effects are everywhere.


This week the internet contained a brief report about a woman trapped in her burning car because a lightning strike jammed her automatic door locks, an event causing me to reflect on the verse from the Koran that titles this essay.

The profusion of the increasingly automated and robotized products and operation of the modern world cause us to cast ourselves into destruction, and with increased frequency. With each passing moment the welfare of humans becomes more dependent upon technology. We sit in the subway and trust that the lights will remain on, that the tracks will switch properly, and that power failures will not occur. We exhibit this same trust while riding in building elevators, railroads, airplanes, ships. buses, and automobiles, and yet we have read recently how people have died in these highly automated and supposedly safe vehicles of transportation.

Ferries sink, ships run aground, planes disappear (although I’m not ready to fully believe it), buses explode, trains run off the tracks, and cars stall and/or explode. Pipelines rupture, nuclear plants spill contamination, and mines become enfired. With each passing day we become more dependent –not on each other—but on the material world we have created and the powers that control it.

In efforts to make these material creations safer the number of regulations and operating instructions has increased along with the installing of more sophisticated safety devices resulting in less judgment permitted on the part of the operators and confining them to a more physically and mentally restricted environment. The true god of the west has always been mammon and its creations; its power grows by the day as people willingly become more dependent upon it for all that they need, and even applaud its growth.

Viewing the advertisements of advanced technology as used for patient care causes me to cringe as I look at illustration after illustration of monitoring, examination, and drug administering devices hooked up to human beings in hospitals under the guise of advanced medicine. Rather than be in a room filled with sophisticated medical equipment I would much prefer to be in a plain room attended by a loving nurturing nurse. People are not machines, they are spiritual entities in a material sheath and they need nurturing love to survive. Unfortunately, with the destruction of the family and the manipulating of women into industry both the source and the environment of nurturing love has been removed from society, and its members are breaking down mentally as a result of it.

The demonstrations, insurgencies, revolutions, and societal discontent that we see occurring on every continent are in large part a subjective reaction to the increasingly dominant nature of governments and their lack of spirituality. Man does not live by bread alone, and to treat him as if he does—regardless of his objective thinking—will cause his subjective thinking to rebel. Also, an instinctive feeling is developing throughout the industrialized world that society is crumbling, that things are not working as they should or at least as promised they would. The god mammon is failing us, as it always has, no matter how many times it is has been resurrected over the ages.

The method of resurrecting and empowering the god mammon has not changed. First an increase in material abundance focuses the attention from toiling for need to working for greed. Instead of working for the benefit of the family, tribe, and race which includes a reverence for matters spiritual, people begin working for personal gain. Men begin to lose their authority because the focus on ethics needed for the preservation and propagation of the species—which only they could provide—gives way to a focus on how to accumulate material things. As the attention of women shifts from nurturing the race it gravitates to self-aggrandizement. Entertainment becomes the focal point of society and reverence to matters spiritual wanes. The god mammon becomes stronger because the family structure has broken down, the values normally learned to maintain ethical relationships with other members of society have no longer been inculcated to the young, causing the need for the enactment of more laws to maintain stability. Eventually the government becomes all empowering, people become enslaved, and society collapses because of the debaucherous lifestyle that ensues.

The modern love affair with technology serves as a more sophisticated form of gross materialism and its worship, but in all other respects the modern materialistic society is on the same path that ancient Greece, Rome, and Sodom and Gomorrah took. With our own hands we cast ourselves into destruction.


Outrage continues world-wide over the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian school girls and the supposed intention of selling them to strangers who want wives. The thought of losing their children horrifies parents, but the media hype given to the abduction of these teenagers focuses more on the removal from their educational environment than it does on the removal from their families.

What motivated the abductors to take the action they did, knowing full well that there would be national and international repercussions and most likely an assault on their lives, and secondly, what concerns the United States about an incident in Nigeria that does not even remotely affect the life of American citizens? Unfortunately, the nature of Western thought focuses on effects and/or symptoms rather than causes; therefore, the resolution of an issue such as this becomes fleeting.

The focus on effects rather than causes can be seen in the manner violence in the American educational establishment is addressed. High school students have gone on shooting sprees, stabbing sprees, and desecration sprees (urinating in the hallways, putting oil on door handles, and defacing the walls and lockers) in their high schools. The response to these events usually calls for heightened school security and a movement to remove the instrument of destruction from society such as guns and knives. Perhaps to prevent future desecration of schools a suggestion will be made to remove penises as well; however, the real issue—what is causing our children to behave in an erratic and life threatening manner, does not receive much attention; this essay will address that oversight as it is germane to the issue of the abducted Nigerian school girls.

One million American grade school children (mostly boys) receive the drug Ritalin on a regular basis. Three million girls suffer from depression. In evaluating which colleges their children should apply for, college psychiatric facilities receive increasing consideration by parents. Ten million American women (10% of the adult female population) suffer from debilitating depression. World Health Organization figures indicate the number one health issue in England, the United States, and Canada is mental illness. The Institute for Mental Health stated that at any given time more than 20 % of Americans suffer from mental illness. A reasonable assessment of the preceding information would conclude that America has a severe mental health issue.

Those with mental health issues, (at least among those who have been acting erratically in our high schools), tend to have feelings of isolation coupled with little understanding of right and wrong action; two effects resulting from the lack of a normal home environment. Fathers provide ethics and structure while mothers provide nurturing love, the result being reasonably well-balanced children with a sense of belonging and an understanding of proper behavior; however, as we shall see, this source of loving care and direction has been removed and our children have been left wanting.

Only 18% of American children the age of 18 or over live in a household with both of their natural parents, the remaining 82% of children live in homes that experienced enough family discord to cause separation or divorce. Twenty four million children go to bed at night in a home without a father in it. Ninety percent of America’s 2.4 million prison population comes from broken homes as do 95% of the one million children in street gangs. Single parents usually have to go to work with the result their children go to pre-school, in school, and after school programs, environments lacking in the nurturing love found at home, and devoid of any religious and ethical instruction.

Regarding the education of women—the focal point of the abduction—the issue is not whether women should become educated, but what kind of education they receive and who provides it. The goal of childhood education is to teach children to read write, count, and express themselves in such a manner that they can relate well with others and become responsible functioning members of society. This level of education should be accomplished by high school graduation at the latest; anything beyond high school is vocational in nature.

What is the purpose of having a vocation (in this essay I am including a study in all the professions as vocational education)? The general answer today, or one that expresses the general value structure of society, came from a young manicurist who said the following to me: “I’m going to college to get an education, get a job, make some money, and be somebody.” That statement exemplifies feminine thinking; college, education, job, and money serve as vehicles for satisfying the ME—being somebody. Devotion to the family, tribe, and race are not referred to; excelling in providing nurturing life to humankind no longer receives approbation. Making money is the key indicator of worth to society and worth to oneself. It is this thinking that destroys the home environment and creates the conditions causing our youth to behave erratically and ending up on drugs, in prison, and/or shot dead in the streets.

Perhaps those who kidnapped the girl students see the change occurring to their country and the cause behind it; perhaps they see that the next step from single sex education is coeducation and the teenage pregnancies and unwed motherhood that develops there from, and perhaps the leader Abubakar Sheku is aware of the African Proverb: The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people. Certainly the ruin of the West began in the homes of its people, and the ruin of Nigeria has already begun in the homes of its people as the Western culture has begun to erode the native culture.

Kidnapping innocent children is a radical undertaking; however, witnessing the destruction of the cultural heritage of a nation is something that motivates men to commit radical acts and die for them. What else is there for a man to live and die for but his cultural heritage? In America we pay soldiers to kill people who in no way affect their cultural heritage. Killing people for money has a negative effect on the psyche, and when these soldiers come back home they kill their wives, neighbors, and themselves. Those who do not do any additional killing are added to the ranks of the nations mentally ill.

There is much more that can be discussed here concerning the resistance to Western culture in Nigeria of which Western education is a part, and perhaps future essays will elaborate on this issue in more detail; however, I hope that at least one facet of the issue was brought to light as a result of this essay.

Another question asked at the beginning of this essay, was why the interest on the part of the United States in an incident that not even remotely affects its citizens? Could the fact that Nigeria has the largest oil reserves in Africa have anything to do with American interests in their domestic affairs? As I write this essay American drones are swarming all over Nigeria. All that expense for a few hundred schools girls? America has killed many multiples of a few hundred by accident in its occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Our international interest focuses on oil producing nations. Iraq, Iran, Libya, Egypt, and Nigeria all have large reserves of oil. The few hundred school girls serve as an ostensible concern that has a publicity garnering effect and hides the true involvement of the United States in Nigerian domestic affairs.


We hear so much about what scientists have to say about any subject important to us whether nutrition, climate change, pollution, sleeping habits, educational performance, sexual habits, criminology, societal relations, or a host of medical issues, and we have elevated their status to that of the priesthood in our material world.

The pursuit of knowledge through experimentation and the acquiring of verifiable results called the scientific approach is a natural process and can be conducted without the use of microscopes, telescopes, petri dishes, computers, and various technological devices. We can all find and prove to ourselves all the knowledge necessary for our betterment.

The scientific approach used by modern society limits itself to material analysis; therefore, their efforts cannot find knowledge but can only provide information; hence, we live in the information age. Scientists will never find truth because they are looking in the wrong place. The material world can only yield information; the spiritual world reveals truth, which can only be found within, as the following examples will illustrate.

A subject that has become almost vogue is the study of the frequency of near death occurrences that have resulted in “out-of-body” experiences. Those who have these experiences report entering an area of bright light and feelings of peace and warmth. Scientists refer to these states as hallucinations.

People can test for this condition if they wish and without almost dying. Those who have the ability to meditate deeply, report out of body experiences similar to those who have had near death occurrences. The apostle Paul said, “I die daily.” People who can meditate deeply do in essence die daily and experience a reality outside of their bodies, it does not matter if scientists give the experience their approval. Truth is subjective; it is either understood or experienced; it does not have to be proven to others.

Moving on to a more mundane example, one can find considerable scientific opinion regarding the practice of vegetarianism. A search of the internet will find opposite extremes, some very vitriolic in the expression of their views, and both sides supported by what appears to be an infinite amount of supporting data. To resolve this issue for yourself I recommend that you do your own testing. If you can’t go “cold turkey” and eliminate all animal products starting with tomorrow’s diet, then you might try first abstaining from red meats, then fish and poultry, then dairy. In whatever approach you decide to use, you will find improvements in your health and in the way you feel.

I will share with you the changes in my personal well being when I became a vegetarian 19 years ago at the age of 65. Even though I had eaten most animal products I did always include fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet. The moment I started the diet I began to lose weight, and lost 27 pounds before my body stabilized at its natural weight. I used to take antacids frequently before becoming a vegetarian, but never did so afterwards. I had suffered with the gout and had passed kidney stones; events that have not recurred since I gave up animal products. My cholesterol used to average 325, it now averages 180. In general I am feeling very well and do not take any medications. I do have a few muscular skeletal ailments that have been with me since childhood, but they have not progressed. Becoming a vegetarian increased my health and well-being; I do not need any scientists to approve of what I did, I proved the benefits to myself.

I gave only two examples regarding making your own scientific analysis. But you can do this on all things without the reliance upon modern science. Many of you know that I have studied and practice a type of energy healing, which I have since combined with other healing modalities. I can examine anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world, treat them and heal them. I do not require the stamp of approval of any medical associations; people whom I treated know they were healed. What more proof is needed?

My caution regarding relying on scientific authority does not mean we should not consult with people of knowledge, but they can exist outside of the establishment; for example, there are shamans, medicine men, bush ladies, witch doctors, and a wide assortment of healers in every native environment that have the ability to heal through their personal powers, and knowledge of herbs and diet. Healing that I have become aware of through reading and learning would be considered as bordering on the miraculous by the average person.

Consult the learned in all things, but realize that the learned are not necessarily those who have formal education in a subject, but those who have experience in doing it. Your grandmothers and great grandmothers are experts on nutrition, and child rearing. Their grays hairs are symbols of wisdom that cannot be attained by college degrees. Consult your elders. Life is learned from those who lived it, not in the school room.

Human society existed long before the advent of Western materialism, and it will continue to exist long after its ignorance has passed. Do not become enamored or infantilized by the supposed knowledge of the scientific community. The truth is within you; take a trip inside for a free consultation.

Note: if you agree with the essays you read here, I would appreciate you sharing them with others by suggesting they subscribe to this website. Also, by promoting my books to others you would help in expanding knowledge of gender unavailable anywhere else. E.G.

Collapse of the Non-patriarchal Western Society

The universe, solar system, and every continent on this earth functions in accordance with patriarchy except for Europe; an un-natural condition resulting in negative and devastating consequences to Western society and all who emulate its lifestyle. A society that attempts to avoid the natural patriarchal order will degenerate and collapse.

This essay will not explain and illustrate the principle of gender, as this website contains 140 or more essays, 35 videos and two books dedicated to that task; instead it will focus on the negative effects brought about by Western society’s ignorance of gender and its natural functioning called patriarchy, from the beginning of European history continuing to the present time.

The distinguishing feature of patriarchal societies is the leadership of the masculine gender, which can be seen among deer, lions, whales, primates and most species of mammals. The characteristic of the male that enables it to lead is its assertive nature and contemplative thinking, as opposed to the responsive nature and physical thinking of the female. The distinguishing feature of human patriarchy is its understanding of matters spiritual. All patriarchal societies participate in religious worship. Temples and/or rituals of worship of the unseen God are found all over the world with the exception of Europe (any symbols of worship in Europe are a result of religious thought that was brought into it from other continents). Patriarchal societies focus on the propagation and preservation of the species and hold family values and respect for its members in high regard.

All attempts at bringing spiritual or patriarchal thought and practice into Europe were met with resistance and violence. Even after the converting of Rome to a Christian government, matters spiritual were never developed and any attempt to bring in outside knowledge was suppressed and persecuted; the Bible became a rule book enforced by government, rather than a spiritual training and enlightenment guide for the masses.

Two great Western civilizations (Rome and Greece) disintegrated into self-indulgent licentious societies as a result of their ignorance of patriarchy and any form of ethics that would maintain moral behavior.

Moving forward to the present time, religious influence and spiritual awareness have been eliminated from the educational system and from governmental policies, family is not held in high regard, family values brought into the Western world from other cultures have been systematically stamped out, the institution of marriage continues to crumble, divorce continues to increase, unwed motherhood has become the norm, and whoredom has become an accepted way of life, as it was in Greece and Rome during their downfalls.

Whoredom is the natural outcome of a materialistic society. Selling services for personal gain rather than for familial and community need is whoredom. People either have a spiritual understanding, a devotion to family, a respect for all existence, and a desire to share with others, or they worship matter, which results in whoredom. The prophets Moses, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea railed against the whoredom of their respective societies. The basis of feminism is the opportunity to earn money; it measures the accomplishment of women by how much money they earn (no matter how they earn it) instead of by the nurturing love they give to society.

Whoredom is not just an individual lifestyle as the “do your own thing” philosophy that prevails in society would have one believe, but leads to the mental, physical and emotional destruction of society, to the neglect of child rearing, care of the aged, and the consideration of others.

Today we have youth mass shooting their classmates, mass stabbing their classmates, and mass desecrating the high schools which they attend. They youth have been neglected and are confused. Banning guns, knives, clubs, and matches will not remove their confusion. Our young people needed a purposeful life and sense of belonging, which is what the family normally provides; instead they were raised by an impersonal state with grossly materialistic values.

Security has become a multi-billion dollar industry as America and the Western world protect themselves from themselves. We have the largest prison population in the world and the highest material standard of living. Is there a message lurking in these facts?

Much of the benefit attributed to our genderless society concerns the well-being of women, who have been told they have come a long way and are now liberated. Let’s compare the consequences of their new found freedom and the effect on their health to the non-liberated woman of 75 years ago.

The number one debilitating health issue of the American woman is depression, with upwards of 10% of the adult female population affected. In Europe 15% of the adult female population suffers from that malady. Mastectomies and hysterectomies each number in the hundreds of thousands annually and more than 50% of American women get fibroids. Stress related symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, lower back pain, and menstrual pain and irregularity have become commonplace.

Why has the liberated woman become so overloaded with stress? She has to earn her living, plan for her retirement, arrange for her safety, and take personal responsibility for her conduct. She no longer raises her own children but turns them over to the state at an early age where total strangers who for money feed, care, supervise, and educate them. Her natural and instinctive desire and capability to nurture her offspring and the race in general has been held captive as the environment needed for her to fulfill her natural womanly function has been destroyed.

Now let’s compare those conditions to the non-liberated housewife of 75 years ago, who when she arose in the morning had one objective, and that was to nurture the race, an activity that she did with love in her heart. She did not have to worry about money, retirement, matters political, her personal safety, or the rare occasion of unruly children. She lived with someone who was expected to take care of those matters. She did not have to waken to an alarm clock, put on a uniform, travel an hour to work, follow corporate behavioral policies, and answer to someone who had no interest in her well being other than if it would improve his status in the organization in some way. Nor did she have to call in sick if she didn’t feel well, or even account to anyone if she felt like sleeping in or spending the better part of the day chatting with her neighbors.

While her work was literally never done, the joy of doing it was beyond description as she responded to the needs of those around her. She was the chief cook and bottle washer, seamstress, nutritionist, healer, consoler, social planner and hostess, interior decorator, judicious shopper, and had an infallible memory for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and all matters of family and social importance. She controlled her environment; her home was the expression of her diligence and her family the expression of her love.

She did not suffer from debilitating depression, stress related symptoms, require occupational therapy, or get tummy tucks and facelifts to feel noticed and appreciated. As she aged her lined face and gray hairs were symbols of the wisdom she had acquired and the love and respect she had earned.

The benefits accruing to the modern “liberated” woman in this supposedly genderless society are fictitious. Also, the very concept of a genderless society is fictitious. Men make structure. Without structure there is chaos. Without heat there is cold, without light there is darkness. A genderless society would be a non-existent society; yet the Western World continues its efforts to create, a legally enforced genderless society.

In an attempt to make up for the chaos that ensued as the authority of men was removed, the government grew and enacted onerous behavioral laws, in addition to installing surveillance cameras and security devices in increasing areas of public activity. These attempts to substitute law and surveillance for the ethical structure normally arranged by men have failed as violence and erratic behavior continue to increase.

In the workplace the attempt to enforce equal opportunity hiring has resulted in the designing of all work into tasks that both men and women can do; an unnatural condition that reduces both men and women into automaton production workers, lowers work standards, and reduces the ability to create anything new.

New comes from the creative will of the masculine gender; there is no place else for it to come from. There are no women equivalents of Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Bill Gates of Microsoft, or Steve Jobs of Apple. No political philosophies, financial theories, or religious teachings have originated with women. They are receptive and responsive; qualities that enable them to nurture the race, which they do in the environment created by men. The stifling of the natural abilities of men and women have enslaved them socially and economically, leading to a recitorial society with little original thought expressed. The trend to standardized work activity leads to automation, robotization, the dehumanization of human conduct, and finally the enslavement of society.

The Western world has devolved into a society that is a combination of those depicted in George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World; books that in essence describe modern versions of the ancient Greek and Roman societies that crumbled, the Biblical societies of Sodom and Gomorrah, and of Israel during the time of the prophet Jeremiah. Gross materialism always enslaves and self-destructs.

The solution does not lay in trying to fix a system that is unfixable, but to start living outside of the system, which is not just the European and Western societies, but all societies that have focused on materialism. The modern world must once again restore the family to the focal point of society and renew its interest in matters spiritual. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, “You will rebuild on the old foundations and become known as the rebuilders.” The old foundation is patriarchy.



Our Linear Society—the Road to Slavery

Our society is progressing (actually deteriorating) towards a completely linear structure. By linear I mean single dimensioned, or all the same. Cars produced on an assembly line receive equal treatment, they are all the same; an imperfection created in one is created in all until the manufacturing error is found. Quality control in the manufacture of automobiles uses a linear approach; all cars of a given model are made the same way.

The linear approach in Western society (which has been promulgated by its ignorance of gender) affects disciplinary measures in organizations, worker conduct, medical practices, criminal justice, and the general conduct of affairs in society. Judgment has been removed. We are all the same (another erroneous concept produced by gender ignorance); therefore, we must all be treated the same.

For the purpose of illustration of this article I will use two examples of the linear approach that are in common usage and are not only not challenged, but are considered examples of fairness. They are the “first come first serve practice” and the “let the punishment fit the crime standard.” Who can challenge those approaches to fairness?

I can, and that is why I am writing this essay.

Let’s take a look at the “first come first serve” practice. I went to an optometry shop because a hinge on one of the temples of my eye glasses needed tightening. When I went to the service person at the store, she informed me that one person was ahead of me, and that it would take an hour to resolve her issue, and then I would be taken care of. Fortunately for me her supervisor whispered to her to fix my glasses. The time of the entire procedure took as long as her walking over to get the screwdriver and tighten the hinge as she was walking back to me. It took less than 60 seconds.  The person waiting for an hour was not inconvenienced in any way. The service person’s comment to me as I left was, “the only reason I did this is because my supervisor told me to.” She had no conceptual understanding as to why treating me while the other person was waiting was fair and constituted good customer service. She was already conditioned to not be able to make judgments

Another experience I had with the fallacy of “the first come first serve” principle occurred during my sales-engineering training. I worked for a company that made heat exchangers, and many of the field personnel, especially the agents, were not equipped to do the engineering calculations necessary to quote a job and therefore would forward their requirements to the home office. Some of their requests would take a matter of minutes to fulfill, others hours, and when quoting on a new construction site such as a refinery it could take days.

A home office engineer who I worked with would log in all the requests and then proceed to work on them in the order received. He was very pleased with his policy of first come first served. I used a different approach, looking over the work delegated to me, doing the short projects first, and then working on those that would take extended time. Why hold up every one’s work for three days, when all but one of the jobs could be gotten out in one day?  My approach serviced more people and quicker than did the “first come first serve” approach of the staff engineer.

Let’s extend the “first come first serve” philosophy to a hospital emergency room. Certainly no one wants to see favoritism practiced when they are in need of medical attention and therefore would want to be seen in the order in which they arrived; however, a person with a sprained ankle has less urgent medical needs than a person with a crushed ankle from an automobile collision, and it is hoped that the ER staff would treat the latter condition first. “First come first serve” is fair when all things are equal, but when they are not equal (which is frequently the case) judgment is required; unfortunately we live in a society where judgment is not taught, developed, or permitted.

The next example I will address is “let the punishment fit the crime” or “equal justice under the law.” These statements sound noble, but they are unfair. An example of an alternative approach is the procedure used in a village in a Central American country when an adult male was accused of robbing the home of a villager and was brought before its members to be tried. Each villager would recall an instance of the man growing up, what a good student he had been, how he had helped carry the groceries for the elderly, on and on they would go about his good character as they expressed wonder at why he would steal. The man was humbled, humiliated, became tearful and apologized to the village. That was his punishment. He knew he had done wrong and repented. The village accepted his repentance. Let the punishment fit the crime would have resulted in his incarceration. What would time in jail have accomplished?

An extreme in another direction consisted of a young man who after drinking with his buddies desecrated a house of worship. No one was injured and the monetary damage was minimal. This was considered a “hate crime” and the man was put away for ten years. What did that man’s lengthy incarceration accomplish other than to create resentment within himself and his friends and family?

Instead of the “let the punishment fit the crime” standard I propose that “punishment should fit the offender.” Some people who break the law do it in a moment of weakness; others do it as a habitual way of life; punishment should be meted out accordingly. The purpose of punishment is to protect the populace, remind others to not break the law, and provide some form of rehabilitation. Contrary to public opinion, the law should not serve as a vehicle for exacting vengeance.

Our justice system has judges so that judgments can be made, but unfortunately most of the judgments reflect the political beliefs of the judge; those with a liberal bent will offer parole to someone who shot his mother, while those with a conservative bent will send a man away for life under the now defunct “three strikes and you’re out” law when their third offense was spitting on the sidewalk. To minimize the effect of political activist judges, mandatory sentencing guidelines have become more prevalent (they reduce the opportunity for judgment).

Judgment on the bench and in all of society is rapidly giving way to legal and illegal, allowed and not allowed, and to rules and regulations. We are gradually all becoming equal work digits in society with fewer opportunities to make judgments and less ability to make them when given the opportunity. The debacle that occurred during the sinking of the Korean ferry Sewol exemplifies the results of the inability to make judgmental decisions. There will be a probe, and new procedures developed. The trend towards writing procedures for all events is increasing in every segment of society. We are being programmed. Judgment, decision making, and conceptual thinking are disappearing as we march on the road to slavery, where indeed we will all be equal.


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