Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut. By now everybody in America and probably most of the people in the world heard about this incident, but how many know the cause of the incident, what she actually said, what it reflects about the lack of morals in America, how the government collaborates in eliminating morals, and the support the government gets from deceitful and biased reporting?

Below is a quote from the Wall Street Journal of some of what Ms. Fluke said:

Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy.

Do you believe what you are reading? Contraception costs single women $3,000 during their atteandance at law school and they want American taxpayers to absorb this expense. They must have an exceptional amount of sex; more than can readily be imagined that would cost that amount of money to just prevent pregnancies. Granted ethics no longer exist in society but have modesty, discretion, and propriety also disappeared among women? Yes! That’s exactly what happens to women when male ethics are lacking and moral structures are removed. The decline of the classical Greek and Roman civilizations began when men lost their influence, morality disappeared, and society degenerated into increasingly lustful and debaucherous activity. That same formula has been applied to American society and the same end result is ensuing.

The government collaborates with the decline of values at any opportunity that presents itself. President Obama called Sandra Fluke directly and related these comments to his own daughters when they grow up by saying, “They should have a right to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on; I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way.” President Obama clearly expressed to the nation that he had no ethics, and therefore no concept of the moral structure necessary for the proper development of his own children let alone the well-being of society. He has no concept of the conduct necessary for the propagation and preservation of the species and believes in replacing moral standards with government law.

Rush Limbaugh’s comments caused a media frenzy of outrage, support for birth control, defense of women’s rights, freedom to choose, and all sorts of attacks on any activity that can be construed to mean a restriction on self-expression. However, the media did not address the effect on this nation of the absence of morals and the promotion of unrestrained sexual activity.

My first reaction to Limbaugh’s comments consisted of surprise, because the term slut has fallen into relative disuse in American society. Regardless of the dictionary definition the term, slut as once used by men referred to women not considered worthy of any close relationship. Men at one time married women who would become the mothers of their children—that requirement called for a high standard—being a slut did not meet that standard.

With the advent, acceptance, and promotion of single motherhood the standards for mothers have disappeared; consequently the term slut covers a broader array of women with less stigma associated with it, causing it to fall into relative disuse.

It’s unfortunate that now any woman can become a mother. In most of the mammal world males are not only selective about the females they choose to mate with and have care for their offspring, but they also maintain the standards of their grouping. The exception to this selectivity of mates by males occurs with increasing frequency in Western society because Western man does not consider the propagation and preservation of the species an important aspect of his spiritual journey—in fact as a group he does not consider that he is on a spiritual journey.

Indiscriminate sexual activity by women has resulted in single parenthood becoming an accepted norm that raises havoc with the well-being of the race resulting in over-worked and stressed-out mothers, insecure and lonely children, decreased academic performance, increased juvenile delinquency, a bulging prison population, economic collapse, and national angst.

When a society loses its race consciousness it then focuses on self at the neglect of the race and at the expense of the race. The term slut served to help support a standard of conduct beneficial to the race.

In Biblical times the term slut did not exist, but its equivalent “harlot”, “whore”, and “whoredom” are mentioned from the first book of the bible through Revelations. The greatest of the prophets referred to the evils of whoredom, whether referring to the individual or the nation. These prophets realized that licentiousness and debauchery are not compatible with spiritual growth, and that such behavior also leads to the degeneration of the race.

The ruling powers that support sluthood have taken steps to expunge from the Bible all references to harlotry, whoredom and whore. The New International Version of the Bible no longer contains these terms. We are witnessing a rewriting and re-interpretation of matters spiritual in order to support sluthood.

Until men recognize their obligation to propagate and preserve the race while on its spiritual journey, society will continue its degenerative decline. Some might feel that Limbaugh’s comments were a wake up call, while others might feel that the horse is already out of the barn.

In any event, the battle that is now raging between gross materialism (of which sluthood is an integral part) and spirituality, will continue to grow, and its outcome is assured.


This past week members of the United States Congress and the media made it clear that the care of women has become a responsibility of the state. On Thursday February 16th a committee of the U.S. Congress held a hearing regarding abortion. Those asked to testify were apparently all clergymen. Two female members of Congress, Representatives Carolyn Maloney of New York and Eleanor Homes Norton of Washington, D.C., took umbrage that no women were asked to testify and walked out of the hearing.

Rep. Maloney made the following statement: What I want to know is, where are the women? When I look at this panel, I don’t see one single woman representing the tens of millions of women across the country who want and need insurance coverage for basic preventive health care services, including family planning. Where are the women?

Rep. Maloney apparently considers the care of women to be a function of themselves and the state. She is probably unaware—or at the least does not like to admit—that the care of the family, tribe, and race has always been the responsibility of men. The responsibility of males extends to the care of the pride, herd, flock, gam, and most all groupings of mammals and birds.

Spiritual texts throughout the world and from all ages motivate men to take care of women and children, of widows, and orphans (that could account for the clergy being at the hearing). All cultures of indigenous peoples show an inherent understanding that men provide the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. Western society worships materialism and has neutered the male, which has destroyed the family and now makes women dependent upon government largess and law to care for their well-being; and they have been told they are liberated.

The result of government care of women has had a devastating effect on their health. In the United States 300,000 new cases of breast cancer occur each year and the majority of women now develop fibroids. Ten million American Women—ten percent of the adult female population—suffer from debilitating depression; this malady also affects three million girls. The use of stress medication has become the norm as increasing numbers of women suffer from a variety of stress related disease; but that’s okay because they are liberated.

The removal of men from authority resulted in the elimination of ethics from which moral behavior stems. The sexual promiscuity promoted due to the lack of morals that men once established has resulted in increasing cases of chlamidia, human papilloma virus, and herpes; all very painful conditions for women. But then they are liberated.

The decline of ethics has wrought even deeper devastation on society. Forty percent of all births occur out of wedlock, 24 million children go to bed at night without a father in the home, 82% of children the age of 18 do not live in a home containing both of their natural parents. The liberated mothers that spawn these births are too busy working to nurture their children and the state has taken over their rearing. This has resulted in America now having the most violent boys in the world. The chances of boys having a relationship with the law, using drugs, joining street gangs, going to prison, being shot dead in the streets or all of the above increase with every out-of-wedlock birth. Still their mothers are liberated.

The Western ignorance of the purpose of men and women knows no bounds. The day after the media’s blanketing of its outlets with the abortion controversy the Huffington Post revealed that The New York Times Book Review used the term “chick non-fiction” in referring to the work of women non-fiction writers, as though they were different from men. Women’s Editor Margaret Wheeler Johnson wrote “So here we are again. I thought after the Great Jonathan Franzen Debacle of 2001, no man would ever again dare to suggest publicly that there is an inferior class of books that only women read.”

Get that, that a man should “dare” to suggest publicly. Well I ask that all of you who read this essay please send Ms. Johnson of the Huff Post an Email, a twitter, or whatever method of communication that you use and tell her that there is a man that says so emphatically and publicly and will continue to do so anywhere and without charge.

He will state unequivocally that a woman cannot do anything that a man can do; and that the reason society is degenerating is because male responsibility and authority have been removed. Every society that has seen the removal of male authority has disintegrated. The Taoists state that without the Yang the Yin will disappear. The whole non-Western world knows that.

Regarding women’s communication, women think in pictures and speak in nouns; men think in concepts and speak in verbs. The entire communications media deals in effects (pictures) and describes them in nouns. That accounts for why women’s health in particular and all of society in general continues to deteriorate. To change things requires getting at the cause (conceptual thinking) and taking action (verbs).

Representative Nancy Pelosi joined the fray concerning the abortion hearing by repeating the question “Where are the women” and then finishing off with “duh.” Send this article to all the “duh” women and let them know that the sickest and unhappiest women in the world are Western women because “duh” they don’t have men to care for them.

By the way, if you click the link on the Huff Post article you will find one of the articles available on that page titled, Ready to be a Single Mom? Isn’t that great? Screw up the race a little more, remember you’re liberated.


P.S. Please mail copies of this article to any media option available to you. E.G.

The economic conditions in Greece have caused renewed and intense rioting. Increasing numbers of people live in the streets, as they can no longer afford shelter. Many people find it difficult to obtain adequate food and clothing. Economists and financiers say that the Greeks did not have their financial house in order, which might be true, but who is to be the judge of this?

The answer is the free market; that vehicle created by international financiers that enables them to own the world and tell people how to live on it.

The Western worship of matters material has created a way of life that has enslaved it. People must now pay for the land they live on and travel on, the water they drink, and the food to eat. Soon it will be normal practice to have to pay for the opportunity to relieve oneself in a public toilet. Everything is owned—everything! Every natural need and activity requires the payment of a fee in one-way or another.

The concept of ownership has been ingrained into the psyche of the Western mind and it considers the activities related to ownership to be natural, the worst of these being qualifying for and obtaining a job.

Jobs provide the vehicle through which humanity shows obeisance to those who own the world for the privilege being allowed to toil for their sustenance.

The entire educational system is based on conditioning people to become jobholders. Universities have devolved into Vagina Vocational Institutions that prepare women, wimps, and neutered males for a life of toil and obeisance. The universities program the students to believe that having a job provides liberation for women, equality for wimps, and enlightenment for the neutered. Only a very few will grasp that they have been conditioned to live a life of economic servitude.

These Vagina Vocational Institutions indoctrinate people into an unnatural lifestyle that make them dependent upon government for every aspect of their thinking. These institutions also provide the vehicle for getting the students into sufficient debt so that in essence they will be beholden to the government for the rest of their lives. Thirdly, these institutions dumb down our youth who spend years in a university, get a degree, and end up knowing less than high school graduates did 60 years ago.

Modern technology has made it possible to produce more and more product with fewer and fewer people. Eventually a minority of people will be able to produce the majority of product. This activity will leave most people without jobs and in need of government dole. The people are already being psychologically prepared for this type of existence by the government as they promote receiving food stamps as being smart. Don’t be ashamed; be smart—go on food stamps. That will be followed by rent subsidies. We already have universal health coverage. The world is now owned by the few and they pay governments to dole out sustenance to the populace.

As this system becomes entrenched throughout the world, rioting will increase on every continent as the masses slowly begin to awaken to the unnatural lifestyle enforced upon them. Governments have already made significant preparation to control the masses as they begin to awaken. Security cameras have become ubiquitous and few people complain. The newer buses operated by the MTA in New York City enclose the drivers in Plexiglas and money is not collected on these buses. Loud speakers continually remind passengers that it is a felony to attack a transit worker. The message is clear: Beware of the government and all who work for it.

Big Brother is here now my sons and daughters, and he is intensifying his grip on the world. Even the rioting that will occur everywhere will not change things, because the thinking that created this monster has not changed. The OWS movement had no clear statement for change—their thinking was in accord with the system. Their only complaint was that they weren’t getting what they deemed to be their fair share. If the rioting in the streets of the world leads to the overthrow of governments they will be no more successful than the French Revolution, which had no clear alternative for change; consequently when it was over it had created a larger and stronger government.

The only lasting change will be brought about by a change in thinking, it requires an understanding that the natural activity of men is to provide for the propagation and preservation of the race, including its spiritual development. Men accomplish this activity by creating the environment and means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. This often requires a lot of work frequently accompanied by danger. The motivation for this activity is not money or ownership but the well-being of society. These activities are not considered to be jobs.

The time has come to take action. Our mission statement is clear. Are you working to bring about its implementation? You can do this by getting friends and like-minded people to subscribe to this website. You can invest in my books, or if you have already done so, get others to invest in them. You can meet with like-minded people and discuss these issues and how to further implement the mission statement.

Are you going to become active and prepare for change or will you sit by and become overwhelmed by the rioting?


We tend to use the words wealth and abundance interchangeably in our society, and their usage conjures similar images in our minds eye; however, closer examination shows they denote entirely different conditions. The interchange of these words has adversely effected our lives.

Abundance generally means “a lot of” something. We refer to abundant sunshine or rainfall, an abundant harvest, or an abundant catch for fishermen. The Bible refers to living abundantly. Everyone can have abundant sunshine, rain, harvests or catches. Everyone can live abundantly if we define it as having all of our needs met. The American Indians lived abundantly, as did the Pacific Islanders and the Africans. They all had an abundance of what they needed to live healthful lives. Birds, fish, and mammals also all live abundantly.

The term wealth on the other hand tends to be a comparative word based on ownership. We cannot all be wealthy, because wealthy people have more possessions than the poor.
Wealth and poverty are interdependent. Rich and poor depend upon each other not only for the definition of their respective positions but also for the exercise of their positions.

Jesus said, “The poor will always be among you,” for the reason that the society that he administered to believed in ownership. A person can only amass great wealth if multitudes have little; having little means owning little or nothing. In a society that shares, poverty cannot exist; taking care of each other prevents poverty from forming.

We who live in Western nations, especially in the United States believe that we have the opportunity to be rewarded for our efforts and can attain great wealth. Children are told to go to school, get an education, get a job, make a lot of money and be somebody. Having money—more money than your neighbor has—is being somebody. This philosophy in essence causes us to wish ill of our neighbor, for success is measured by having more than him.

Last year America produced 43 new millionaires—a fact that was heralded in the media. That same year hundreds of thousands of food stamp recipients were added to government rolls. There cannot be wealthy people without poor people, nor can their be wealthy nations without poor nations.

The Capitalistic system teaches that wealth is not a finite quantity, that wealth is created and that we all share in it. New products create jobs and more wealth is provided for more people. As a former business owner I once bought into that argument. I owned a small manufacturing company and created jobs for the unskilled and semi-killed. However, upon introspection I realized that their families had been destroyed and land was no longer available to them. They needed me because the system we operate in left them destitute.

Free enterprise creates wealth and poverty; only God creates abundance.

We live in a world of rich nations and poor nations, and within these nations there are rich people and poor people. The rich people—the very rich—are united in their efforts to control the world, which they already own. This rightness of ownership regardless of the consequences is so embedded in the Western psyche that when candidate Gingrich boasted that he would establish a colony on the Moon with an American Flag on it there was local applause and no national outcry. Financial interests already own the world and the water upon it; the next move apparently is to start ownership of the solar system. We could be fighting wars over who owns Mercury or Mars.

There seems to be no end to this madness of ownership and self-indulgence. The vehicle that taught sharing and working together for a common purpose was the family. Now that it has been destroyed and the government has take over the indoctrination of our youth the concept of self-centeredness, material acquisition, and self-indulgence are considered to be normal. The government continues to create drones that become increasingly dependent upon governmental largess while fewer and fewer people own the world and run it.

There is no system of government that can successfully function in a society based on ownership. Liberals and conservative, communists and capitalists, and all the shades and variations of Western governments cannot survive because they are grossly materialistic.

We live in God’s world and it was created to sustain his people. This concept that we must be beholden to another man for our survival is unnatural and will pass.

I read in a metaphysical book written more than one hundred years ago that a battle is shaping up between the material and spiritual forces of this world. I feel this battle has already begun and will intensify. We can sit back and watch it and eventually become overwhelmed by it or we can start to live differently now and survive it.

If you want to become active rather than passive I ask that you review the Men’s Action Mission statement and determine what part you can play in bringing about a more natural way of life for humankind. What is natural will survive. What isn’t won’t. Gross materialism is unnatural. It is passing.

Prepare yourself for the future—live a natural way of life. One way to do this is by supporting Men’s Action.


Yesterday in a discussion with a colleague I stated that Western society couldn’t be fixed and that it would not last much longer. It is built on a weak or un-natural foundation. Any further tinkering will only move the problems from one location to another, but the overall health and well-being of society will continue to degenerate. Western society is a sinking ship, and now is the time to look for a good lifeboat.

Section IV of our mission statement contains steps for living a more healthful life that will lead to health options in addition to those provided by drug companies and the AMA. These steps will lead to having a lifeboat. On November 6, 2011 I posted the essay Holistic Healing Available from Men’s Action, as a step in fulfilling the mission statement. Two of our subscribers took advantage of this healing and their testimonials follow:

Cluster Headaches

I suffered from cluster headaches for 25 years. These headaches would occur about every two years lasting a few months each time and causing severe pain. The pain of cluster headaches is so severe that they are known as “suicide headaches” due to the fact that some sufferers have chosen to end their lives rather than endure the pain of the headaches, which can be described as a stabbing, and tearing pain located behind the eye socket.

I took pain pills along with a prophylaxis but nothing helped. When Elder George started treating me from New York City I stopped taking pain pills at the end of the first week. I stopped taking prophylaxis a couple of weeks later. The headaches have not returned.

Thanks Elder George

B.C. Torrance, CA Nov 2011

Arthritic Ankle

In the mid 1970’s I was in a rather serious auto accident. Among other injuries my right foot was crushed. The resulting arthritic condition had worsened over the last several years and my radius of operation had been decreasing. The pain had become severe and I considered pain management as the next medical procedure.

One day Elder George whom I had never met but considered a close friend from internet correspondence, suggested I give Pranic Healing a try. I thought, “Sure, what have I got to lose?” I was not familiar with the concept of Prana but George said it had worked for him (and when one is in pain one is open to experimentation with whatever offers relief). We agreed to try three sessions a week for a month to see if it helped.

A few hours after my phone conversation with George (he was in New York and I was in California), I was sitting in my chair in my office when I felt this wave flow through me. The feeling was sort of like when one takes a deep breath and holds it for a time to build up the tension and then lets it out. I had never spontaneously witnessed this sensation before. (I assumed that George was doing his Energy Healing).

Over the next few days I became aware that my ankle felt different. It was very subtle and I am unable to describe the difference. I do know that I was striding out more confidently, unconcerned with the likelihood of pain. Prior to my treatments I would be hesitant in my movements, anticipating the discomfort with each step.I was stunned at how quickly the pain ceased. I have essentially no pain in my ankle when I walk now. One day I walked several miles with no pain.

And the very best part: I did not have to do a thing. The pain just magically disappeared.Thank you Elder George

H. D. Sacramento, CA January 2012

The purpose of my article of last November was to acquaint you with one of many forms of alternative healing. A dream of mine is to someday have on our website a list containing the names of practitioners of alternate forms of healing. Until then look in your own area and give them a try. If you cannot find one that you are confident with, send me an Email or give me a call.

When I treat you there is no taking time off from work, no travel time or expense, and no physical examinations. I can examine any body, anywhere, and at any time. As H.D. said above “The pain just magically disappeared.”

I strongly urge all of you to prepare for the day when the Western way of life degenerates into deep collapse—a collapse that has already begun and is intensifying. Please do not give these articles a complacent Ho-Hum response or you will get caught up in the sinking of our grossly materialistic ship without a lifeboat available to you. I am offering you a lifeboat now. Start thinking and living differently.

One way you can do this is to contact me for any ailments that you might have.

You have nothing to lose but your aches and pains.


Most of us have two images of ourselves, the one on the inside that only we see and the one that we project on the outside for others to see. The difference between these two images produces stress within us; the greater the degree of difference the greater the degree of stress.

Some of the outer projections that we concern ourselves with might focus on how we appear to our fellow employees, the boss, our customers, the opposite sex, our family, our neighbors, or those we socialize with.

Various self-help courses and support groups that have as an objective the improvement of our outer image only make matters worse. They increase the distance between what we think of ourselves and what we are trying to project. The preoccupation with how we look on the outside causes great stress on the inside,

This same dichotomy of images appears on the national level as well. The Western world focuses on the outside, on gross domestic product and the acquisition of things. Society bombards itself with motivations to buy a better car, more stylish clothes, more expensive vacations, higher paying jobs, more profitable investments, and more ornate homes as part of efforts to become “somebody.” That “somebody” is the image that we try to project.

Projecting one image and living a different image causes anxiety and stress on a national level just as it does on the individual level. In essence we are living a lie. Living a lie causes great pressure on the mind and psyche because it involves acting on a continuous basis and also makes us unduly sensitive to the comments and evaluations of others.

While the Western world gives the image of strength on the outside it is crumbling on the inside. The World Health Organization announced that the number one health issue of England, the United States and Canada is mental illness. The National Institute for Mental Illness estimates that at any given time 25% of Americans suffer from mental issues. The number one debilitating illness of the American woman and European woman is depression.

Just as individuals suffer from focusing on the outside, nations and cultures do so as well. All of Western society and all nations that have accepted the Western culture suffer from stress and the mental, physical, and spiritual effects resulting there from.

Another way to live consists of focusing on the inside. When I lived in Harlem one of the songs sung in the black churches was titled “Working on the inside, changing on the outside.” That song expresses a great spiritual truth. Who we are on the inside governs what we express on the outside. Gandhi said, “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” When we change ourselves we change what we express and the responses of others as they react to what we express. That’s how we can change the world.

A loving mother who devotes herself to her family and who constantly pours out nurturing love changes the world. She fills her environment with peace and calm. She has an aura of love about her that fills the home. Her children reflect this environment in their joy, happiness, and contentment; anxiety, tension, and anger do not reside in them. The man who provides the safe and secure environment and means for his wife to function in enables her to manifest her unconditional love.

There is no greater contribution that can be given to humankind than the raising of well-balanced, caring, and obedient children. They will grow up with an attitude of giving rather than taking and of sharing rather than owning. What a child learns when he is young he will remember all his life. The place for good learning is a happy home and that can only come about through the dedication of a caring mother and father.

The finest universities and the most brilliant professors cannot do for this world what a stable and loving home environment can do. Long after this era of material information and technology passes, loving and caring homes will remain. They will prosper as the decline of materialism accelerates.

It’s time that we live outside of the materially focused and government dominated environment and start living our lives simply and lovingly. It’s time to get rid of the individual anxiety and national angst produced by the environment of an uncaring and selfish society.

Let not forget that this world was designed by a great power. That power sent prophets throughout the world since the beginning of human existence to teach us how to live in this world. Problems ensue when we start to live outside of these teachings.

Our present society has made a God of materialism. It has created a multitude of material edifices that it worships. The power that created this world in the snapping of his fingers can bring down the works that man labored years, decades, and centuries to create. In the snapping of his fingers he brings about earthquakes, floods, and storms that in moments destroy and wash away dams, bridges, tunnels, buildings and all the other edifices of material accomplishment and worship.

As this year begins we are witnessing the accelerating destruction of, and the discontent with, the world that man has built. Every continent witnesses continuing demonstrations of discontent by people of various races, religions, and ethnicities. We know that something is wrong but we don’t know what it is yet. Eventually circumstance will force us to recognize the balance of nature, the Yin and Yang of existence, and the divine purpose of propagating and preserving the species while on our spiritual journey.

We are receiving help from our creator as with increasing frequency he brings down the works of man and the power of the mighty. The meek shall inherent the earth is a great spiritual truism. They always do. Let us be meek and work on the person within. The more that person develops the greater the good he will be able to accomplish in this world. Let’s get rid of the false person on the outside and let the true person on the inside reflect our goodness.

My thoughts are with you all as we enter this year of challenge and growth. Let’s live simply, share what we have, love God and be kind to all. That will produce inner peace along with a great image.


In 20 years of writing and lecturing about gender I have never endorsed a political candidate or party at any level of government here or abroad. If an organizational structure is fundamentally unsound, there is nothing that can be done within it to make it sound, healthy, or viable. My thinking has not changed concerning this matter; nevertheless, I will make comments concerning the political field for the forthcoming presidential elections as it relates to the control of the media and its manipulation of public opinion.

In my previous essay titled Herman Cain and Media Gossip I indicated that the world financial interests controlling the media used gossip to destroy the masculine influence in society. This essay will show the influence of the media in determining who runs for the office of President of the United States. To those in other nations who subscribe to this website you will find that the media in your country also has a manipulative and often subtle influence in the political sphere.

Republican presidential activity has produced many candidates of various abilities and persuasions although Mitt Romney has maintained his position as the frontrunner. Many have reached the number two position only to fade away as the campaign progressed. Palin, Bachman, Perry, Cain and Gingrich have all had their time in second place in the polls. This change of position is a natural occurrence as voters become aware of and then evaluate candidates and their political philosophies.

The media appears to give each candidate fair coverage within the philosophy of the program doing the reporting. However, there is one candidate who has consistently held third place in the polling, has never lost momentum, whose name is mentioned infrequently and whose picture only rarely receives publication. That name is Ron Paul, and he has been in the shadow of media political reporting for the entire year. Now that Gingrich is fading the media can no longer keep Ron Paul in the shadows, they now have to acknowledge his presence and address it.

They address it in a very negative but subtle manner as occurred on Meet the Press when David Gregory interviewed Ron Paul. On the surface it appears that Meet the Press gave Ron Paul national recognition, but closer examination will reveal that David Gregory’s questions focused on what Ron Paul thought of Romney and Gingrich. They did not focus on Ron Paul’s views. The millions of viewers who tuned in to that program knew little more about Ron Paul after the interview was over than before it started.

Nevertheless, Ron Paul’s popularity in the polls continues to increase, which required more aggressive and subtler reporting. On Hardball the panel addressed the negative effect on the Republican Party if Ron Paul developed a stronger following. Why the concern about the negative effects that Ron Paul’s ascendancy can cause within his own party? They should exhibit joy at the prospect of the republican’s rallying behind someone that would be injurious to themselves. Why not give him a lot of exposure to help him become a divisive factor in the party? Hardball, and all the political programs of MSNBC are liberal and Democrat oriented. Why this feigned compassion for their enemies?

The media ignored Ron Paul for all of 2011. Now that they have to address him they have begun to attack him. The early attacks have been subtle, but as the days pass the attacks will become more direct and vicious. Watch how the media conducts itself regarding the candidacy of Ron Paul in the time remaining before the Iowa caucuses. They are starting to mention Santorum and Huntsman as viable candidates with more frequency while digging up what dirt they can find in Paul’s past. This by the way, is more gossip and subterfuge.

Regardless of your political persuasion ask yourselves why this is so. What accounts for the fear of little 77 year-old Ron Paul by the forces that control the media?

Any comments will be published under Member Editorial.

Herman Cain dropped out of the American presidential campaign due to the negative media attention given to the claim by a woman that she had an intimate relationship with him for 13 years. Why did she feel compelled to make that announcement after thirteen years and why was the focus of impropriety on Cain and not her? He didn’t date a married woman. She dated a married man and in her own words, not for love but for sex and money.

Actions like hers have been traditionally viewed as whoredom, and the Cain affair provides an excellent opportunity to address the subject in the context of Western society; however, the focus of this essay will be on the timing of the Cain revelations and the reason for it.

A review of occurrences similar to the Cain affair will show that they follow a certain pattern. Adverse media publicity also affected the career and domestic life of world famous golfer Tiger Woods for his sex relations with porn queens, hookers, and an assortment of groupies. Negative media publicity concerning sexual activity adversely affected the career of then governor of New York Eliot Spitzer. The presidential campaign of Gary Hart came to an abrupt halt when the media publicized his trysts with a single woman. Justice Clarence Thomas’ nomination for the Supreme Court became jeopardized and his reputation tarnished forever when a woman accused him of improper sexual conversation and remarks. John Edwards had to dropout of the 2008 presidential race because of media hounding due to his relationship with a staff member. These men were all at or approaching the peak of their careers.

None of the above men had sexual relationships with married women, nor did they invade the sanctity of someone else’s marriage; nevertheless, their careers and reputations were negatively affected.

The women who had sexual relationships with these men did invade the sanctity of another marriage; they committed adultery and whoredom. They also prospered from their activities. The accusing women appeared on television and radio talk shows, wrote columns for magazines, had their pictures featured in magazines, lectured, and even got jobs. The most flagrant example of a double gender standard occurred in the case of Eliot Spitzer who had to resign from his post in disgrace, while the prostitute he consorted with got a job as a columnist with a New York newspaper.

What motivated these women to have these relationships, why did they step forward and announce their behavior to the world, and why did the media harass and denigrate the men while not even casting negative aspersions towards the women?

The first two parts of this question relate to whoredom; the third part has the most significance for this essay. Why did the media harass and denigrate these men? Why at that critical point in their careers did the media choose to focus a fusillade of criticism at them? Why did it highlight every allegation of impropriety whether substantiated or not? These questions probe the very heart of the moral issue in America and the Western world. The power that controls the media has focused on the destruction of male authority and influence.

Men provide the ethics from which moral behavior derives. No men—no ethics—no ethics—no morals. The subject of morals never arose in the attack on these men. When a society lacks a moral system laws and punishment must be developed to prevent chaos form spreading throughout society. The growth in the number of laws relates to the growth of government and all aspects of law enforcement. The prison population continues to increase and security measures such as inspections, hidden cameras, and the ever present security guards, abound in all facets of society

Government influence has entered into every area of private and public life including the raising of children, form of education, medical practice, licensing of vocations, marriage licenses, incorporation of business and a host of other activities that impinge upon every aspect of daily living.

Examples of government involvement in the lives of Western society abound in my books and previous essays; this essay focuses on the controlling powers in Western society who by working through the media maintain a constant and concerted effort to debase the male.

This effort works through the entertainment media as well as the news media, although the line of distinction between the two has become blurred. In essence all media have become vehicles of entertainment. Talk shows, panel shows, and political analysis all provide entertainment value. Women love gossip, and since the majority of viewers now consist of women, the shows maintain a gossip orientation. The proliferation of women in the media provides a large pool of those who have the capability and motivation to create gossip. Male panelists and journalists now gossip the same as women do—they have all become gossipy entertainers. Gossip permeates sports programs as well.

A reflection on the downfall and/or negative images that accrued to the men mentioned at the outset of this essay will reveal that all of it occurred as the result of gossip. Gossip fueled by well-orchestrated efforts of the media in accordance with the directives of those who control world finance now fells the mighty.

The organizations that the accused men in this article belonged to did not attack, reprimand, censured, or expel them; nor were they subject to litigation other than for possible misuse of funds. These men were brought down by gossip.

Any organization that condones gossip will self-destruct, which is the reason that all female organizations eventually fail. They cannot sustain themselves. The Western world cannot sustain itself; it is based on gossip. Gossip destroys. It destroyed Herman Cain.


The fourth item of the Men’s Action Mission Statement reads, “Foster respect for the environment and a life style that results in health and well being.” A part of the strategy to bring about this segment of the mission statement calls for promoting holistic health.
Two basic considerations led me to the decision to include holistic health in the mission statement

The first consideration came about as a result of the drug and/or cut philosophy of modern medicine, which I find lacking in understanding of the cause and cure of illness. This is not to say that that humankind has not derived benefits from painless and reconstructive dentistry along with bionic orthopedic surgery; however, these technological developments in essence deal with illness not health. Not infrequently surgeries need to be redone for the reason that they have addressed the effect and not the cause. Prescription drugs deal with effects as well and for the most part do not heal anything, but create bodily dependencies for these drugs.

The second consideration leading to the promotion of holistic healing was what I perceived to be the unsustainable ability to pay for the increasing use of drug therapy. The soaring use of prescription drugs has now contributed to an economic crisis in America and the rest of the world. Instead of focusing on how to pay for prescription drugs the emphasis should be on how to prevent the need for their use; however, this thinking has not presented itself on the medical or political spectrum.

My goal is to have practitioners of various alternative-healing systems provide their services at no-charge or reduced-charge to those in need under the auspices of Men’s Action. A segment of this activity has begun, and I take this opportunity to share it with you.

About two and a half years ago I took the basic course in pranic healing. After completing it I treated a Mexican woman who worked in a neighborhood store and the results are contained in the following testimony:

When elder George first started treating me my back ached across the shoulders, across the lower back and along the sides. I had migraine headaches, a chronic earache and congestion in my throat. I had also just been diagnosed as having a hypothyroid condition and had been put on medication.

After two weeks of treatment my back no longer ached. Then my throat congestion disappeared. After that my migraine headaches disappeared. On my next visit to the doctor he was amazed at how fast my thyroid improved and cut my daily dosage of medication in half. On my next visit to the doctor he said my thyroid was functioning normally. I no longer take any medication. Elder George treated me three times a week for two months. S.G.

After having achieved that level of success I began to practice on other people. Since then I have completed the advanced course and the psycho therapy course and am now in a position to provide healing for most any condition presented to me.

At this point you might ask the question, What is Pranic Healing? The energy of the universe is called Prana in India, Chi in China, Ji in Japan and flows through our bodies. When our bodies malfunction the energy flow becomes blocked and congested. Pranic healing wipes away this blockage restoring normal energy flow to the afflicted part. It also energizes the afflicted organ, muscle or bone to hasten its recovery and return to natural functioning.

Panic healing can be performed remotely. I treated a man in California who had cluster headaches for 25 years. He stopped taking pain medication after the first week and all signs of his affliction disappeared after four weeks of treatment. I treated a 69 year-old woman in Brooklyn who I never met and who suffered from an abdominal disorder and severe arthritic pain in her right leg. After six weeks of treatments she no longer has any discomfort. Most treatments are given two to three times a week and most of the time they are done remotely.

I have treated fibroids, irregular and painful menstruation, arthritis, and especially the effects of stress.

In accordance with my original plan I offer these treatments at very low prices. In New York City pranic healers receive $100 per treatment. I charge $35 and give discounts for extended treatment. Sometimes I do it for nothing for the needy.

Healing can be instantaneous or take years, depending on the severity of the ailment, how long it has existed, and the general vitality of the person afflicted.

There are pranic healers in most countries, and by using the internet you can probably find one near you.

If you would like to try my services I charge $50 for the initial examination and treatment and then $35 per treatment thereafter.

The collapse of Western society is accelerating throughout the world. To those of you who either subscribe to this website, have read my books, newspaper articles, and viewed my videos, you know that I do not believe in fixing the system, but in learning how to live outside of it. Item IV of the Mission Statement focuses on health, and one aspect of health is healing. I described one venue here. You choose what you feel is right for you. Your body is the holy temple given to you by your creator—take care of it.

At this point I will share with you my own physical condition, as I believe people who espouse a certain way of life should for the most part be representative of it. I was born with the average number of bodily imperfections and defects and had my share of surgeries that these defects eventually necessitated. Nevertheless, I plan on celebrating my 82nd birthday next month. I do not take medications—prescription or otherwise—and my blood pressure averages 120/70. This condition did not come about by accident but by a conscious effort to improve the strength and natural functioning of my body. During the past 25 years I added naturopathic health practices to the conventional care I received. I also became a vegetarian and no longer drink alcoholic beverages. I have done yoga exercises for most of my adult life. In short I try to live the natural lifestyle that I promote.

For those of you who would like to try my services I make a special offering, just make a $50 donation, (the donate button is a few inches below my picture on send me you name, birth date, and a description of your ailments and I will give you two treatments and then get back to you with a treatment plan. You have nothing to lose except your aches and pains.

Thank you all for your consideration.


A book titled Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui unintentionally serves as an excellent treatise on the effects of the gross materialism of Western society. Author Karen Kingston’s book makes no reference to gender but it serves as an example of the gender imbalance of the West and the physical, mental, and spiritual cluttering that occurs at every level of society from the individual to the nation.

She refers to the universal free flow of energy and how clutter or non-utilized material objects interfere with this free flow of energy. Stockpiled materials become energy congestion centers that inhibit the flow of energy and produce a malfunctioning of the environment and those within it.

The relationship of blocked energy to malfunction applies to the smallest cell of the body and the largest nebulae. The field of pranic healing also understands the principle that blocked energy causes malfunction. Any malfunctioning body part can be restored to normal function by the removal of the blockage and reenergizing it.

The indigenous people of the Americas, Africa, and the Pacific lived simple and uncluttered lives, which helped to provide them with physical, mental, and spiritual health. They could not understand Western man’s desire to accumulate material things. In an address to his people American Indian Chief Sitting Bull said that the white man’s desire to accumulate things was like a disease. It wasn’t like a disease; it is a disease and it has cluttered and infected every aspect of Western society.

Kingston indicates that among other things, clutter can cause weight gain, depression, and disharmony.

Regarding weight gain the United States has the highest percentage of diabetics per population in the world. Thirty percent of the nation suffers from obesity, and overweight people are the norm.

Depression is the number one illness of the American woman with upwards of 10% of the adult female population suffering from that ailment. Depression affects 15% of European women. The World Health Organization reports that mental illness comprises the number one health issue of England, the United States and Canada. The Western world is going insane amid its clutter of materiality.

Regarding disharmony, divorce is on the increase, marriage is on the decrease and broken relationships are the norm in the Western world. America has the highest percentage of people involved in litigation as members of society become increasingly incapable of relating with each other in a positive and considerate manner.

Depression, obesity, and disharmony if not causative are at least contributing factors to the high rates of breast cancer, fibroids, and menstrual issues that occur among Western women.

In light of these significant issues affecting the bulk of Western society throughout the world one would expect that they would be major areas for the political system and governments to address. Instead governments focus on the economy –on producing more. Fed Chairman Bernanke has lowered interest rates so that businesses will invest more and produce more. Secretary of the Treasury Geitner said that America most produce its way out of the recession. World banks have concerns about debtor nations being able to produce enough to retire their debts.

The Western psyche focuses on producing more material stuff, which ultimately becomes junk or clutter. This increase in the production of goods has caused garbage disposal to become an increasingly costly and dangerous issue. The Western world has created a self-defeating cycle of producing stuff that it must eventually dispose of.

The solutions to Western clutter issues come from the East, and while Karen Kingston does not state that in her book she nevertheless refers to karma, metaphysics, fasting, aura, and Feng Shui itself, which are all of Asian origin. A review of the five part series A Gender History of Europe on this website will illustrate why this is so.

In saying that the solutions come from the East, does not mean that they come from Eastern people. Western thought has permeated the globe and an example can be seen from the comments made by an Egyptian revolutionary who addressed the Wall Street Demonstrators and alluded to the merits of Communism. Whether followers of Marx or Smith, communism or capitalism, the Western psyche can only focus on matters material irrespective of the person’s racial, ethnic or religious orientation.

The focus on jobs, the economy, taxes, profits, inflation, investment, and retirement by the entire political spectrum of all nations indicates their addiction to matters material and the inability to understand the purpose and meaning of life. The world is drowning in the effects of the mental, physical and pyshic junk that it has produced.

The issues of Western society cannot be resolved until there is a change in thinking from its imbalanced feminine materialistic orientation into a more balanced patriarchal understanding that focuses on the propagation and preservation of the species as part of its spiritual journey. There must be a balance between material and spiritual activity.

This change will come about either through a mass spiritual insight or a mass destruction of society, as we know it. Either way the thinking of humankind will be changed and Western thought alond with its junk will be buried.


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