Author’s Note: The following essay was intended to be half the size and published on the website; however, the essay grew from being a short treatise on a segment of holistic healing to an essay indicating the mental and emotional state of many Americans and people of other industrialized nations, and the spontaneous violence that it can produce, an issue that will hopefully override any lack of understanding by the reader of the function of chakras (nerve centers). I have decided to post this essay on both websites. E.G.

Pennsylvania High School Stabbings

Symptomatic of Society

The recent shootings at Ft. Hood followed a week later by stabbings in a Pennsylvania high school concern all of us as they add to the already high level of angst permeating society; however, in addressing these issues the focus tends to be on the effect rather than on the cause, resulting in repeated incidents of domestic carnage.

As an energy healer I have observed the mental and emotional factors that lead to confused action such as the recent shootings at Ft. Hood and the stabbings at a Pennsylvania high School, and as an elder I will offer my opinion as to the socio-environmental conditions that created these factors.

An energy healing examination of Pennsylvania High School shooter Alex Hribal indicated the presence of two negative conditions; one I classify as non-clinical depression and the other I classify as severe stress.

My energy healing experience includes observing and treating people with very weak Crown, Forehead, and Ajna chakras. In general, the Crown chakra controls the brain and is also indicative of spiritual development; the Forehead chakra controls the nerves system; the Ajna chakra controls the will. When the condition of these three chakras are put into a bowl so to speak, and stirred up the result is an indication of how that person is performing in relation to himself.

Some of the negative symptoms of weak upper chakras are confusion, depression, negativity, introversion, and anti-social behavior.

I will share with you two of the many cases that I have successfully treated.

Fred, a 20 year old male, dropped out of college, spent most of his time in his room with a pet snake and a pet spider. His mother had a psychologist talk to him over the phone and he hung up on her; she then asked me to treat him, which I did with the proviso that he had to know about it. After the second treatment his mother called and told me that he had a friend over; after the third treatment she called me up in tears of joy and told me he left the house singing. Fred has since joined his father in business and is leading a more natural life in accordance with his personality.

Helen, a 24 year old collegian, told me that she was a straight A student, but that she would sit in her room and cry for no apparent reason, and was confused as to her purpose in life. I treated her three times in one week. And after the third treatment which occurred on a Friday morning, I sent her an Email at 9:30 AM telling her that her treatments were over and to let me know how she felt over the weekend. An hour later she sent me an Email indicating that she already felt like a new person.

In both of the above cases the individuals had very weak Crown, Forehead, and Ajna chakras, which I classified as non-clinical depression. After I energized the respective chakras, both Fred and Helen returned to normal functioning.

The second condition that I found in Alex Hribal was an energy congested Solar Plexus chakra. In addition to being congested it was enlarged, which indicates over-activity of the chakra. These Solar Plexus conditions indicate extreme stress. Symptoms normally associated with this condition are insomnia, headaches, lower back pains, and in the case of women menstrual irregularity and pain. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is cleansed and slowed down, the stress symptoms disappear.

People with non-clinical depression coupled with extreme stress would (depending on their environment) be prone to conduct themselves in a very erratic manner, as Alex Hribal did. In evaluating the seriousness of these conditions their frequency needs to be determined.

The day that I examined Alex Hribal, I examined a 16 year-old daughter of an acquaintance of mine, and a 48 year-old woman. Both of them had the same symptoms as the Pennsylvania stabber. In my examinations of prospective patients I find many with clinical depression, many more suffering from stress, and increasing numbers afflicted with both maladies.

Perhaps one day a statistician will determined the frequency of the conditions which I described and classify them by age, sex, ethnicity, religion, education and many other lineal factors; however, human beings are not linear statistics—they are spiritual entities—and their well-being is determined by the application of wisdom and the various practices that derive from it.

One of these practices consists of making family the focal point of society. Family provides an environment of belongingness, nurturing love, and moral conduct. The family has been destroyed in America and most of the industrialized world; which results in feelings of aloneness, and separateness. The added pressure of the un-natural monetary-based, performance evaluating work environment adds stress and tension to the individual.

Natural gender differences and attributes have been suppressed by law, and people have been reduced to work digits and automaton production workers. The source of ethical standards and the moral behavior derived from them has been removed causing society to wander about aimlessly not knowing right from wrong, but only what is legal and illegal, or permitted and not permitted.

Metal illness is now the number one health issue in England, the United Sates, and Canada.  National health care plans cannot cope with this condition because they only deal with effects, not causes. Medication does not cure. A change in thinking and environment does. We must change our thinking in America and in the industrialized world. The first order of change is to recognize the relationship of men to women and their cooperative effort in creating and sustaining a family of healthy, nurtured, and morally inculcated children who will be an asset to society.



In order to break the will of the slave to rebel against his enforced suppression, or at least severely limit his ability to rebel, stringent measures of subjugation and control were developed that consisted of removing the male from all authority, beating him, torturing him, and sometimes killing him, thus leaving women and children dependent upon the slave master for all their material needs.

This form of control became ritualized and was used in varying degrees throughout the Americas whether on African slaves or on indigenous people of various ethnicities, but now a more sophisticated and effective method of this form of control has been developed and implemented in the Western world and applied to the entire population as Western society does to itself what it did to others, and in greater detail and with far reaching effects.

The materially oriented, gender ignorant, and spiritually bereft Western psyche, provides the foundation for its self-enslavement.

The materialistic orientation of Western society motivates its children to go to school get an education, make some money and be somebody. Children can also see the apparent benefits of monetary rewards on their TV sets where various game-shows make people ecstatic (at least for the moment) by giving out vast sums of money in prizes; or they become aware through media hype of lotteries that continue to grow in number as they offer hope of material gain that will lead to a life of ease and happiness.

The focus on money in the political arena led to the enshrining of the phrase “It’s the economy stupid” in the minds of the electorate. Individual success is measured in terms of money and material accumulation, and financial institutions remind society that the contentment of old age depends on various retirement and savings plans. The entire basis of feminism is to have equal opportunity to earn money.

The second major aspect of the Western psyche—gender ignorance—manifests in laws that prohibit gender discrimination. Gender is not a social construct but a metaphysical truth; therefore, the enactment of laws prohibiting natural gender functions has deprived society of the unique and necessary contributions of each gender, and society is paying dearly for that loss. Gender sameness has led to the decline of the family, an action that serves as an integral part of establishing modern slavery.

The third aspect of the Western psyche leading to its enslavement—a lack spiritual awareness—has been evident from its inception when Europe resisted any invasion of spiritual thought or family orientation. With the harassment of Anaxagoras to the killing of Socrates, through the persecution of Christians in Egypt and then in Rome, The Europeans violently resisted all spiritual influences to the continent. There are no temples that originated from within Europe (The Acropolis was brought into Europe through the Peloponnese); nor did Europe provide spiritual texts such as the Bible, Koran, and Bhagavad Gita; nor did it produce spiritual leaders such as Moses, Abraham, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed.

Every culture throughout the world had temples and spiritual traditions except the Europeans.

The United States takes great pride in its tradition of separation of Church and State, as do many European countries, and while this philosophy has its merits, the separation of God and Country is an aberration of human existence. Since children are now raised by the government instead of in families, and religious training is forbidden in the school system, there is no place for spiritual values to be inculcated into society. A spiritually barren society is an anomaly that cannot endure.

The above represents merely an introduction into the topic of the enslavement of society as a result of its value structure, and to develop this theme would take many essays, probably a book. The following few paragraphs will describe the effect of gender sameness on the lives of men, women, and children, and how this has conditioned them to become wards of the state in all things. Please reflect on these paragraphs, as within them you will find the conceptual basis of societal enslavement and its implementation.

Men removed from their natural positions of authority by law, leaving the family leaderless, directionless, without the ethics upon which to base moral behavior and the ability to implement it, leading to the destruction of the family as the focal point of society, leaving elders, women, and children dependent upon the government for their very existence; transferring child rearing from the home to the government, destroying all sources of ethnic, spiritual, and racial lore, traditions, and wisdom, making all of society dependent upon the financial powers of the world, the governments they control, and the institutions that they have set up.

Women enticed, motivated, or forced out of the home; leaving behind all nurturing practices, traditions, and knowledge developed over centuries; stripping them of their ability to provide loving care, healthful nutrition, compassion, healing, a clean environment, and infinite solace to the family, tribe and race; reducing them to automaton production workers at the beck and call of government and industry, causing a breakdown in their psyches and their physical bodies, as a result of the unnatural stress inducing environment they are forced to function in.

Children raised by the state in an environment devoid of nurturing love, ethical standards, and spiritual inculcation; lacking any sense of belonging or attachment to the family tribe and race; motivated to work for material gain and to depend on material solutions for all issues, fed highly processed, nutritionally deficient, and energy depleted foods; developing allergies, chronic diseases, physical malfunctions, and psychological abnormalities; wandering aimlessly, seeking sensation in all its forms to alleviate the emptiness of not belonging, destroying their bodies with drugs, alcohol, and electronic sound; ultimately becoming wards of the state along with their mothers, fathers, and elders .


If you understand the ramifications of the last three paragraphs you will recognize that you are already in a stage of enslavement that can only worsen unless you start to act to remove yourself from it.  E.G.

Family and Religion Part 2

The essay Family and Religion described how the destruction of the family decreased the effect of religious ethics in society and created a vacuum that government institutions gradually filled as part of the trend to a one-world order. New spiritual leaders and gurus who do not require changing one’s religion to join their membership but who now provide ethical teachings once provided by parents, and in arenas outside of the home, have become part of this trend as the downplaying of religion, home, family and marriage, by the media and all institutions, intensifies.

Even religious organizations now place little emphasis on the family. The Pope in his Lenten message focused on material considerations, education, and opportunities for economic growth. Family is no longer held in high regard because the establishment and maintenance of family, extended family, and tribe require a clear understanding of gender differences and this is verboten in modern Western thought.

We have legislated away the natural gender differences between men and women, how then can we support anything that requires the interaction between differences in gender? We have legislated away what God has created, this is ignorance of the lowest order enacted on the grandest scale.

Think of it; to conduct yourself along natural gender lines is breaking the law.

This condition is, demonic, degenerate, and destructive.

In the preface of my first book, Dear Brothers and Sisters: Gender and Its Responsibility, I mention that Hermes Trismegistus stated the universal principle of gender and explained its functioning many centuries BCE.  In the Bible the book of Genesis states early on that the woman came from the man and that man should be her master, and in the following chapter it states that Lamech married two wives. Is this not a clear statement of gender difference and the patriarchal structure?

Proverbs, and Ecclesiasticus, contain many directives for young men to respect their fathers and the elders of the tribe. An assortment of Old Testament prophets have exhorted people to care for the family and to show respect for the elders. Peter and James met with the elders of Israel, and Paul in his epistles frequently refers to respect for elders.

The Chinese sage Confucius more than 500 years BCE championed strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives. He also recommended family as a basis for ideal government.

Kirpal Singh, the 20th century Sikh guru stated that the Sun represented the male principle in nature, and the Moon the female principle in nature and that the cosmic principles that manifest themselves in the planetary world as the Sun and the Moon, are found in every aspect of existence.

Spiritually advanced people have enunciated the principle of gender and the importance of family from the beginning of recorded history and through subsequent ages; the concept of gender and the need for family are universal truths and do not change; therefore those who have no spiritual concept want to sever the link between society and the spirit world, and that link (for all its imperfections) is religion.

One of the vehicles used to breakdown the influence of the home and religion is the incessant reference to technology and all its supposed powers such as the slogan “Technology has the Power to Unite Us,” used by Microsoft. This ad is seen billions of times and conditions the world to rely on technology for its survival and well-being. The heart-warming illustrations of the lame walking again as a result of technology (sophisticated materialism) mask the evil created by it such as the pollution of the air, water, food, and thinking of the world. This add indicates by working together with technology we can make this a better world, and the influence of home, religion, and matters spiritual is crowded out of the mind by watching and listening to this commercial.

Technology worship minimizes the influence of the elders because of its ever changing nature, reduces the esteem in which they were once held, considers them a financial liability, institutionalizes them in what are euphemistically called Senior Citizen Extended care Facilities but in reality are holding pens for the aged until they can be disposed of.

The same loss of esteem has afflicted parents as the rate of unwed motherhood increases and the government becomes the new parent, providing the care for the survival of children with its army of mercenaries called dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists, counselors, technicians, and of course “healthcare workers.”

All life needs more than care, it needs to be nurtured. The feminine principle provides the nurturing necessary for all existence, and it can only exist in the environment provided and maintained by the masculine principle. The government cannot love or nurture; it can only provide for material needs. Those who have nurtured the race to its present state are those gray haired women who have begotten and raised children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Gray hair serves as their credentials and is of more significance than degrees, certificates and licenses. Unfortunately we have removed our youth form association with the gray hairs and all parties have suffered, especially the youth.

Western society cannot be fixed. We must create a way of life outside of it and this can only be done by reestablishing family as the center of society and providing it with the spiritual training necessary for the development of humankind. Most of you who read these essays are single. It is time to take what you have read and put it into practice. One way of doing this is to get married.


Family and Religion

Last year the Dalai Lama stated, “grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate… this is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether.”

Religious ethics have begun failing to provide moral societal conduct because of the destruction of the environment necessary for the inculcation of spiritual values—the family!

Any form of teaching must be given an environment in which to grow; family provides the environment for spiritual growth. Communes or other types of sociological living arrangements cannot effectively substitute for the family environment, which symbolizes the creation of the physical universe and the conduct necessary to live in harmony with it. With each birth there is a recreation of life and an understanding of the unseen forces that bring about material existence.

The very act of creating a pregnancy symbolizes creating the seen from the unseen. No one has seen a spermatozoon, yet it is responsible for all human existence. No one has seen God, the Creator, or the Absolute, yet it is responsible for the physical universe. From the unseen the seen comes into existence; from the spiritual world the physical universe comes into existence.

The interaction between the male and the female produces all that exits. The female brings physical life into the world and caters to its material and emotional needs. The male initiates this life creating process and provides the environment and the means to maintain it; the family serves as an example of the interdependency of the seen and the unseen. Spiritual texts and teachings of the prophets upon which religions are based confirm this and do not require updating.

Updating needs to occur in the mindset of the modern world, especially as it manifests in the Western psyche. Whether the Dalai Lama, President George H.W. Bush, or multitudes of others in authority in the world of Western thought, they all believe in a one world secular government based on scientific (materialistic) values; thinking resting upon the false premise of materiality and ignorance of the unseen that has evolved into a religion of secular materialism and developed a multitude of vehicles through which to inculcate its beliefs into the minds of the unsuspecting public.

Unlike secular materialism, the outward manifestations of spiritually oriented religions might differ but the intent is the same: remembrance of the Creator. Wherever these religions originated, and regardless of the manner in which they express it, the focus is to draw the attention of people to God, the Creator, the Absolute; that unseen entity that has created all that there is and from whom we all come from. Spiritually oriented religions focus on increasing the awareness of people on the unseen, and helping them to realize the transitory nature of what is seen.

Secular materialism focuses on the works of man and looks upon the earth as a material entity created by accident for his exploitation, accumulation, and utilization as part of a finite life of self-indulgence, having no concept of the hereafter, no desire to propagate and preserve the species, and no sense of loyalty to humankind.

The secular materialists, realizing that the bastion of spiritual teaching and practice was the home, conducted a multifaceted attack on the home and all that it stands for. They removed male authority by law, debased the male in the media, promoted sexual promiscuity, enticed women out of the home and into industry, and reduced education to the acquisition of recitorial information.

These activities resulted in the unwed motherhood rate increasing from one and a half percent in the 1950’s to more than 40% today. The mothers of these children are forced out of the home and into industry, while the government takes over the care of their children with preschool, afterschool, and in-school programs in which the law forbids the teaching of matters spiritual.

Where will spiritual teachings be obtained and spiritual practice developed? In Sunday School one hour a week? In Catholic parochial schools? In Muslim madrasas? When the children come out of these schools and enter a broken home (82% of American children over the age of 17 do not live in a home containing both of their natural parents) what significance will the teachings have? What significance can they have when the value structure they are continually exposed to calls for making more money than the other person so that they become somebody?

Paul predicted that men will love nothing but money and self, they will be arrogant and abusive; with no respect for parents. That day is upon us and has been brought about by the destruction of the family and the inculcation of children into a grossly materialistic way of life.

In order for religion to provide the ethics for societal conduct the natural relationship of men and women needs to be reestablished and the family rebuilt. This cannot be done within the modern financial, technological, and materialistic scientific community created by the Western psyche. It must be established outside of the Eurasian value system and return to a simpler way of life similar to that which existed in Polynesia, Africa, and the Americas, where spiritual awareness permeated individual action, and all activity focused on the propagation and preservation of the species.

There is no need to move to those geographical locations as they have already been corrupted by materialistic activity. The change must come from within the individual to reestablish the way of life conducive to spiritual growth. Most of what is seen is in a process of decay and implosion. It will not be long before it is all gone. Those who remain will have the opportunity to build on the old foundations and will be known as The Rebuilders as they usher in a new age. The old foundation will be the family and the new age will be one of increased spiritual understanding.

Are you one of those people? The time to make change is now; before the ship of materialism capsizes and drags down all who are aboard or even near it.





Nurturing the Race

In cultures focused on the propagation and preservation of the species the nurturing of the race consisted of a never ending cycle of activity beginning with the selection of a mate.

A man looking for a mate sought one that would be the mother of his children and who would do everything within her ability to raise them to become respected and serving members of the family and tribe; a woman looking for a mate sought one who would provide the environment and means necessary for her to fulfill her function of nurturing the family, and the elders looked over the proposed union to determine if the marriage would serve the best interests of the tribe.

Once the marriage had taken place, the environment the woman lived in enabled the nurturing of her body as she prepared for the impending pregnancy; she resided in a loving community, ate wholesome foods, and shunned stimulants and other body and mind polluting influences. By the time she conceived she had reached the optimum level of mental, physical, and emotional strength to provide for the nurturing of her fetus, and during pregnancy she continued with a proper diet, received the guidance of the older women, and the security provided by her husband.

Upon the birth of her child, her healthy body readily supplied the milk necessary to nurture the newborn and her secure environment enabled her to administer this nourishment with love and calmness. When the process of weaning her child began she partially chewed its food before giving it to him helping the child make a smooth dietary transition, and as the child grew she would shop for quality foods and provide it with nurturing meals, the preparation of which she had learned in her childhood from her mother and the elder women.

Nurturing included caring for the sick, by utilizing healing remedies that had been handed down for generations and administered with love and compassion

Part of the nurturing of a child included the inculcation of a spiritual awareness and a value structure concerning its obligations, responsibilities, and considerations to the family and society; all members of the family and tribe participated in this training, especially the father.

Children raised in this environment had a sense of belonging, were healthy, happy, and well adjusted.

When the children reached adulthood they began the process of seeking a mate, continuing the endless cycle; their parents furthered their own development as elders by providing education and guidance to the young. The propagation and preservation of the species and its spiritual development entailed the daily activity of all members.

The above is an encapsulation of the nurturing activity inherent in family life as practiced for millennia.

Now I will offer an encapsulation of how the race is nurtured (mal-nurtured would be a more apt description) in the modern Western-oriented world.

Having a child is considered an action independent of the rest of society (except that society is expected to share in the cost). A woman decides to have a child, or more likely, she gets careless in her promiscuous lifestyle and becomes pregnant. She might be married or single, but in either case she probably has employment outside of the home and cannot properly prepare herself for the rigors of a pregnancy and the subsequent nurturing of a child. She will probably make use of pre-natal care offered by the government or various non-profits, which while providing technical assistance, cannot provide her with a caring and secure environment.

The child will most likely be born in a hospital and the mother will probably will not have any assistance from family. Upon bringing the child home she will receive maternity leave for a short time until she can make babysitting arrangements so that she can return to her place of employment. More than likely the child will be formula fed and then be weaned from the bottle as soon as possible. The nutrition received by mother and child at that point is marginal at best and will deteriorate rapidly as time passes as they both subsist on commercially produced food.

The child will be put in pre-school and after-school programs and be raised in an environment devoid of nurturing love. The mother will be stressed from the rigors of performing a fulltime job and will at best give her child part-time attention.

The child will receive little if any training in ethics or matters spiritual and will have little understanding of right and wrong; instead it will be inculcated to accept a system of what is permitted and not permitted, preparing it for an adult life based on legal and illegal.

When it reaches adulthood the child will have no sense of loyalty to the family, tribe, and race and will live a life of-self gratification until she gets pregnant and continues the cycle.

The child raised in this environment will have physical and emotional problems, be at high risk to drop out of school, get involved in substance abuse, join a street gang, become incarcerated, and/or get shot dead.

The mother who raised this child will most likely suffer from mal-nourishment, stress, female disorders, and depression.

The financial cost to the government of this second encapsulation is huge, but the human cost to society is humongous.

The first scenario depicts the natural way of life; the second an aberration.

If a man has any sense of race consciousness and spiritual understanding he will realize that he lives in an imploding society and must take steps to live outside of it.

A woman with maternal feelings and a desire to nurture the race cannot be satisfied with the conditions of modern society and would naturally want to support a man who will do his utmost to provide the environment she needs to fulfill her womanly obligation to humankind.

The clock is running my sons and daughters; are you going to sit and wait for the developing disaster to overcome you or will you take the steps necessary to live outside of it?


Two fundamental areas of thinking confronting the entire world—materiality and spirituality—have engaged humankind in the greatest battle in recorded history.

Materialistically centered and spiritually centered peoples can be found in all cultures; however, materialism flourishes and predominates in Europe and everywhere that Western thought has been adopted.

The measure of success in the Western world is the accumulation of material things or the wherewithal to accumulate things through money. Industriousness is applied to the making of things, i.e., planes, cars, buildings, and appliances. The cultivation of the ability to produce products and accumulate possessions receives the primary focus of Western education; whereas, the indigenous people of Africa, the Americas, and Pacific Islanders such as the Polynesians, maintain a spiritual focus in their cultures instead of on the manufacture of things. The productive ability of the people in these cultures was devoted to the erection of temples, which can be found throughout the non-European world. Family, race consciousness, and spirituality were important aspects of all indigenous societies and superseded the desire or opportunity to own things.

The great battle developing in the world between the forces of materialism and spirituality has an assured outcome, but victory will not come without a price. The forces of spirituality must wean themselves away from Western materialistic habit patterns.

The importance of this battle dwarfs other considerations and after reflection I have decided to devote all of my essays from this point forward to assisting others to break away from the materialistic values, habits, and requirements of Western society and to learn to live a more natural way of life.

The Mission Statement of Men’s Action, Inc. is “To foster a more natural way of life for humankind,” and my efforts will focus on fulfilling its objective.

Many in the West including non-Westerners, who have adopted Western values and think their culture is normal and beneficial to society, will take offense to my views. To those who cannot let go of their values, I send you my love, but the promotion of non-Western spiritual values will predominate my essays from now on.

I have indicated for many years that the receptivity to my message comes primarily from non-Western immigrants and African-Americans, people who have a cultural history of extended family and the patriarchal structure necessary to maintain it. This fact motivated me to write my second book A Gender Hand book for Western Man. A young African-American woman said to me. “Even after they read it they won’t get it.” She was right!

The lack of acceptance by Western thought of my message on gender and family also extends to my holistic healing practice. As most of you know I have studied holistic healing and believe I have received a gift to practice it. I have healed people on the West coast, overseas, and in many areas of New York. I have never met many of the people whom I heal. Most of the people who have been healed by me are non-Western immigrants and African-Americans, people whose fundamental orientation is away from matters material and towards the spiritual. I have been particularly well-received by Dominicans, even though I have had not had any previous affiliation with them.

The response to my healing activities in my neighborhood is, “I don’t believe in that crap” a phrase that I feel exemplifies Western thought’s attitude towards anything non-materialistic.

I have spent better than 20 years sharing my views with my fellow Westerners, and in essence the overall response has been “I don’t believe in that crap.”

I have been a paid weekly columnist for seven ethnic newspapers, healed in Black churches, and lectured at Mosques. Yet, not one white Christian congregation has given me the opportunity to share my message. I understand well Jesus’ statement, “The prophet is not heard in his own land.”

Many Westerners lend support to Men’s Action, but the many are but a miniscule proportion of the Western population, and they must be careful in expressing their views to their fellow employees, friends, and parishioners. I am grateful to all of you who have expressed the courage of your convictions and given my message your support.

Gandhi said, “If you want to change the world you have to start with yourself.” Applying that thinking to those of who want to change the world from its gross materialistic course, we must start with ourselves. We must start learning to live outside of the system. We must learn to live outside of the grossly materialistic medical establishment, educational institutions, communications media, and judicial establishment. We must live to live with little, share a lot, focus on the family, and increase out awareness of the creator.

We are at war now my brothers and sisters, my sons and daughters, let’s each of us do our part to win it. My future essays will focus on what we can do to live outside of the system.



Religion and Ethics

All the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether.

                    Dalai Lama


The above quote from the Dalai Lama serves as one of many examples of the tendency by international leaders to gravitate to a one-world standard for everything, including ethics. I will address that trend at another time; the purpose of this essay is to define the difference between religion and spirituality and to show why religion is losing its influence.

Spirituality is truth and knowledge. Religion is man’s finite understanding of infinite truth. It is feminine in nature in that it materializes and personalizes the impersonal truth of the unseen.

Spiritual thought comes to this world from the written and/or spoken word of spiritually advanced individuals. The institutionalization of finite expressions of infinite truth becomes religious doctrine and is limited by the relative spiritual development of those who maintain the institutions and read the spiritual texts and teachings upon which the institutions are based.

Sects splinter off from primary religious groups due to the differences in interpretation of the original material provided, a natural occurrence making for a common bond of those with a particular understanding. All major religions have multitudes of sects reflecting the relative understanding of its members, thereby providing sustenance for all levels of understanding.

Why have the religions that provided the basis for moral behavior for millennia lost their influence? The truth contained in all the great spiritual texts and preached by the various prophets has not changed. It cannot change. There are no old or new truths. There is only truth—it never changes—that’s what makes it the truth.

It is the perception of the truth that changes. If society moves upward in the spiritual realm understanding of the scriptures will increase, and if it moves downward its understanding will decrease. The last half of the 20th century witnessed a huge focus on materialism by Western society, which overshadowed increases in spiritual understanding that were beginning to sprout.

At this point I ask the reader to review A Gender History of Europe – Part 2, which explains that Europe stands alone as a continent devoid of spiritual tradition and practice. It imported a spiritual text from Asia, lost much of its knowledge in translation, and made a rule book out of what was intended to serve as a spiritual training manual.

The gross materialism of Western thought smothered any influence the Bible had on personal conduct because there was never a tradition of worship, respect for the environment, reverence for ancestors, or family focus. Home, roots, family, and tradition had very little influence in society, especially in the United States. The social structure of society was predicated on consumption and self-indulgence.

As society increased its focus on making money it decreased what little focus it had on the propagation of the species and spiritual growth. The purpose of men and women changed from collectively bringing life into this world, nurturing it, and developing moral behavior and spiritual awareness; instead it focused on learning money making skills so that they could amass material things and enjoy the self-indulgent life.

Women were lured out of the home so that they could get their fare share of money. The need for fathers and mothers in that cultural paradigm decreased as the government began feeding more children than mothers did, and providing more discipline and direction than fathers did. In that form of societal arrangement where would the implementation of religious teachings take place?

Religious practice cannot take place in a vacuum. There has to be a place where children are taught to pray, say grace, respect for elders, reverence for all things. The state doesn’t provide such an environment; to the contrary, it inhibits references and practices to God or spirituality.

The center for religious learning and practice is the family. With the deliberate emasculation of the male and the removal of his authority the family broke down, the government took control of society, and religions lost their influence.

The religions of the world will probably change for reasons stated earlier, but the truths upon which they are based will not. What the world needs is a return to the family as the focus of societal activity, and it will happen. A multitude of prophets have forecast the end of grossly materialistic societies. The current one is no exception. Solomon said there was nothing new under the Sun and Isaiah stated that we shall rebuild on the old foundations and that we will become known as the rebuilders. That day is close at hand.


Technology has the reputation of creating multitudes of labor and time saving devices and procedures providing the individual with more leisure time; a reputation derived from fallacious thinking that has become very effective in eliciting the support and cooperation of society to promote technological development that in turn serves as a vehicle for its own enslavement.

Just as a perpetual motion device cannot be developed because of the loss of energy caused by friction, labor saving devices cannot succeed because of the labor and time involved in their maintenance and construction.

Farming serves as one of many examples. At one time man foraged for the fruits and vegetables that grew naturally. After he started to farm he had to manufacture the implements necessary for farming, clear the land, and till the soil. Even using a horse to pull the plow required extensive labor in caring for the horse. The amount of time invested in farming exceeded the time formerly spent foraging for food. The cost of modern equipment such as tractors, columbines, bailers, and spreaders combined with the use of expensive herbicides and pesticides, along with the cost of bringing the produce to market far outweighs any savings in labor over foraging.

The automobile provides a more familiar example of the labor output necessary to obtain the labor saving benefits it supposedly offers. When the annual cost of depreciation, maintenance, repair, insurance, tolls, licenses, and garaging, is added up and converted to gross income necessary to pay for the operation of the car, the figure in hours worked could amount to one or two months of the labor of an individual. In addition to that figure the amount of time spent driving to and from work in order to earn the money to pay for the car needs to be added to determine the total labor investment necessary to own and operate a car. For most people, having a car is not a labor saving device but a necessity that gives them the opportunity to earn money to pay for that necessity.

Refrigerators, ovens, micro-waves, washers, dryers, telephones, and a host of electronic devices all offer supposed labor and time saving benefits, yet, with the use of each of these devices people have less and less leisure time. They suffer increasingly from angst due to the time and economic constraints of their lifestyles.

Some who read this will say that I am skirting the issues of the time and labor savings of technology by over-generalizing and not addressing the obvious benefits of labor saving by technology such as the robotization of telephone systems. Tens of thousands of telephone operators, secretaries, receptionists, and general office workers have been eliminated by using robots to answer telephones. How can there be any doubt that the robotization of telephone systems has resulted in billions of dollars in reduced wages due to the elimination of labor?

Has the automation of telephone answering systems given us more or less individual time in making phone inquiries and contacts? As we dial these robotized systems we have to listen to a menu, hopefully make the right choices, and then find after making our choices “all representatives are busy helping other customers but will be with you in a short time,” and after ten minutes of listening to this we hang up and then have to go through the whole ritual again when we try again later. We have never spent as much time trying to get information over the phone as we do now. Technology has not saved us time; it has destroyed the personal touch and served as one of many vehicles that dehumanize societal interaction while constricting our freedom.

Ultimate efficiency could only be found in the primitive state that existed before mechanical development. The Sun shone, the rains came, the rivers flowed, the flora and fauna grew, and humankind had everything it needed. People were relaxed, happy, sharing, contented and also had plenty of leisure time.

Technology is a sophisticated extension of gross materialism and functions as a means of enslaving humankind. You can only be free by learning to live outside of its seductive clutches.


The purpose of communications is to relay information and knowledge and/or express feelings, with males predominating in the former activity and females in the latter activity.

There are higher and lower levels of communication with the written word providing the least effective form of communication. Markings upon a page or any surface do not convey feelings or information unless structured into recognizable forms that represent thoughts and emotions, then the forms must be arranged in accepted sequences to clarify the meanings. Vocabularies and lexicons of these forms are expanded to identify with certain events, situations, or conditions that represent visual pictures and thus provide additional clarification to the written piece. To become proficient in the use of the written word requires much study and practice, and its specialization creates an aristocracy of grammarians and writers who collectively bypass the communicative needs of those who are less educated in the use of the written word.

The spoken word provides variations in pace, tone, and inflection, which can express meaning and feeling more easily than the written word. It provides more spontaneity than the written word and when coupled with facial expressions, gestures, and body movements can convey thoughts in a fraction of the number of words necessary to convey the same message in written language.

Actions provide more effective communication than the spoken word.  “Actions speak louder than words,” is a Western adage that has existed for centuries. St. Francis is quoted as saying, “Preach the Gospel everywhere, using words if necessary.” Our demeanor imparts a message to others.

The attributes of limited talk have been extolled by learned people from Native Americans to the Ancients.

“It does not require many words to speak the truth” Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

The Silent man was ever to be trusted, while the man ever ready with speech was never taken seriously” Chief Luther Standing Bear of the Oglala Sioux

“We believe profoundly in silence—the sign of a perfect equilibrium. Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit.” Ohiyesa of the Santee Dakota’s

“Guard your tongue in youth, and in age you may mature a thought that will be of service to your people.” Chief Wabasha

When men talk too much sin is never far away; common sense holds its tongue.” Proverbs of Solomon

“Oh for a sentry to guard my mouth and a seal of discretion to close my lips, to keep them from being my downfall, and to keep my tongue from causing my ruin!  Ecclesiasticus

“If charity and good-nature do not open her mouth, the finger of silence rests on her lips.” Amenhotep IV in describing traits of a good woman.

Thoughts provide more effective communications than actions. Thoughts have wings; they fill the air; those who have sensitivity react to them. The educated and uneducated alike can effectively communicate with each other. The thought world is filled with knowledge and love, and requires but little information.

All peoples who lived close to the land and to the God that created it practiced non-written and non-spoken communications. The Himalayan Mountains do not contain the skeletons of multitudes of Indians lost before the advent of electronic communication, nor do the jungles of Africa contain the bones of lost Africans, nor do the forests of the Americas contain the remnants of bodies of lost Native Americans.

The higher knowledge is the unseen and the lower knowledge is the seen.

The feminine nature thinks in pictures and speaks in nouns and adjectives. The masculine nature thinks in concepts and speaks in verbs and adverbs. It takes many more words to describe a picture than to state a concept.

Women react, respond and recite. They were designed to nurture the race, which requires immediate reaction and responsiveness to take care of the requirements of those that need nurturing. Also, they all instinctively know that all knowledge comes from outside of themselves; therefore, they all recite what they have learned and use that information in their reactions and responses.

All women recite regardless of their educational background, economic status, or level of professional achievement.

Men converse. The components of conversing are listening, reflecting, deciding and/or acting. Listening is not just keeping quiet until the other person stops talking, it is reflecting on what has been said after the other person finishes talking. It is from reflection that males make decisions, take action, or create new.

The disciplined man and woman both speak little and convey much. The disciplined woman conveys nurturing love in an ethical environment created by the man.

The undisciplined woman gossips and focuses on the material and sensual. Her behavior descends into a decadent lifestyle.

The undisciplined man focuses on material accomplishment and personal power at the expense of society. He neglects his duties to wife and children. The absence of ethics results in immoral behavior and a collapse of the fabric of society.

Western education has become mostly coed; therefore, instruction is geared to female thinking and communication, producing both males and females that can only recite. Also, since male authority has been removed from the home, the family has broken down, and the center for ethical principles and moral behavior has been removed. We now have a society of undisciplined men and women who recite at the lowest level of moral behavior.

Western society has degenerated into an all-talk society focused on gross materiality; created talk-shows and a variety of similar media engaging in gossip, sensation and decadence; evaluated by a system of ratings measuring sensual stimulus among viewers, listeners, and readers. Truth and knowledge can hardly be found or recognized when found.

As an American it saddens me to watch supposedly sophisticated programs such as Meet the Press, where female panelists will recite their views, and when challenged will recite even faster and then incessantly interrupt the person with an opposing point of view giving evidence that they have no conceptual understanding of the issue at hand. Even worse, men now do the same thing on similar programs and shows that they host. Communications and the media have become thoughtless entertainment.                         .

The political spectrum has degenerated into a materialistic forum based on recitations focusing on issues (symptoms) and leaving causes unaddressed. All societal issues continue to worsen because government has lost the ability to focus on causes and take the appropriate action to change them.

Men and women in the media, politics, and business all recite. If both men and women recite who determines what will be recited?

I would be pleased to hear from those of you who choose to reflect on this question.



Female Entrepreneurship

One of the rallying themes of early feminism called for removing women from the environment they referred to as drudgery, which consisted of cooking, baking, sewing, cleaning, and communications limited to references of the accomplishments of their husbands and children, their own self-adornment, and all socially constructed stereotypical activities of women. Now that women freed from pressure to engage in stereotypical homemaking activities have bloomed entrepreneurially, let’s have a look at the fields in which they have excelled.

The top American business women who do not have inherited wealth are Debbie Fields of Mrs. Fields Cookies – baking, Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay Cosmetics – self-adornment, Martha Stewart of Martha Stewart Living – cooking, Oprah Winfrey of Harpo Productions – talking, and Sara Blakely of Spanx–sewing. Also, a recent issue of Crain’s welcomed successful women entrepreneurial firms such as Moda – quilting fabrics, Birchbox – grooming products, and Bauble – women’s jewelry.  These women earned their wealth from their talents in cooking, baking sewing, talking, and self-adornment; the same activities that feminists railed against 60 years ago

Where are the female engineering and science majors that are the equivalents of Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple Computers, and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, none of whom graduated from college? Inventiveness does not require a college education or recitations. New comes from conceptual thinking, a non-recitorial male characteristic. How can anything new possibly come from non-conceptual thinking? In my first book Dear Brothers and Sisters: Gender and Its Responsibility in the chapter titled It’s New, I pointed out that new comes from the creative will of the masculine gender.

Not only do all new conceptual developments come from men, but all of the above mentioned women’s businesses depend upon the products that men developed.

These women entrepreneurs cooked, sewed, and produced female grooming products utilizing sewing machines, cutters, grommeters, computers, mixers, blenders, juicers, microwaves, freezers, laboratory equipment and petrochemicals designed and developed by men. They advertised and promoted their products on television and the internet in front of cameras, sound systems, lighting, and a host of communications products invented and developed by men.

On the other hand, Gates, Jobs, and Zuckerberg did not use anything invented and pioneered by women to develop their own products.

All women executives up to the level of CEOs function in an environment that had already been created for them. They have not created anything new.

While writing this essay I checked the internet and came across a brief story about a professional woman gambler who could hold her own with men gamblers. The female news commentator stated that her performance served as another example of women capable of doing anything that men can do. This essay should have already illustrated her statement to be one of recitorial gross ignorance. A more correct statement is “women can only do what men have first done and taught them to do.”

Men provide the means and environment for everything that a woman does. That is the nature of the universe and the symbolic meaning of Eve coming from Adam’s rib. Everything that exists comes from the masculine principle. There is no place else for anything to come from.

In A Gender Handbook for Western Man, I explained that all accomplishment requires an assertive influence acting upon a receptive entity. Two assertive influences or two receptive entities cannot accomplish anything.

We have discovered another chink in the armor of recitorial thinking—its inability to create new.

The coeducation of our children and young adults requires teaching geared to the recitorial level, inasmuch as women cannot learn at the conceptual level. If both men and women are receptive and recitorial, where will all knowledge come from?

We have reduced men and women to work digits to be ruled and directed from sources outside of themselves. The seeds for our destruction have been sown and are germinating.

The equalization of gender by law and the destruction of the family have removed people from a source of knowledge and experience accumulated over generations or even centuries, and have reduced them to automaton workers devoid of any information except what they have been trained to recite in school, on the job, or through the media.

The psyche of Western thought being female is materially oriented; therefore, the conceptual thinking of the male is limited to material inventiveness, which he has excelled in to an unprecedented degree. However, as gender differences become more subdued the natural drive and conceptual thinking of the male also becomes subdued resulting in a decrease in inventiveness. The Soviet Union failed economically because it legislated away the source of new, which the Western world has subsequently done, resulting in a drop in the inventiveness of the last 50 years to a fraction of what it was during the first half of the 20th century.  Most of what we call new today consists of adaptations and modifications to existing products. The economy, an object of worship in the Western world, is rapidly grinding to a halt, and no amount of stimulus can save it, because the modern economy depends upon the new; and the source of new—the creative will of the masculine gender—has been suppressed.

Regarding the acclaim given to those women entrepreneurs mentioned earlier, my mother could bake cookies better than Debbie Fields, aunts on both sides of my family could cook as well as Martha Stewart, and most of the women I knew in my childhood could make their own dresses. Those women used their God-given talents for the betterment of the race through service to the family. Today we herald those few women who made a lot of money for themselves, the rest have been lured out of the homes, stripped of the ability to provide nurturing family functions, given recitorial training that will eventually become obsolete, reducing them to lonely unhealthy women dependent upon the government for their survival.

If we are to survive we must walk away from the materialistic recitorial society, and re-establish the family as the focus of a spiritually based and gender oriented society.


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